Congrats to the people who live in the Banana Republic known as the U.S.
… apparently, you want more crime, more inflation, more illegal immigration, a
lower standard of living, a senile corrupt puppet wandering around the White
House, hypocrites and moral degenerates everywhere, and possible WWIII with
Russia … why, who wouldn’t vote for that? … quite frankly, the country is over,
and has been for a few years … corruption everywhere you look from the CDC to
the FBI and all the way to the Supreme Court with justices that don’t even know
the difference between a man and a woman … just the tip of the corruption
iceberg … “when the U.S. votes, the world laughs!”
Whatever the final outcome, cuz it takes a long time to count the dead people’s
votes, and lift all of those stuffed mail in ballots, it won’t matter much to
manipulated markets … energy looks to be the standout space in 2023, but a lot
depends on the Chicoms and their willingness to lift COVID restrictions, and
this is leading to a gigantic stalemate, and why price VIX is continuing to come
down … trust me, the ChiComs will play that market card like a violin and get the
oil price they want … meanwhile, Idiots and dopes in the U.S., led by Biden and
other Communists / Socialists / Anarchists will do their very best to shut down
U.S. oil production … “fine by me, it theoretically means a higher price for crude
and more volatile trading conditions, so thanks Morons” … problem is, we aren’t
seeing it in the marketplace.
Today is one of those days where I want to go outside and just walk into the
ocean … first up is the fact that I don’t want to be trading at “SLIPPAGE FX”
… we’re here cuz we’re FORCED TO BE HERE, not cuz we chose to be here
… and cuz of that, the dynamics of our trading got changed last week whether
we like it or not … quite frankly, FX isn’t the problem … what is the problem is
pricing and slippage in the CFD’s, something Turnkey had managed to solve and
implement to some degree … well, that’s out the frickin’ window cuz now Coinexx
owns ‘em … what that means is higher spreads for sure and most likely higher
slippage … and we aren’t seeing consistent, decent pricing in the energy
complex so far … oil is OK most days, but Natty Gas is a total F-ing joke, with a
bid/offer spread that would make Vito Corleone blush with envy … the problem
right now is that oil is not really moving once Europe gets underway and trading
then moves into the U.S. session … unless things change dramatically, the 20
Day Range MA for the New York session in WTI Crude Oil will fall again this week
… since mid September crude oil has lost OVER 60 CENTS PER BBL. IN TERMS
OF ITS 20 DAY RANGE MA, and like I said is destined to go lower this week as
well … Natty Gas has, over the same period, has lost about 15 cents.
Meanwhile, over in the “Stock Bellies” CFD’s, spreads are a frickin’ joke [5 index
points in the DOW30], and slippage worse! … sure, I’d love to trade the DOW30
or the “Spoos”, but not at the spreads they quote cuz they are rip offs … you’re
simply handing them money on every trade for no reason whatsoever … and
while HOPEFULLY crude oil can pick up here, it hasn’t done so yet … as I write
starting the New York afternoon, the 7 hour range is approximately $2, with over
half of that coming in less than 15 minutes … talk about inconsistent VIX, this is
it … bat shit crazy [BSC] to crickets faster than Republicans losing a slam dunk
election cycle to a demented, cheating criminal pedophile … and to be crystal
clear, I’m not paying approximately $150 to trade a 1 lot in Natty Gas, I don’t give
a shit where it moves to or how it gets there.
Time for Plan B on days like this, which seems like weeks and months in
duration … got no choice unless I want to sit, which I don’t … and that means
moving back to FX on days when oil and gas just aren’t viable trading pairs
APPROXIMATELY 256 PIPS, where today the combined European & New York
session so far = about 100 PIPS … yesterday it was 135 PIPS, so there’s
enough there for us … more importantly, it trades up/down, and while on
occasion goes straight, mostly trades better than what we see in either “Stock
Bellies” or energy … when I come in, I can usually tell right away what
conditions are like in oil, so while it will be my first choice, if it ain’t playing
I’m moving over to GBPJPY … pricing about as good as it gets for the pair, even
at a shitbox like “Slippage FX” … some things they just can’t fuck up, and this
pair is one of ‘em … slippage not a factor on most trades, so we should be OK
in here … to say I’m disappointed in the fact that Natty Gas is being mispriced
by design is an understatement.
On simple 1 lots, GBPJPY costs us a little over $1 via the spread … in Natty Gas
it’s somewhere between $75 - $150 … this is bullshit … oil, if priced right is
about $20 via the spread on a 1 lot … that’s still expensive, but points out why
trading action [VIX] and consideration of the “Trading Ratio” [TR] is so “Hoover
Dam” important … right now as I write, the TR for Cable/Yen = approximately
4.5 - 5.0, and it’s lost a little “oomph” since the London Fix, where at that time it
was approximately = 8,0 - 8.5 … by comparison, crude oil right now =
approximately 3.5, and at the London Fix it was = approximately 4.0 - 4.5
… Natty Gas isn’t even worth looking at cuz of the ridiculous spread conditions
… and since the higher the TR, the better the trading opportunities for profit
via the algorithm, what’s not to like about Cable/Yen? … I stated clearly in the
PDF manual, that the Energy Trading Algorithm can be used in any volatile
market, and what you’d like to see for max effectiveness is a TR above 4 … get
lower than that, and problems mount quickly.
So while I’ll remain focused on energy, when it can’t or doesn’t want to play, I’m
not gonna sit around and collect dust waiting for shit to happen … I’ll simply
move over to GBPJPY … seems the logical Plan B alternative, and right now over
the last several weeks, more days than I want too count has seen both oil and
gas disappoint, either with shit trading action, or spikes from Hell followed by the
loser formation, or BOTH! … no trades today for the PAMM in energy … Natty Gas
pricing itself out of the picture, and oil not giving us the trading opportunities we
want to see cuz of lackluster New York session trading action … when half of the
days range comes under 15 minutes, you are gonna have a problem mi amigo,
and this “speed of light … crickets” bullshit we’ve seen so often just seems to
continue in these markets … to solve this [hopefully], I move on to Plan B when
necessary … onto tomorrow and some real trading!
… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,
and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!
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