I find it amazing, Libtards care more about the border of Ukraine & Russia than
they do about the southern border of the U.S. … how much fucking sense does
that make? … well, it makes perfect sense if you’re a hypocritical scumbag who
needs wars, diversions, and countless invisible enemies lurking everywhere so
that you can carry out the total destruction of the U.S. … and given
“Taliban Joe’s” perversion to being an idiot 100% of the time, don’t be surprised
to see war in Ukraine … as Orwell said quite truthfully, wars aren’t meant to be
won, they are meant to be continuously fought for profit … just as “big Pharma”
isn’t interested in curing a fucking thing … if they did that, you wouldn’t be a
continuous customer needing the latest drug for every little thing … now you
know what true fascism looks like.
We’re all SP500 traders now, as everything on the board takes its cue from the
“Spoos” … and it’ll be interesting to see at what level the “Spoos” have to be at
before the Lounge Lizards at the FED start walking back “interest rate hikes” to
the moon … my guess is, we aren’t that far away right now … as I’ve said before,
“there ain’t no way in Hell rates are going significantly higher, cuz if they do, the
U.S. government won’t be able to sell their worthless cow chip bills, notes, &
bonds” … and furthermore, the interest rate on federal debt will eat up ALL
REVENUES … 42 YEARS AGO in 1980, the national debt stood at a little under
$1 trillion … today it’s a hair under $30 trillion and rising fast, not to mention the
unfunded liabilities like Medicare, Social Security, etc. that are exploding higher
cuz of the retirement of the “Baby Boomers” … do the math Skippy, and it
becomes impossible for rates to rise in any significant way or the U.S. is BUST!
The only thing the average American with any money at all has going for him/ her,
is the fact that so far, “Stonks” have been relatively stable to going higher,
especially the index funds … let “Stonks” go over a cliff, and “Taliban Joe’s”
approval rating could go NEGATIVE … he already knows come November his
coalition of Libtards, Communists, Socialists, & Anarchists are going to get
“monkey hammered” in the midterm elections, and that’s why all of a sudden the
talk of an “illegitimate” 2022 election comes to the fore … might as well get ahead
of the shellacking and plant the seed of the biggest ever midterm losses any
Preezy has ever seen and paint it as “fraud” … and why not, nobody knows fraud
better than “Taliban Joe” and his motley crew of misfits … throw in a war over
Ukraine to keep the “Russia, Russia, Russia!” hype alive and blame Trump, and
with the level of ignorance pulsating through the country among the base, maybe
they can “pull a rabbit out of the hat”! … better chance of a snowball surviving
Hell, but it’s all they got!
So here we are this morning, and the rosy research report from JPM over the
weekend about “Stonks” notwithstanding, the “Spoos” are getting the “Thelma
& Louise” treatment with about 2 hours ‘till the open … does the “Plunge
Protection Team” [PPT] come in after the open, or after the London Fix European
close? … with an approximate hour and a half ‘till the open, the “Spoos” already
have a 70+ handle range … “HEY GRANDMA YELLEN, HOW FAR DOWN YOU
GONNA LET THIS SHIT GO”? … then there’s the NDX100, which as was pointed
out on ZH last week, if the 14,000 level goes, ALL HELL IS GONNA BREAK LOOSE
… well, only a couple of hundred points away in the largest tech bubble the world
has ever seen … how do you let a “little” air out of the balloon without popping
it? … but no worries, the “smartest people in the room” are on it, and between
“Taliban Joe” wondering WTF is going on and getting his diaper changed, and
Grandma Yellen heading up the PPT, I’m sure nothing can possibly go
wrong, right? …. Bwahahahahahaha!
Well, as you’d expect simply cuz it’s Turnkey being Turnkey, spreads in the
“Stock Bellies” blown to Hell [for no reason], with the “Spoos” blowing out to
1.5 index points, the NDX100 to 4 index points, and the DOW30 to 5 - 7 index
points … ahhhh, good times! … seriously, “WTF am I supposed to do with this?”
… meanwhile, a place like Simple FX [which the Mrs. loves for everything
EXCEPT crypto] has normal spreads … “I guess they love losing money, since
Turnkey’s LP’s are so honest and everything, right? … what a frickin’ joke.
