“The face of gold!”
Another exciting day of “Hurry Up & Wait” in gold, as FED honcho Spicoli goes to
the clown show for testimony at 10 AM EST … whatever you do, don’t let your kids
listen to it cuz it could cause irreversible brain damage … overnight, the
“Chuckleheads” again put in a greater than $10+ range, proving 2 things; 1) they
got an inexhaustible supply of money to throw away, and 2) just how fucked up
New York gold trading actually is, and why it needs to be permanently banned [“I
can dream can’t I”?].
Oh, isn’t this rich … Spicoli’s released transcripts hit the wires, and it’s off to the
races … well, it doesn’t do any of us any good, cuz the Turnkey LP’s widened the
bid/offer spread to 70 cents in gold for over 15 minutes … “duh, market conditions,
duh!” bullshit is so deep I can hardly breathe … got an algo signal to buy, but
what’s the point, cuz the scumbag LP’s prevent you from doing anything … you
gonna trade gold with a 70 cent bid/offer spread? And again, this proves my point
of just how dishonest and thieving these scumbags are in providing “liquidity”
… right along with “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”, this is the
biggest oxymoron going ... if it wasn’t so pathetic, it would be funny.
And for you newer traders, this should be lesson #1, in how the “Hoover Dam”
scumbag banks continue to wreck markets in the “POLS & Apparatchik” paradigm
of trading, where they control the volume, and they control the vertical, and you
get to sit when they say you sit, and you get to play when they say you can play
… of course this is bullshit, but since everybody in the power elite of the world
gets a cut from their thievery, it’s allowed to continue unabated for their benefit.
And so, here we are after being scammed by the banks, and the market sits
awaiting Spicoli and his words of wisdom, starting at 10 AM EST … get ready for
a complete clusterfark from D.C. ... another day, and another fuck job in a market
that most days you can’t really call it a market … it’s more like a “manipulation
scheme” allowed for the benefit of the banks … I’m so sick of this shit, you have
no idea … in any event, welcome to trader hell!
I tried, I really tried to listen to the live broadcast over on ZH … my brain couldn’t
take another second of this bullshit they feed the public, so I turned it off before
permanent brain damage sets in … both the assclowns in Congress, and Spicoli
himself … a bigger bunch of clueless Twits, you couldn’t find in a mental hospital
… it’s now wonder this country is in the shape it’s in with this level of hubris,
stupidity, and delusion … a class of retarded kittens could do better.
Meanwhile, markets try and figure out this level of doublespeak via throwing
chicken bones up against the wall and reading how they land … listen to the paid
hucksters and reap the whirlwind … and gold for its part totally psycho in how its
Today I’ve had internet shutdowns, platform failures where the scumbag LP’s turn
the machines off, and spreads widened to the point of laughter … and since the
Spicoli prepared statements release, gold has acted like its retarded … well,
consider the source and it’s really no surprise. Given today’s level of pure bullshit,
it’s a miracle I can still walk and chew gum … and while we did have some
fantastic algo buy signals today, it’s not a very good feeling when shit goes
haywire and leaves me in the dark for minutes on end, especially with that dork
speaking to the clowns in Congress … what a clusterfark. My day, directly below.
“Guess which stall I’m in today”?
OK, it’s only one day … yea, I get it, but still … time to write this clusterfark off and
start fresh tomorrow … I’m so pissed off right now, my eyes are purple … lineup
the usual suspects, and let me at ‘em! Some good algo buy signals today, not that
it did us any good with all the problems from the LP’s and platform failures … so,
unfortunately, no trades today, in what otherwise should have been a good day.
Onto tomorrow, cuz I’m outta here early today, simply cuz I can’t take another
second of this LP manipulation bullshit … until then mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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