“Gold longs get conned again!”
Well, it’s not as if I didn’t warn people … and gold went right ahead and went mini
parabolic up to 1440, straight from 1340 in 6 consecutive trading days, and now it’s
puking all over the place … if it will make you feel good, blame the Trump / Xi
lovefest at the G20, where absolutely nothing was accomplished, other than Trump
supposedly caved on Huawei and “talks” can start again … see my shocked face
the world is getting conned again … but, stocks go North and gold goes South, so
it’s mission accomplished for the manipulators.
The important point, though, is to make it all look like some kind of random event,
when in fact it was well coordinated from the get go … and the mission? … to
separate you from your money as it flows to the scumbag LP banks … why do you
think they let you open trading accounts? … cuz they're nice guys? … they want to
be fair? … you believe that, and you really will see my shocked face!
No surprise at all, the “Chuckleheads” in Asia puked last night getting out … as the
sun rises in New York, even opening almost $20 lower, after 13 hours we’re right
about where we were after the heaving stopped, although the day’s range so far is
$16+ … “Mrs. Wantanabe, call your banker, cuz he wants to talk with you”!
How this shakes out today in the U.S. session is anybody’s clue, simply cuz it’s all
bullshit to begin with, and doesn’t mean Mr. Jack Squat for any kind of real trade
deal … it’s just words, and if you buy into it, you’re being played … not saying it
won’t affect markets, it will, simply stating that they [the financial MSM] always
needs reasons for movements … “well, here ya go”!, even though it was gonna
happen anyway cuz gold is hyper extended as it is … well, it isn’t anymore, and
chalk up another victory for the banks … this is just another iteration, number
[pick a very high number] of the “Comex Con Game”, and probably the single
biggest reason people get “monkey hammered” trading gold, and why more
people have lost money in gold than all other markets combined over the decades.
Of course, if history is any guide [it’s all we got!], New York now chops or goes
higher for the day, the “Chucklehead” low seen in the first half hour last night is
held, and at least the rats who jumped ship can hopefully swim and weren’t
drowned, and now can make their way to the nearest bar and dispense with the
“shoulda, coulda, woulda” stories that trading legend is all about … the “Traders
Graveyard” in Murder, Illinois [a/k/a Chicago] has just received new inmates.
Now, isn’t it “amazing”, that since the early birds in New York have gotten in, that
now all of a sudden the skepticism over the China trade deal starts to surface?
… Bottom line? … the banks got the longs to puke, they’ve covered shorts and
might even be slightly long, and so who exactly got played here? … again, see my
shocked face.
Well, wasn’t this a bag of bat guano for the day … again, see my shocked face
… here again probability of market history predicts what New York does with
amazing accuracy … here at 1:30 PM EST, we got about a $6 range from the tips,
which is more like $4 with any time element … this is by far the worst trading day
in over 5+ weeks … “Chuckleheads” puke, & New York rallies some before
breaking back down, but not even close to where the low of the day is just under
One algorithm buy signal today … PAMM up a little over 0.1%.
In fact, there were three buy signals today, and I took the one … the other two
came after Noon EST, and the way this day has gone, I want no part of a New York
afternoon with Squid & the boys, while they jack the market around to nowhere
and do nothing but create heartburn … if I had taken them, they were both very
small winners, but more importantly there isn’t anything going on that
substantiates a position in this crap with very little volumes … simply put, the day
was over around 12:30 PM EST, and the rest bullshit.
If I had gotten started a little earlier in the day, the results for the day would have
been better, but that’s in hindsight … as it is, I’m not disappointed given the day,
cuz it was total shit, and we simply move onto tomorrow … until tomorrow mi
amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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