“This ain’t your Grandma’s DOW30!”
From second to second each and every trading day, nobody has a clue when the
next market moving “bomb” goes off, thus either sending stocks spiraling lower
and gold higher, OR stocks go ballistic on the upside and gold gets the
“Thelma & Louise” treatment … Apparatchiks on both sides of the globe play the
game for MAX benefit to themselves, while at the same time downplaying the
effects on the world of investment finance … why should today be any different?
… last night as I went to bed after a very quiet Asian session, I wake up this
morning, turn the machines on, and all hell has broken loose, thanks to the
Chicoms, and maybe some extent “Brexit” … I have no idea how very large
money managers cope with this shit.
As the criminal element in New York comes in to trade today, markets are reeling
lower, and already the DOW30 is 300 lower, and round up the usual suspects
regarding the ”China trade deal”, the biggest scam the world has ever seen, where
HFT’s get a case of the “vapors” every time a headline somewhere crosses the
wire with the word “China” in it, and we either plummet or moon shot … today so
far, sees plummet.
Far more serious, is the loss of hegemony the U.S. exerts on the world of finance,
where each passing day/week/month, other parts of the world are having a far
greater effect on asset prices than anything the criminals in New York or D.C. have
to say about anything … and when you consider 1) how much physical gold both
Russia, China, & India are accumulating, 2) the major attempt to get oil priced in
anything but dollars, 3) the fact that Russia and China are building an alternative
to the SWIFT financial network, thus by passing the FED for international
settlements, I’m wondering what year the U.S. becomes a third world nation and
won’t be able to finance a frickin’ taco? … the way things are going, I’d say it’s a
helluva lot sooner than most of you can imagine.
So today appears to be “risk off” … until the next Trump tweet, or utterance by
some corrupt as hell ChiCom Apparatchik, and the light switch goes back on,
and it’s “speed of light” ‘till the next time … if you think the world’s elites are
playing the markets as “chumps”, you’d be spot on in your analysis. No matter
what you read or hear, it’s all “Kabuki theater” for leverage over the opponent,
until somebody’s economy can’t take it anymore and that side bails and makes
concessions … this shit will never end … it’s simply “cold war economics”,
back & forth it goes “ad infinitum nauseum” while the Apparatchiks shuffle paper
between bureaucracies … “hey, we’ve always been at war with Eastasia”!
Almost Noon in Gotham, and since everything happened overnight, there’s little
left for the scumbag LP banks to do but chop the living shit out of things … and
so, no matter the market, it’s one great big bag of warm spit as far as market
movement is concerned, and specifically in the DOW30 it’s nothing but really ugly
spikes from hell, both up and down, that go nowhere but simply ravage stops in
the process and benefit the scumbag LP’s … quite frankly, the M1 chart of the
first 2 hours of NYSE trading looks like a plate of noodles thrown up against a wall
… really bad trading conditions on all the bullshit going on at the moment, from
China to Congress and the complete “clown car show” there, to rumors of capital
controls into China … the ramifications of panic up and then panic down are
moving traders to the sidelines and making things worse.
And to make matters worse, not that it really matters much cuz nothing is
happening at the moment to give us any algorithm buy signals in the DOW30,
Turnkey’s scumbag LP’s since about Noon-ish, have blown the DOW30 spread out
to about 4 - 5 index points … no reason really, except pure greed and stupidity,
and when nobody trades it and the idiot banks realize their revenue stream has
dried up, somebody in power will change it … I’d bitch to Turnkey, but they aren’t
gonna do shit about it except to say, 1) we have no control over the spreads, or
2) “duh, market conditions, duh”, so it’s a complete waste of time dealing with
these morons … been there, done that, so what’s the point? … amazingly, though,
nobody else seems to be having this problem, only Turnkey.
Directly below, the Turnkey bullshit DOW30 quote screen, U30USD [top line], from
the live account server.
click on image to enlarge
And as I write, here about 12:45 PM EST., the DOW30 blasts higher 120 index
points in 3 minutes, off who knows WTF? … and again, no matter the news, at
some point they ALWAYS crush the shorts, and in an “80/10/10” market, it can be
expected … and again, “speed of light … crickets”, with no way for the
algorithm’s parameters to either catch up or be concurrent with whatever the
HFT algos are doing in nanoseconds … yup, it’s complete money laundering,
theft, bullshit by those that can … sink 100 million into a nanosecond network
and you can play this game to!
One really good algorithm buy signal, but I’m not taking it cuz the bid/offer spread
is 5 - 6 index points … I’m not paying extortion to trade … fuck Turnkey, fuck their
LP banks … quote whatever you want, it doesn’t mean I have to trade with you
… and yes, it’s disappointing as hell … you wait all day for the prime algorithm
signals, and when you get one, they pull this bullshit … but you know, crooks
& thieves and all that shit we already know about.
And now time for some more spikes from hell horseshit, brought to you by the
FED, where at exactly 2:30 PM EST, Spicoli’s horseshit prepared remarks at a
chicken luncheon in Denver, gives the DOW30 the “Yips”, and the excuse once
again for the Turnkey scumbag LP banks to jack the spread back to 5 - 6, PLUS
whatever slippage won’t get them indicted … trading conditions at this point
today are a complete joke … simply untradeable at the moment, probably worse
than gold right now, and that’s saying a lot … many better places to trade, where
we can get stable stock indices spreads [DOW30 & DAX30 ESPECIALLY] with NO
commissions, and we’re talking to some now … stay tuned mi amigos.
And since they’ve just screwed the shorts [twice], now it’s time to screw the
longs, cuz at 2:57 PM EST, here comes a Trump tweet on China escalating the
rhetoric RE visas, and it’s a “shitshow circus” to the tune of an M1 with a range
of 161 DOW30 points to the downside … anybody with a sell stop, complimentary
condolence’s therapy after the close at the nearest bar … I mean, WTF do you do
with this? … add to that what the scumbag LP’s are doing, and it’s a miracle
anybody has any sanity left … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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