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Wednesday, January 19, 2022



“Government medicine at your service! … just another symptom of collapse!”

We are almost there … the fusion of technology, the lame street media, and

government … all wrapped tightly under the same banner to destroy the U.S. and

its founding principles, under modern day FASCISM … your prosperity, health,

wealth, & happiness just to great a burden on the ruling Elites … “does

government EVER do anything anymore for the general prosperity of its people,

so they can live their lives in freedom? … of course not! … government only

acts to take away from one group and give to another, to curry votes and favor

and stay in power to continue to hand out more money to “victims” … and in it’s

collective stupidity & hubris, it will eventually become the hunted, as more & more

people finally wake up and smell the frickin’ coffee … it might take 100+ years, but

it will eventually happen … well, we’re a helluva lot closer to this end than we are

to the beginning … meanwhile, to keep you distracted, they’ve turned financial

markets into a modern day equivalent of a casino … rigged of course.

And while nobody is reporting on this that I can find, the crypto “whales” have

now decided to go “mainstream” and adopt the manipulation techniques of

central banks in “Stock Bellies”, FX, & gold … only they’ve taken it a step farther

with “forced liquidations”, that are set at such tight levels it’s ridiculous … “oh

they say, it’s to “protect you” from violent moves, and we’ve even decided NOT

to charge you gas fees for these liquidations, so you’re free to “get back in” with

a new position”! … MY RESPONSE: “who exactly really benefits from this, to the

point of you not charging gas fees? … you just decided out of the kindness of

your hearts to give money away? … NO, you’ve done the math and the gas fees

are “chump change” relative to the stealing and “scumbaggery & fuckery” your

favorite LP’s on your “open order book” [OOB] platform will benefit from, namely

taking their large amounts of cash and running these “forced liquidation stops”,

and then using their muscle to take the market the other direction very, very fast”!

… and lo & behold, since these new trading rules have come into effect, take a

look at the stop runs that turn around quickly and screw people! … just a

“coincidence” right? … and at the same time forcing people to trade more than

otherwise would have been the case … well, if I wasn’t so cynical, I’d say

everybody benefits except the trader … gee, what a surprise … It makes you

wonder who got to the “whales” in BTC & ETH? 

We start today’s trading a little after the European open, and right on cue,

Turnkey’s scumbag LP’s can’t seem to make honest and fair spreads, so

whaddaya gonna do? … oil at 4 cents, and the DAX40 running around 2.5 index

points BEFORE any slippage … both are bullshit, and as I’ve told them a zillion

times via email, 1) this is bullshit, and 2) you lose business so good luck dealing

with that … since you won’t do anything about it, like find and hire the LP’s other

houses have that don’t have these horseshit spreads, deal with the consequences

cuz you won’t be getting of my business as a result … and stop feeding me the

“shit sandwich” of “we only have the very best “top tier” LP’s”! … umm, no you

don’t! … what sense does it make for the DAX40, WHEN GERMANY IS OPEN, to

have a higher spread than when these dinosaur stocks trade in New York? … in

all seriousness, they keep claiming they want to be taken “seriously” by traders

in their offerings of world stock indices, and yet at the same time they think we’re

stupid dumb fucks that just got off the turnip truck and hit town … here’s an idea

Morons: “try getting LP’s that are honest and fair instead of the rip off artists you

got now! … and then sit back and see what happens … nobody believes you,

including me, cuz you have NO CREDIBILITY when speaking on behalf of the

dipshit LP’s you let run loose on your trading clients … 99% of the time, any

stock index Turnkey offers for trading is a RIP OFF in more ways than one, it just

depends on today which one they choose to screw you with … today it’s spread,

tomorrow it will be slippage, the next day BOTH, etc., etc.

Then there’s oil …  I guess we just go UP $1+ every day this year, and end the

year at $250 per barrel … nothing trades, nothing corrects, it’s a glacier walk up

the hill every “Hoover Dam” day … yea, I know it’s January, the worst month of

the year for crude, but still … would it kill ya to actually fucking trade some?

… you know, up / down? … btw, I am switching trading oil from WTI to Brent … I

think we’ll get better fills from Brent, and slightly larger movements … it doesn’t

matter what the news is, oil just goes up every frickin' day … higher interest rates,

a depression in China, the IEA calling for an oil surplus in H1 2022? … nothing

matters [the hallmark of a big bull market], and it can’t correct even when the

entire world is frickin’ long! … until that is, when it does, and the wailing &

gnashing of teeth heard on sell stop fills will be unreal! … look, it’s pretty simple

… I’m not looking for a big selloff, but I don’t want to get caught in a sell stop run

that I KNOW IS COMING VERY, VERY SOON, and watch in horror as my fill is so

far off my stop it’s in another area code! … with a 2 or 3 cent spread, little rinky

dink rallies are of no use to us, we need trading action, and I don’t define that as

being long for half an hour to make 10 - 15 cents … we simply need to see

BETTER UP / DOWN TRADING ACTION … this is the third year in a row where

January trading action in oil [WTI & Brent] has sucked … and I mean terrible!

… this is not how oil trades, so don’t fall into the trap of thinking the last 10 - 20

days is the norm … it ain’t! … we’ll be soon enough “ass deep” in oil for trading

for the PAMM, I can assure you … I am simply not willing to get caught in what I

know is going to happen real soon … and it’s not like I’m looking for some big

“Thelma & Louise” off the cliff break, but I know sell stops when I see ‘em and

we ain’t seen them at all, and right now there are too many long position holders

in oil just cruising along counting all the money they’re up … until they get

caught … count me out of that group! … and from there, and at that point, the

oil game starts.

Here in mid afternoon New York, today sees oil inventories at 4:30 PM from the

API … tomorrow at 11 AM EST we get oil inventories from the EIA, which

measures stocks in Cushing OK., the delivery point for WTI crude, along with

distillates gas & heating oil … already the last 2 days, I’m seeing some very

quick smallish breaks, that heretofore we haven’t seen so far this year … that’s

an early warning flag of what’s coming, whether it’s tonight, tomorrow, or the

next day … one thing is clear, though, we can’t keep climbing like this without

some sort of “cleaning out” of the long spec positions, and like gold [although

not as bad historically] it’s never a pretty picture when it strikes … in addition to

that, ranges have been falling, meaning algorithm parameters & metrics are

getting “jammed up” into each other, indicating chop and directionless trading

… although it certainly isn’t directionless, you wouldn’t know it from the trading

action, which has / is been terrible since the start of the new year … of course,

this too shall pass … so while I don’t like sitting here and watching grass grow, I

like even less getting chopped and losing money … I simply wait, keeping the

powder dry, and letting it do what I know it’s gonna do before I venture in, cuz I

can’t time the sell stops … they happen when they happen, and the algorithm is

of no use for that.

NO trading today for the Turnkey PAMM … UP FRACTIONALLY FOR

“The Syndicate” trading ADA … it was a weird day all around.

 … outta here … “The future’s so bright I need sunglasses”!! 😎😎

… Onward & Upward!!


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