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Monday, October 28, 2019


“So says the DOW30 on a Trump tweet!”

All it takes now is a Trump tweet to set off the HFT algos running wild, front
running every order on the books higher, forcing those short to scramble like
crazy to cover, thus shoving stocks ever higher … EXIT QUESTION FOR THE
DOW30: ‘what did you do, how did you survive, how did you trade before
Twitter came along? … I’m thinkin’ you got no clue, and in any event in the
infamous words of Cankles Clinton, what difference does it make now anyway”?

No matter the world is going to shit faster than the Cleveland Browns can turn
over the football, it is what it is thanks to the usual suspects I’ve discussed
before, and it shouldn’t be any surprise, that of all the markets traded, stock
indices can make shorts panic quicker than all the others combined … and you
don’t think President Trump doesn’t know this?

So, we start the day off in the DOW30, with a panic mini melt up thanks to the
Trump tweet, telling the world he thinks the stock market will be up big today
… OK, wonderful … anything else from fantasyland before my day starts?

Buying rallies is a sure way to the poorhouse, so waiting patiently for the
corrections is the only way to trade this and expect to have a positive
mathematical expectation … really disappointed we didn’t see more trade
setups on the way down off the top, that rallied enough to make any potential
trade worthwhile … in any event, only 1 good algorithm buy signal today, as after
that things slowed down pretty fast into the slow crawl up chop we’re seeing
this afternoon.

As I said, 1 algo buy signal today … new PAMM / MAM @ FX CHOICE up
about 0.2%.

As I stated yesterday, the “Traders Course” [TC] is done & costs $60 … up in the
header today I’ve listed 8 crypto currencies I’ll accept as payment … also in the
header, the E-WALLET address to send payment … all told, it’s 79 pages in PDF,
and covers the gamut in terms of trader style, whether your an aggressive
scalper, a conservative day trader, or a position trader … I got it all covered. I will
also add that for LONG position traders, it’s especially advantageous cuz of NO
COMMISSIONS for trading ETF’s and/or ETN’s at Fidelity & Schwab, which of
course means all the SPDR’s are available for trade in the various stock indices,
gold, silver, and crude oil at no cost … why pay MT4 “vig” to the scumbag LP
banks when you don’t have to? … your only cost is the $60 for the course, and
if that’s worrisome to any of you, then you’re reading the wrong blog.

Sometime this week to maybe by Sunday’s blog update, I’ll have some info files
for people on crypto that should make the transition to this space easier to face
and digest … it’s where the world is headed folks, and closing your eyes, clicking
your heels isn’t gonna put you back in Kansas for the “good ‘ol days” … quite
frankly, it’s easy to adopt, easy to setup, and even easier to use … and it’s dirt
cheap AND FAST, something you most definitely aren’t getting from any “Hoover
Dam” bank. 

For U.S. citizens it’s especially egregious, cuz we’re treated like drug dealing,
terrorist Lepers by our own government and no longer have the ability to open
bank accounts overseas, and it’s getting harder to find any crypto exchanges
that will allow you to create an account … Saudi’s, Ruskies, ChiComs, Norks,
Yemeni’s, Iranians, no problem come on right in and let us help you …
Americans? … yea, GTFO and stay out! Your freedoms have been slowly lost to
globalism and the need for control by the 0.0001% elite that run the U.S.
financial system worse than the Mafia ever could.

So, on we go into the future, and my hope is all of you reading this will take the
time to purchase the TC and learn from it … it’s worth a helluva lot more than
$60, but as I said yesterday, the goal is to get rid of “tire kickers” … you’re either
interested or not, and since nobody should be getting a case of the “vapors”
over $60, those who want the knowledge of how to beat the crap out of the
market will get it for a pittance of what it’s worth, and the “tire kickers” can go
bug others. Everybody but the “tire kickers” win.

The future's so bright I need sunglasses! … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!  


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