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Tuesday, November 29, 2022



“The trick is to ALWAYS find out how & then do it!!?”

Overnight, I didn’t see any news from the ChiComs … that isn’t necessarily good

or bad, but markets are taking it as a slight positive for some reason … the

protests & riots haven’t stopped, I can assure you … we live in an era of bank

manipulation, but what trumps that is the fact that money flows are as large [and

getting larger] as I’ve ever seen them, and therefore price moves take time … this

lends itself very well to binary options, cuz the expiration is so quick in terms of

time, that once the move starts, it can’t be undone or reversed for some multiple

of minutes.

Today is a perfect example of this … “Trading Ratio” [TR] for USDJPY &

GBPUSD hanging right around 3 EVEN, which quite frankly isn’t very good for

trading in the traditional way … but for binary options, once an algorithm buy/sell

signal is triggered, all we care about is one thing, and that is if long it’s higher

and if short that it’s lower … if so, “winner winner, chicken dinner” … whether it’s

0.1 PIPS higher [if long], it’s as good as being 50 PIPS higher … higher is higher,

whereas in traditional trading people are looking for moves … what if the moves

are small, or they don’t come, then what?

The other advantage of binary options is “RISK MANAGEMENT” … AND THIS IS

A HUGE ADVANTAGE, DON’T OVERLOOK IT! … with options, [any kind of

options] from the most sophisticated exotic strategies to simple binary options

SHOULD LIMIT RISK, not keep it open ended, that leads to “toes up” for your

account … to that end, a losing trade by definition in binary options is only

slightly higher than what you win … there is no way in Hell traditional trading

offers this to you, and if you think it does, you’re delusional … anybody who ever

got their stops run by scumbag banks, or suffered massive slippage on fills,

PLEASE RAISE YOUR HAND! … [if I had six arms with 6 hands, they’d ALL be in

the air!] … oh my, that’s a lot of hands I’m seein’ … and what this allows us to do

is go for “NET WINS”, and why “Payout Ratio” [PR] on wins is so important and

needs to be at 75% or higher … in the pdf manual over in “Download Links”, I

show that with using the trading algorithm, our expected return on each $1 bet,

per bet, is roughly $0.57 … your goal should be to 1) first raise your account

balance from something relatively meaningless, and then 2) figure out what the

approximate $$ per day income figure you want, remembering at all times to use

low leverage [risk 1% - 3% on each trade, that way no single trade can hurt you,

cuz the power of the algorithm is in the ACCUMULATION OF TRADES] … DO

THIS and within weeks [not months or years], you got your trading income with

very little stress, without having to spend most of the day praying for a

catchable move. 

And while there are plenty of houses to open an account, IMHO “IQCENT” offers

the most advantages for the trader, over and above others … they don’t have the

highest payout ratio going, but they make up for that in other areas, like also

having a decent selection of CFD’s, good mix of FX pairs for options, weekly

contests, deposit / withdrawal in BTC, and very liberal ID upon first withdrawal

that is friendly to anyone and everyone … add it all up, and they come out on top

IMHO … over in the right hand column is the affiliate link to sign up … using that

link to sign up doesn’t cost 1 cent to anybody, nor add one cent in terms of cost

to anybody either … it does rebate to me a few pennies, which helps me bring

content to my readers … however, if you don’t want to, then don’t, simple as that.

Turning to today’s bag of central bank bullshit, a/k/a financial markets, it’s been

a while since I’ve seen this many markets so screwed up, they don’t know

whether to laugh or cry … FOMO & sheer fear creating spikes from Hell, booth up

& down, with nowhere to go once they’re done … and then there’s the ChiComs

each day, setting the tone with idiotic COVID policies … highly ironic considering

they caused all of this … that starts the avalanche in the Asian session, which

ends when Mrs. Watanabe & gal pals, right along with the Chuckleheads, lose

their collective donkeys and markets die hitting Europe … and the U.S. session is

nothing but FED PIE HOLE speak, and little else … what bullshit … today’s New

York ranges [so far] in FX are embarrassing they’re so low … cue the broken

record … “WTF, what do I have to do, move to frickin’ Thailand, to get decent

trading action?” … then towards the London Fix, everything shits the bed

… never mind those moves to the upside threatening to hit a new high for the day,

cuz now the lows are in play … still, ranges are anemic and pathetic, and unless

something happens to change the course of things, another day where the 20

Day Range MA’s come “bigly & yuge” under their respective averages … TR’s

have picked up slightly since earlier this morning, and are hanging around the

4 level … that’s good if the market is moving somewhere … not so good if it’s

simply chop, cuz it simply means it gets to nowhere quicker and forces you out.

There have been signals of course, but many of ‘em negated cuz of too high

MFI’s, a general reluctance to move anywhere, and straight shot FOMO or panic

moves where scumbag LP banks front run orders, and then fade the market when

those order flows die … in other words, small mini “V’s” up and down to set off

buy/sell signals from the most popular indicators for specs … and once they get

specs leaning the wrong way, it doesn’t take much to get ‘em to panic the other

way … rinse, repeat, and how many days do we see this horseshit … never

enough movement to get anything of substance going, just enough to kill most

long/short over leveraged specs. 

If we simply had slightly higher ranges we would have a lot more signals cuz

there’s “room to run” … since today is what it is, one algorithm buy signal in

USDJPY … PAMM UP FRACTIONALLY … not at all thrilled with my entry fill, but

“B.I. Itching” to SLIPPAGE FX is useless & pointless … liquidation was excellent

though, so overall things were OK … quite frankly, spent most of the day

watching Cable and USDJPY … did a fair amount of binary option bets, along

with “Miss Gimpy” [who btw is now fully recovered from her fractured leg on

Memorial Day … the nickname, though, will stay forever.], waiting for ranges to

be extended … apparently, that’s asking for too much … dunno, but with “Stock

Bellies” drifting, and having a lid put on ‘em by the FED Lounge Lizards at every

opportunity, and oil conditions not improving at “SLIPPAGE FX”, we don’t have

many options to explore … this 30 - 40 PIP back & forth yo-yo over multiple

hours is bullshit, but there isn’t anything I can do about it … onto tomorrow. 

… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,

and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!! 


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