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Sunday, February 25, 2024



“Lounging around at home with the “hot money” crowd!!”

The world collectively has about $150 TRILLION DOLLARS of financial assets

floating around, and thanks to central bank scumbags who are inflating fiat at

a record pace, that will more than likely grow at an 8%+ clip well into the future

… how much of that is “hot money” is debatable, depending on how you define

the term, but it isn’t insignificant … and since we came up from out of the goo,

a lot of that money is constantly looking for a home that yields higher returns

… and with the introduction of the modern era of trading in the mid 1970’s,

“hot money” has never had it so good! … and from where I sit, it ain’t slowing

down, especially with those in their 20’s - 40’s, who wonder every 30 seconds

how the fuck do I live in this shit while maintaining anything normal like my

parents & grand parents assumed was the right course … that college

indoctrination piece of paper is useless and worthless in anything but STEM,

so where to turn?

I made the “command decision” a while ago to focus on just 3 markets going

forward … SP500 [“SPOOS”], Bitcoin [BTCUSD], &  ETHEREUM [ETHUSD]

… GOLD MIGHT BE ADDED LATER cuz it has potential, but right now it sucks

with a higher than needed spread and slippage … who needs that shit?

I’ll be presenting in a week or so, the final version of the trading algorithm for

scalpers and day traders, with these 3 markets in focus … today, I want to

highlight the “vegas mq4 files” for these markets, that can be downloaded from

“Download Links” in the Directory “PAMM 3 MARKET MQ4


RM=1, & RM=2 are used on the m1 candlestick, while RM=3 & RM=4 are used on

the m15 candlestick chart … obviously, price can go past these levels when SHTF

in a serious way, but 99.5%+ of the time these levels will hold for traders … when

they don’t hold RM=4, just “let ‘em go” into “The Twilight Zone” until the dust

settles … especially in crypto, don’t get caught doing “stupid shit” and

bankrupt your account by saying, “well, this can’t happen! … and then sit there

like a deer in headlights while it does happen!

Support / Resistance levels calculated for the various 1 - 4 RM [Risk Model]

levels, are calculated from Gann’s Square of Nine, which you can get here and

create your own tables.

The cell values are based on a 15 EMA, and all support / resistance levels are

either on the Cardinal Cross [RED] lines, or the Diagonal Cross [BLUE] lines at

either triangles or conjunctions. Here are the cell values from the Square of

Nine for each market directly below.

Directly below, this week’s 20 Day Range & Median values forSP500, BTCUSD, &

ETHUSD … I’VE ALSO ADDED the percentage move for the day of the NYSE

versus the daily range, where the NYSE median is divided into the daily average.

click on table to enlarge

Onto the week! … OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of

sunglasses 😎😎, and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!!

… Onward & Upward!!


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