“If only you knew how prophetic you were!”
It’s like we live inside a 90 minute movie, where the virus goes pandemic, people
die, the elites panic, and then miraculously a vaccine is found by some Nobel
Peace Prize wannabe who only wants to “help people”, and all is well again
… fast forward to real life, and the only thing missing from the movie is the
blatant manipulation of U.S. stock indices, the rumor mill cottage industry
behind it, and how the money is laundered after it’s over.
So lemme get this straight … the ChiComs let a weapons grade virus out of the
bottle, that we know has HIV RNA in its genome found nowhere else in nature or
in other coronavirus strains, and so has to be created artificially in the lab
through gene splicing, and then within 10 days of the pandemic starting and the
world sitting up and taking notice, rumors fly a lab in China has found the cure
… and if you believe this horseshit, I can’t even insult you cuz you’re too fucking
stupid to insult, cuz it’s not nice to make fun of retarded people … even I would
have problems selling them my beachfront property in Kansas, which by the way
is still for sale … just sayin’ … easy terms still available if you act fast.
And as can be fully expected, the “pigs” go into full retard buy mode … Charles
Ponzi would be in awe of this shit, not to mention Goebbel’s reaction to the mind
altering effect of money … and make no mistake, it has the full fledged backing of
the U.S. Government … everybody in the food chain gets fed “easy money”
… the first casualty in any war is the truth … EXIT QUESTION: “if the “cure”
rumor is found to be false, can we expect the indices to give back the gains”?
… silly rabbit, Tricks are for kids.
So here we are, another 350 index point DOW30 ramp off of complete bullshit, not
to mention NASDAQ has gone full “tulip bulb” insane, cuz tech can never, ever go
down, and the makings of sucking in every last penny to the bubble is almost
complete … the only thing in the way of a perfect scenario is the November 2020
presidential election.
And as I’m writing this, about 3 hours from the NYSE open, here comes WHO with
a headline denial of a “cure” … no matter, who ya gonna believe? … are your lyin’
eyes gonna believe supposed health experts, or the end of the movie script?
… well, if you’re now stuck long near the top, my guess is you’re going with the
movie script! … how do you expect the insane bubble to grow even larger if you
don’t believe?
As a side note, now that WHO has sprinkled some “cold water” on the “cure”
bullshit, the “Tulip Bulb 30” has given back about 50 index points … wait, where’s
the other 300? … sorry Skippy, that’s not how any of this works … “let’s just see
come next week, if the lab workers where the “cure” news broke, if they’re all
buying new cars in Shenzen … probably nothing, just a coincidence”! … and the
money laundering clinic runs smooth as melted butter.
All of this, as the entire world through the eyes of the MSM, turns a blind eye to
what China is really doing, which is KNOWINGLY KILLING ITS OWN PEOPLE for
political purposes … Xi is in big time trouble at home, and nothing like the cover
of a pandemic to “clean the slate” of all of your enemies … “so sorry to hear of
your family loss from the virus”! … “umm, he wasn’t sick”! … “yes he was … we
took him to the “hospital” for observation and he became sick” … “umm, you
fucking killed him”! … “so sorry for your loss”. And quite frankly folks, that
scenario is getting played out right now while the 0.0001% global elites, including
the ones in China, make blood money … in this world, that’s all that matters
anymore, cuz fuck the people of China, they get what they deserve … you want
truth? … you can’t handle the truth!
Quite frankly, psychopaths run the world … figure out how a psychopath would
react and that’s the most logical scenario for an event to be played out … in the
end, the virus will die out and life returns to normal in China … how long this
takes is anybody’s guess, but what will have changed is the fact that Xi most
likely is a lot stronger politically at home than he ever was before the pandemic,
and “coincidentally” all of his enemies are gone … while at the same time his
regime of “sickos” has found out just how effective their biological weapon was
and how it can be made even stronger with a little research in another lab down
the street … the message from Xi is clear to the people of China: “fuck with me
again, and the rest of you die horrible deaths with your flesh rotting before your
eyes”! … but who cares? … everybody made money.
Meanwhile in the U.S., Libtards aren’t exactly having a good week … our
intellectual “betters” [that’s what they keep telling us] can’t code, produce
horrifying optics at the SOTU address and show who they really are, and in a few
hours the Senate makes it a trifecta of thorns up their collective asses
… whatever anyone thinks of Trump, he plays Libtards like a fucking violin
maestro, and has the unique ability to allow them to show with words, actions, &
deeds just how fucked up they are to the entire voting public … it’’s a long way to
November, but whoever the Loon Libtard candidate is, he/she is gonna get swept
away bigger than George McGovern did in ‘72 … we’ll see.
Can anything contain the stock bubble mania? … if only Hitler had known this is
all it takes to subjugate an entire population of adults into “believing”, my my how
history would be written differently … FED induced, FED maintained, and
complete with the destruction of interest rates that serves 2 purposes: 1) destroy
savings so money can’t “sit around” but must be deployed into the economy,
and 2) allow the budget deficit to grow to unsustainable mathematical levels
where rates can never ever be allowed to go higher again … the only thing that
can truly end it is a revolution … and while that may be “unthinkable” for many,
you need only look at world history and utter to yourself “this time it’s different”
… good luck with that.
And YES!, ZH nails it with an article just posted, where they point out [rightly so],
that “virus cure” is the new “China trade deal” currency hopium that is to be
traded now … link directly below.
Like I said, “smooth as melted butter” … didn’t take the manipulators long in
figuring out the new currency, now did it? … cuz as you should know, there
ALWAYS has to be a story for the financial MSM Apparatchiks to report on as to
why markets go up/down, and the need for plausible explanations to a dumbed
down public … “are we not entertained”!?