The NDX100 busts 14,000 and the PPT has been nowhere in sight today
… relentless selling is the reason why, and since the bubble has been blown to
all outward appearances beyond even ridiculous, trying to pick a bottom in this
shitpile is akin to catching a running chainsaw dropped by a jetliner from 35,000
feet … good luck … the only thing I’m surprised about, is it took this long to get
here … how anybody could have believed Biden wouldn’t FUBAR the country
into oblivion is simply beyond logic and comprehension!
Simply look at his record, as he’s one of the most corrupt, inept, incompetent
POS that’s been around “The Swamp” for 50 years running … team him up with
Spicoli & Grandma Yellen, and these 3 look like the “Three Stooges” … and the
worst part, is that we’re coming off record highs just days ago … and as I
predicted a long time ago on this blog, when the end comes to the “Stonks
Bubble”, it will come viciously fast, take no prisoners, and your highest priority
better be preservation of capital … well, here we are in the early innings, and is
it ugly enough for you?
Well, given the options before us, meaning Turnkey’s complete inability to
provide honest and fair market spreads in CFD’s, and since we clearly have
entered the back “6” of the “88/6/6” trading paradigm in “Stock Bellies”, that only
leaves us with one alternative for trading “risk on / risk off” [RORO] … and that
means a return to GBPJPY for the foreseeable future, cuz Cable by itself ain’t it
… you simply can’t expect the scumbag LP’s at Turnkey to all of sudden discover
honest & fair spreads like at other houses … you’re dreaming if you think that’s
gonna happen, cuz it isn’t … which means the “Stock Bellies” are a train wreck
for the foreseeable future no matter UP / DOWN … Cable / Yen is as good a proxy
for RORO as there is in the FX space, especially when shit heats up, and I’d say
right now the temp is more than a little warm, it’s downright F-ing HOT!
I had thought of GBPJPY the other day when I mentioned Cable, but at that time
we were only in the beginning stages of a “correction” in “Stonks” … that has
turned into a full blown meltdown, and we now find ourselves in the back “6”
… the spread in GBPJPY has only widened by a tenth or two, staying right
around 1 PIP give or take … that’s acceptable, but paying the bullshit “vig” in
"Stock Bellies” ain’t … granted, the correlations aren’t perfect, but nothing is, I
simply navigate based on the algorithm … it simply gives us our best shot
without outrageous risk we’re seeing now in “Stonks” AND the cost of trading
… VIX in GBPJPY could be a little higher, but it’s well within acceptable ranges
based on the 20 Day Range MA, which today comes in around 118 PIPS
… adding it all up, it gives us the best of both worlds versus “Stock Bellies” with
much reduced risk if SHTF … in addition, trading this pair from the short side is
also an option I don’t mind doing.
Clearly, Turnkey has a problem with their CFD’s … they aren’t the absolute worst
on the block, cuz there are plenty of those “Gyp Joints” around, but they aren’t
acceptable either … which is kinda interesting, cuz in FX they are one of the
overall best [excluding gold & silver] … in a “normal” trading world, where
spreads are consistent and stable, I wouldn’t have to do this, but there’s nothing
“normal” when it comes to these bandits ripping people off in CFD’s … oh sure,
they can “behave” for a while, but sooner or later they come back and bite you
… I refuse to be “bitten” by these thieves any longer, the DOW30 “mug & rape”
the last straw.
No trades today for the Turnkey PAMM … I turn my sights to the RORO proxy
pair GBPJPY tonight and go from there … no trades in crypto either, cuz I want
to see the dust settle after the Saturday / Sunday / Monday bloodbath we’ve
seen, especially in the alt-coins like ADA … and btw, last week as ETHUSD was
cratering and tumbling through $3K, “The Syndicate’s” approximate 6% holding
of total funds from right around $2,000 many weeks ago, got liquidated on a sell
stop at $2,950 … “I’ll ride it up and give it room, but I ain’t gonna let it come back
and take away all of the profit! … as it turns out, we made about 50% on those
small funds, and the funds remain in cash looking for the next bull run … I’ll
keep fund participants posted.
… outta here … “The future’s so bright I need sunglasses”!! 😎😎
… Onward & Upward!!
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