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Tuesday, February 11, 2020


“But … but … but we’re here to help you!”

The smartest guys in the room over at “blue blood”, Wall Street mainstay Morgan
Stanley [MS], have finally decided to throw the proverbial towel in on
“fun-durr-mentals”, and now admit the whole stocks “circus shitshow” is one of
100% FED driven QE … “I’m wondering if it was losses on short positions, or just
a come to Jesus moment, or maybe a combo of both, that got them to finally
recognize what the hell is going on” … which, when you boil it all down, makes
you ask the question, “Is your favorite market a certified “Government Mandated
Manipulated Market” [G3M] … certainly all of the U.S. stock indices carry this
fine designation!

As MS describes it in a research note, investors and traders appear to have
modeled all of their trading behavior around actions of the FED, most lately their
daily incursions into the “repo market”, and are adopting the philosophy that the
worse conditions in the world get, via coronavirus or whatever, the MOAR! FED
stimulus will be forthcoming, and as everybody knows, when the pump is primed
stocks go higher quickly … nothing else matters … and when I say “nothing”,
that’s exactly the scenario cuz unless you’re insane there is no other
rationalization that can be modeled to describe the “tulip bulbness” that
currently infects indices … none more so than NASDAQ, where literally nothing
makes any sense whatsoever, and it’s nothing more than a runaway freight train
to the upside as FOMO [Fear Of Missing Out] insanity lives large … and come
some “Black Swan” event, like all freight trains that derail, it will be ugly as hell
when it’s over.

Since government deems it in the “public” interest to manipulate stocks so
heavily, maybe the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] can give the public notice, via
a real time website, so that everybody can know what now only the scumbag LP
banks know … which is of course when they’re in the market and where their bids
are in the indices futures markets … “oh wait … I forgot … that would mean the
banks would lose their edge in screwing clients & traders blind … can’t have that,
cuz it would mean all the corruption & money laundering that goes on from banks
to elites would dry up … no longer would POLS, Apparatchiks, exchange
pooh bahs, brokerage house execs, & regulators have a ready source of cash for
looking the other way … yes, this would be a tragedy”.

And since EVERY market traded these days is “G3M” to one degree or another,
you’d better know 1) how much, 2) when, and 3) what’s your strategy in dealing
with them … cuz if you don’t, they will take your money and trading account away
from you … “you have to LEARN 2 critically important concepts; 1) what is the
extent & scope of their manipulations in the market(s) I trade, AND 2) once I
determine that, how do I get the manipulators to work for me”? … and not
coincidentally, it’s the entire premise of my new e-book which will be out shortly,
broken down into concise chapters that incorporate both “Traders Courses”
along with new material, in markets where you can make a consistent &
successful 6 digit dollar income.

“Buy all the bubbles”!! … that seems to be the mantra today, cuz using MS’s
metric, the world goes deeper down the rabbit hole of a worldwide depression
thanks to the coronavirus, and it’s all “smiles” in stocks where the party rages
on non stop … where this idiocy ends I haven’t a clue … it’s a trading vehicle for
riches, nothing more, and it’s always been that way for me … it’s numbers going

File this day in the DOW30 under bullshit … early on, I knew there was trouble
brewing when both the SP500 & especially the NDX100 were racing to
recorder-er-er-er new all time highs, and the DOW30 could barely move … “yea,
some red flag warnings here”.

Not a good trading day, cuz as I write here in the Gotham afternoon we got 1) a
less than 200 index point range, and 2) the “Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] has
shown up, and that spells problems for the range, and it makes for some horrific
trading action … not the least of which is, if you stumble and have one or two
losing trades, how are you going to make anything back with no IVIX to speak of
inside a choppy market that isn’t going anywhere … where’s the “buy fuel”
gonna come from? … what Newbies don’t understand about trading, is that in
order to be successful, you have to “see things” before the crowd does, cuz
you’re gonna need the crowd’s “buy fuel” to get out at the best price for profit
… and of course, this is what the DOW30 trading algorithm does with a very, very
high probability of success … and when there’s nothin’ to do, you leave it the hell
alone, cuz flipping coins isn’t a profession … wanna get rich? … do what you’re
supposed to do, when you’re supposed to do it, and everything else takes care of

Here now with a couple hours to the close, and out of nowhere some weakness
shows up, and I’ll say it again for those who are new to trading … “when it comes
to the indices and the “88/6/6” trading paradigm, if price starts to accelerate lower,
and you start to get near the day’s low with less than 2 hours to the close, buying
breaks becomes very, very dangerous, and I usually back away cuz time becomes
a factor with the BTFD crowd, and the “buy fuel” you think should be there isn’t,
and instead you become the “buy fuel” for somebody else … not how we wanna
do it … and losses could get very nasty into the close … and from what I’m lookin’
at with about 2 hours to the close, the probabilities of “ugly” are a lot higher now
than they were earlier … the NDX100 looking particularly vulnerable for a major
reversal day off new recorder-er-er--er all time highs … we’re about to find out
here shortly if the race to infinity in the NDX100 is coming to a close, or at the
very least a slowdown … neither of which is good news for tulip bulbs in the

Only one decent algo buy signal today … FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY

As I said, not a very good trading day, although I misjudged the early bottom and
it cost me some … still, we made money and that’s all that matters … hopefully
tomorrow’s trading action is better than today.

Outta here … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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