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Friday, October 11, 2019


“The China trade deal!”

Buy more tinfoil & euphoria … sell common sense … Oh, it will be glorious
… stocks higher “4evahhhhhhhhhh!” … “Everything Is F-ing Awesome Baby!”
will be put on currency … of course, I’m talking about the imminent success of
the charade known as “The China trade deal”, where today it’s resurrected like
some kind of Phoenix that can’t or won’t die, and where POLS & Apparatchiks
get to hold all markets hostage while “double secret probation” negotiations are
conducted in the swamp of D.C. … every fart, sip of water, trip to the water closet,
and of course a check of where the SP500 is, will gyrate stocks as HFT’s look to
scam markets once again like they do almost every frickin’ day … when will we
know something? … EASY PEEZEE: “When ALL the POLS & Apparatchiks with
a finger in the pie have accumulated the appropriate number of SP500 futures
contracts, for themselves and of course the mistress fund … not a second

And if you think ANY deal is going to see the ChiComs give up anything they
hold in value, then I got TWO beachfront properties in Kansas to show you!
… hello, they’re fucking Chinese Communists, they will NEVER, EVER live up to
any agreement … anything not convenient to the moment they simply walk away
from or throw away … as President Trump will eventually find out, if he doesn’t
already know it, “the deal” is all for show … perceptions … and all that matters
anywhere on the planet is HIGHER STOCK PRICES … cuz the dirty little secret,
especially in ‘Murica, is that the “Baby Boomers” [born 1945 - 1955] pensions are
vastly underfunded [meaning, for you Obama voters tuning in late, there’s not
enough money to pay retiree benefits] , and since there isn’t the trillions lying
around to fund them to where they should be, the only thing that can possibly
save the entire system is higher stock prices … so, inflating the bubble becomes
of prime importance … the idiots at the FED know this, the Treasury Dept. knows
this, the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] knows this, other central banks know
this [hello SNB (Swiss National Bank)], and most importantly U.S. corporations
know this and is a big reason why they engage in corporate buybacks of their
own stock on a massive scale … only short sellers don’t know this, and it’s why
for years on end they get stocks jammed up their collective asses so far, their
throats hurt … “fun-dur-mentals”? … hahahaha, that’s a good one … since when
does that matter in a negative interest rate world?

And so we sit, as the sun rises in the criminal empire known as New York, waiting
patiently for news on whether Sum Ting Wong, Jr. is gonna agree to anything
President Trump feels like agreeing to … maybe, maybe not … simply watch the
trading screen in the DOW30, and the 100+ point M1’s will tell the story in the blink
of an eye … panic up OR panic down, and sadly this is what “markets” have

Well, if you want the 100% certain definition of the phrase “Shitshow Circus”, look
up in the dictionary and you’ll see the MT4 trading platform from Turnkey for the
DOW30 … the entire day has been a complete mess, with bid/offer spreads at
1 - 2 index points, suddenly shooting up past 8+ an index point spread, and
everything in between … no idea what you’re gonna get on a fill, but throw in
“triple fuck you MAX slippage” from the scumbag LP’s, and it is highly probable
your fill could be 10 index points off the market … and it’s been like this since last
night’s open … quite frankly folks, this is unacceptable and outrageous, and
anybody trading this in this environment is either nuts or has a death wish or
both … not to worry though, cuz things will be changing quite soon I promise
you … more next week. And in case anybody needs further proof of the chicanery
going on at Turnkey, directly below, another screenshot of the live server feed
showing the DOW30 spread at 6 … right in the middle of the day … absolutely no
excuse for this attempted robbery, unless of course you agree to it … “umm yea,
go pound sand”!

click on image to enlarge 

Now into the New York afternoon, and markets completely giddy pricing in the
Trump trade deal “Lite” with China, and given this is about the 99th time this
expectation has been priced into markets over these last months, to a full year, I
can’t quite get as excited as the MOMO players are getting buying into this hype
… after bumping 27,000, the DOW30 has seen some wild M1’s, both up and down.

The DOW30 algorithm has seen some great buy signal trades today … too bad it
ain’t gonna happen cuz of brokerage house & scumbag LP greed … you think I’m
gonna hand over free money to these hyenas, then you don’t know me. “Oh wait
… a squirrel farted and the DOW30 went up 80+ points in less than a minute”
… 5 minutes later the spread is still 8 … yea, EIGHT, AS IN “8” … “scumbaggery”
anyone? … but sure, go ahead and play the game and see what happens to your
account .. but not to worry, cuz I’m sure they’ll bring the spread back in at some
point, and you’ll get an honest and fair fill with low slippage when they feel like it
… hahahaha, uh huh, sure they will. Directly below, the latest scumbaggery for
your education & amusement.

As I have said many times, all we are asking for is a fair, consistent spread, and
not get “jacked” around like a mugging & robbery victim at the 7-11 … quoting a
bid/offer spread between 2 & 8+ index points in the DOW30, and changing it back
& forth at your whim, is simply NOT LEGIT! … this is the new breed of criminal in
the offshore trading finance sphere today … gone are the old breed, who would
just steal your money and run off to Eastern Europe and hide … the new breed
figured out that they could get richer, without legal penalty, by going into
jurisdictions that allow anything goes, and hijack each trade via third party
liquidity providers they either control or have partnerships with … and with each
trade they siphon money away from you and into themselves, a tiny bit at a time
… this is what got FXCM kicked out of the U.S., cuz their 2 principals did this
while claiming pure ECN status for clients with Tier 1 banks… it was a crock and
they always got filled off the market … some large accounts pursued it, and
Boom!, they got busted. IMHO, this is what is happening at Turnkey … I have no
proof of course, simply cuz I have no way of getting at any corporate records, and
they refuse to entertain the question when asked point blank about it … if it looks,
acts, & quacks like a duck, well you know the rest.

Trading today, and sadly some profits, completely shot out of the water by a
trading platform that is wholly inconsistent with what’s actually going on in
markets … I can see it, but I don’t in any way trust it … that goes ditto at night and
in Europe, where it’s the same, and has been ALL WEEK LONG. The DOW30,
along with the DAX30, great markets to trade “IF” … and this is a very big “IF”
… if you can get proper trading conditions that are fair, honest, above board, &
most importantly CONSISTENT low bid/offer spreads … the “Traders Course”
[TC] algorithms work brilliantly in these markets the vast majority of days, and the
way they move, they are perfect for active traders, over a great deal of the 23 hour
trading day … you want action? … well, you’re gonna get it here, but sadly there
are places like Turnkey who use the most volatile markets as “plausible
deniability” for their pricing, thus unduly enriching themselves and hurting
customers. Sad, but whaddaya gonna do? It isn’t gonna stay like this! … Relief is
on the way!

I’m outta here early today, cuz I’m not trading cuz of the lousy conditions, and I’ve
got a lot of writing & editing still to do with the TC … blog update on Sunday
… until then mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great weekend everybody!  


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