Another NYSE open ... another “pump & dump” scam … bigger scams I’ve never
seen anywhere in my entire life … this even makes “social security” look mild, if
that’s possible … and what your seeing after the open is the classic “bubble
philosophy” of FOMO [Fear Of Missing Out] … as once the very mild break is over,
it’s panic city from those looking for a bigger break to get long … where the panic
ends is anybody’s guess, simply cuz judging FOMO is very difficult … if we had a
key to order flow, like the scumbag LP banks have, it would make trading much
easier … sadly, we don’t have any way of knowing, and all we can do is make a
stab at where it starts to take advantage … hang around to long, though, and get
greedy, and your head ends up on a spike.
Let me be the first where you read this … “when this bubble ends, especially in
NASDAQ, it will make 1929 & 1987 look like a boy scout picnic … the devastation
in wealth will be generational in scope, and as so many times before in the past,
you will have entire demographics of people swear off stocks forever … how
could we have been so stupid, they will say … all of the signs are present and
accounted for, and we simply await the “Black Swan” that shows up and delivers
the death blow”. … it’s why I’ve been a “trader” and NOT an “investor” my entire
life … most of the gain, and NONE of the risk!
Here at mid morning in Gotham, and if you believe any of this NYSE trading action
is anything other than 100% pure manipulation, well you already know of my
Kansas beachfront property for sale … this is a fucking joke, a very sick joke
… it’s a complete mockery of what a real “market” looks and feels like … it’s all
PPT with only 2 objectives in mind; 1) “protect & defend” overnight gains from
rumors & vapors, and 2) fuck as many trader specs as can possibly be had in the
shortest time possible, and then make the market go to sleep so they can’t make
anything back … “they should all be given Xi’s coronavirus and told to go learn to
code while in prison” … unfortunately, they have the blessing of government so
it’s OK … simply another “circus shitshow” that is all too familiar and common
these days.
As long as the PPT is there bidding SP500 futures in large quantities, the banks
will front run them and then sell to shorts who have to cover at higher price
… once the banks run out of ammo, the PPT backs away from their bids and the
market falls.
When banks have filled their order books with spec liquidated longs, the PPT
comes back again with bids and the game starts all over again … how do I know
this? … EASY PEEZEE: “it’s the only valid explanation for why, once the market
opens at the NYSE, why moves outside the opening few minutes of “feed the
Chipmunks”, is either straight up or straight down … go look at the trading action
of the “Tulip Bulb 30” outside of the NYSE hours … it’s a far different animal than
the scumbags are making than when it’s open” … but why be surprised, cuz at
“Manipulation HQ”, on the other side of the room, sits the “Rally Protection
Team” [RPT] that “monkey hammers” gold & silver only in reverse of stocks, and
it explains the terrible trading action of gold in the U.S. session over the years
… it’s the same group of asshole manipulators that should be shot at sunrise.
Third day in a row, we’ve seen massive moves overnight, then crumbs in New
York … the $64,000 question is, “is China now calling the shots in U.S. markets,
or is this simply an anomaly via the coronavirus”? … “EXCUSE ME, I WAS TOLD
“Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] much”? ,,, as the stream of never ending
Chumps lines up to buy rallies no matter the reason … it’s official, we’re never
gonna see another down tick ever again .., and that’s what you’ll likely hear from
the bulls going forward … 100,000 in the “Tulip Bulb 30” by when? … I’m
guessing late August at the latest! .. seriously, playing the PPT manipulators has
never been easier.
And quite frankly who gives a shit where the index is? … 5,000 or 50,000, what
difference does it make to your trading account? … what matters are 1) the
trading paradigm you’re in and properly identifying it, and 2) the trading action or
IVIX [intraday volatility] … other than that nothing matters … and as I write, tulips
hit a new high for the day!! … straight up!! … 22 out of 24 M1’s higher!!! … now
what LONGS?, cuz when it turns what then? … you expect a fair fill from the
scumbag LP as you’re fleeing? … “sadly, minute 25 just gapped lower and filled
you at the bottom of the M1 … gee, who could have ever predicted this”? … “ARE
… free money, just go pick it up, courtesy of the FED!
For those of you wondering how the scumbag bank LP’s play their dirty slippage
game, directly below 2 examples of the bid/offer order box that has the “tick
chart” of every move in the bid/offer from tick to tick … can anybody guess
where sells are filled? … how about the buys?? … Bueller? … Bueller? … and
this is how they pad their pocket at your expense. Click the button at the wrong
time and they clip you good.
DOW30 30,000 BY FRIDAY OR BUST! … overnight no doubt, we’ll hear that some
young ChiCom “hero” has injected herself with a vaccine and China is saved!!!
… and won’t the HFT’s have fun with that one? “Now, who wants to line up at my
store for Unicorn meat”?
One good algo buy signal today … PAMM / MAM @ FX CHOICE UP SLIGHTLY
Another not a very good trading conditions day, and as I mentioned before this
was the 3rd day in a row of either bullshit rumors or vapors taking the DOW30
index into fantasyland, and blowing the living shit out of the range overnight
… as such, normally we won’t get a lot of signals that I would consider really
Who knows where the stock lunacy ends? … nobody, but my point is not about
the level, but about what it takes to be a professional trader over time … only in
stock indices can you make the case for the “88/6/6” paradigm, and I’ve heard
almost every 5 minutes of every day over the years that the “top” is near and the
DOW30 belongs at 600 … you have to learn to trade and not give a shit about
where it is … trading is money, simple as that … and what that means is learning
about what makes a “market” work and how to make it work for you in good
times & in bad times and everything in between, and using probability theory like
a casino uses it to make a fortune … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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