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Sunday, February 11, 2024



“Who knew cows are traders!!”

You can slice it, dice it, analyze the data 6 ways from Sunday, but no matter what

you do the inescapable conclusion you’re going to end up with will point to 2

trading “truths” … 1) markets need volatility [VIX], not close to close on the

daily candlestick, but in the session you’re trading … unless you’re willing to be

a “meth head”, nobody can trade the 120 hours in a week … you have to pick

your session, which implies the need for a somewhat steady & stable worldwide

market VIX you can rely on … this doesn’t exist currently in ANY MARKET, and

that includes crypto [BTC & ETH] … this fact alone is a huge advantage scumbag

banks have over specs, cuz the banks simply pass their “book” from time zone

to time zone and never miss a beat … you on the other hand can’t do this … and

if you try [and I have and failed miserably], you’ll end up playing “Whack-A-Mole”

and every market you ignore will move and everyone you watch intently dies on

the vine!

We are in the greatest central banker market manipulation era the world has ever

seen … this is “truth” #2) … ever since the EURCHF debacle on January 15, 2015,

markets have entered a new paradigm of central bank control … ALL OF ‘EM

from crude oil & FX to “Stock Bellies”, and everything in between … with only an

occasional blip of VIX to allow the release of some built up pressure, a simple

look at daily charts before 2015 and daily charts AFTER 2015, and it’s night and

day difference in all of the so called traditional financial “markets” [cough,

bullshit, cough] … they’ve morphed from volatile markets into lottery tickets.

The last few weeks notwithstanding cuz they’ve sucked, historically crypto

[BTC & ETH] and one or any of the “Stock Bellies” markets [DOW30, NDX100,


HALF-WAY DECENT VIX … 6 weeks into 2024, and it’s a pretty piss poor table

of VIX values, with a day last week not seen in terms of low VIX in the “Spoos”

in over 20 years! … and in crypto, the new kid on the BTC playground, which are

the ETFs [13 of ‘em], have the potential to upend the “Whales” as market movers,

being replaced by institutional Morons … to soon to tell who wins this high

stakes poker game, but my guess is the corporate “Jimbos” in big company

treasury departments have more ammo, and will panic first over & above any

“Whale” sitting out there … and looking at the first 6 weeks of 2024, so far we

have gotten a big break from 49K down to 39K, followed by an almost straight up

move back to 48K on Friday … welcome to BTC ETFs!, how do you like the

“grass” so far? 

I’ve pretty much given up on any hope that FX, gold, and oil can hold and

maintain any consistent level of VIX … what an absolute FUBAR bunch of joke

markets … everything is either a C4 explosion, or it’s dead in the water … take

away microsecond moves on Apparatchik lips moving and spewing lies, or any

of the made up from fiction economic reports, and ranges diminish rather quickly

from bad to worse to worser-er-er … you’re never gonna be able to catch any of

those moves cuz 1) the bid/offer spread blows out, 2) slippage goes orbital, and

3) if you think the scumbag bank or HFT LP is gonna cut you some slack and

hand out a decent fill, then I got farmland in North Korea to sell you! … CHEAP!

… right next to Uncle Kim’s house with a great view!

So my “command decision” is to stay put in the trading pasture of green grass

that makes up 1) BTC [Bitcoin], 2) Ethereum, and 3) the “Spoos” [SP500 CFD]

… all 3 traded on the MT4 / MT5, and while the “Spoos” are slightly higher in

cost at Coinexx [0.2 index points, versus SIMPLE FX which has the best spread],

overall Coinexx has far superior LOWER crypto costs than anybody I’ve seen on

the MT4 / MT5, and depending on BTC price anywhere from 30% - 40% cheaper

than trading costs at Phemex or Binance on an “open order book” [OOB]

platform … and yes, Coinexx can be “slippage whores”, just like anywhere you

go, so if you press the “buy” button and BTC is going up like a shooting star in

the night sky, you ain’t gonna like your fill … BUT I’ve never had a problem with

crypto withdrawal from them, and so at least for now they got that going for


Given this somewhat new paradigm for the PAMM’S trading markets, I’ve

rearranged the weekly 20 Day Range MA & MEDIAN values and shortened the list

to our 3 markets … everything else is bullshit anyway! … Directly below the table

for the week.

click on table to enlarge

A couple of things need to be considered when viewing this table … 1) the

average [A] & median [M] values are from NYSE hours, i.e 9:30 AM EST - 4 PM

EST …this cuts out the microsecond large moves that come with bullshit econ

reports from the propaganda whiz kids in “The Swamp” at mostly 08:30 AM EST,

and gives a better idea of what you can expect … while we can’t eliminate FED

meetings that skew the shit out of price, if they skew large enough then use the

median values … 2) in BTC, you need to SUBTRACT ABOUT $30 FROM THESE


day and list the “pros & cons” of ETH versus BTC … in the final analysis, pick

your poison and go with it … as for the “Spoos”, a median value just above 30

index points is really piss poor … remember the consecutive weeks above 100

index points? … now down around 30? … yea, pretty pathetic, but the future

holds unlimited opportunity, just remember that … onto the week at hand!

… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,

and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!


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