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Thursday, August 27, 2020


“Now more than ever!”

Let me amend Rahm’s infamous uttering … “never let a crisis, real or imagined, go
to waste” … and both in society at large and in financial markets, it’s hard to tell
the difference anymore … in the headlines this A.M., rich, overpaid, hypocritical,
ChiCom loving, money grubbing, shiftless / lazy, NBA players on strike cuz of a
shooting in Wisconsin … anything more hilarious than this recently? … news
flash for the NBA: “go ahead, you won’t be missed … I like many others could
care less about the NBA, MLB, and most likely soon to be NFL, and have had it
up to my eyeballs with societies malcontents whining while they make millions
from a system they profess to hate … won’t support you, and won’t come back
… ever … oh, and don’t let the FACTS  of the shooting get in the way of your
SJW narrative, no matter how inconvenient, cuz as we all know, the only thing that
matters is the LIBTARD agenda … no worries, though Lebron, cuz once your
league goes bust in the U.S., you can always go to ChiCom land and hustle over
there, where I’m sure Xi & his thugs will welcome you with open arms … what
could possibly go wrong”?

And so right on cue, here comes Spicoli in a few hours with his bullshit from the
faculty lounge Twits over in J-Hole, Wyoming … appropriate I think, cuz Wyoming
is a very big place and can hold all the bullshit … financial markets? … well, we’ll
see, but the only metric that matters to the global elitists at the FED is the SP500
& the NDX100, while main street U.S.A. burns down to the ground, jobs &
businesses lost forever, and the CNTRL-P machine stays on “high” forever
… “how do you like your new life via government handouts”? … forget work,
forget that small business dream of yours, here’s your “stimulus” check! … isn’t
this great? … the FED can just print money forever, and then decide who gets
what, and what can possibly go wrong?

Quite frankly, the only reason I’m confident that FX will continue & thrive into this
dystopian future, is that the POLS, Apparatchiks, regulators, and other assorted
miscreant creatures from the “swamp”, need their money under the table from the
banks thieving ways … take away that, and the money flow stops, and I for sure
don’t ever see that happening until the revolution that sees them all hang by their
ankles from trees, while old ladies and kids hit them with sticks … I can dream
can’t I?

With Spicoli done, and bullshit piled high across Wyoming, FX hasn’t a clue what
to do … no worries, the scumbag LP banks will help, no doubt … and what we end
up with to end the European session, is something I’VE NEVER, EVER SEEN IN
MY TRADING CAREER, that spans longer than most of you reading this have been
alive … and that’s a QUADRUPLE REVERSAL DAY IN THE 11 - 19 SERVER TIME
EUROPEAN SESSION! … the M30 candlestick chart directly below.

click on chart to enlarge

And once again, I find myself in an episode of”The Twilight Zone”, where I’m
wondering, “WTF is this”?, or has SkyNet gone completely insane and the
machines are taking over? … and what needs to be said, is that the trading
algorithm’s first priority is to not get whacked, then go make money … that
means NOT buying rallies or selling breaks, but exactly the opposite … which, for
you Obama voters, that means buying corrective breaks inside of rallies, and
selling rallies inside of corrective declines in price … “but what if we get a nasty
“Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] like the M30 candlestick above”? … well, all the
rallies have no breaks and all the breaks have no rallies … EXCEPT on the top &
bottom turn, and then it’s a straight trip to the other extreme … so, if the market
isn’t going to behave and act normally, and instead does “stupid shit”, the algo
won’t get trapped into a trade that loses money, but instead sits it out … now,
that doesn’t mean all trades are winners, but means over the course of the
session multiple trades will deliver the desired result, and if we get no proper
setups, then we sit and wait … and trading simply gets more bizarre by the
day / week / month as central banks panic and their BFF the scumbag LP banks
get more and more greedy … and down the road somewhere, the entire shitshow
circus of financial derivatives will implode, and let the revolution begin!

NO trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM / MAM.

Strangest day I think I’ve ever seen … pure buy / sell panic several times, and
markets moving straight without corrective activity of any significance on things
a doofus Twit from the faculty lounge says and is treated as “gospel”, but in fact
is pure fantasy guesswork … unreal … “can we please GTFO of August”?

And sure, it’s frustrating as hell sitting here and watching EURJPY give us the
middle finger and bypass buy/sell algorithm signals and just go straight to
wherever it is the banks want it to go, and then turn on a dime and then it’s “panic
city” the other way … and for the record, none of the other crosses doing Mr. Jack
Squat either … it was a day where all the FX majors are moving in the same
direction, but at very different speeds, especially via the Yen, and why taking the
dollar equation out of the picture is best for profitability … in my wildest dreams,
though, never expected to ever see a quadruple reversal that was past about
20 PIPS or so from the open, that you can sometimes see in Asia as any market
tries to figure out where to go … that’s not the case today, although ranges
weren’t that great and were relatively skimpy in the European session … so,
tighten the “big girl panties” and move onto Friday.

… until tomorrow … Onward & Upward!!


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