“The joke is on us!”
When the societal onion gets peeled back, what do we really learn from a
pandemic that has no agenda? … 1) we learn the complete folly of government
at every level, with every two-bit POL desperately desiring for their inner
“Joseph Stalin'' to be able to break out and control somebody … anybody
… and most importantly government isn’t the solution, government is the
problem … 2) the MSM ARE the enemy of truth at every turn and have forsaken
their responsibility to be taken seriously … only when viewed as political hacks
does anything they say or write make any sense, always the narrative or agenda
of radical progressive BS over actual truth … 3) financial markets have been
exposed for what I’ve known for a long time … they are manipulation machines
to control people’s behavior … the manipulations finally getting to a point where
even die hard “free marketers” can’t keep a straight face when faced with FED
manipulation facts … 4) and finally, what we’ve learned is that the mantra, “never
let a crisis go to waste” is in full force, and the further erosion of our liberties will
be diminished in the days / weeks / months / years ahead, until the next time
Libtard Loons get full power, and at that exact moment the U.S. is O.V.E.R. as
you’ve known it … first your liberties are taken away, then your “behavior” is
reported to authorities, and finally your wealth & money are confiscated … it’s
started, and until Sheeple in “Murica wake the fuck up and throw out of office
the same old dipshits they keep returning to D.C., nothing will change the
trajectory towards your eventual serfdom.
“The ChiComs lied, people died” … there POLS, I solved it for you … trusting
Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, & Libtard Loons to be truthful, and work for
the greater good of INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY & FREEDOMS, is like asking hungry
lions to not eat the lamb but wait for the vegetarian tofu plate to be served later
… agenda & narrative is all that matters, and they view their idiotic Utopian
ideals to be morally superior to whatever you think is in your best interests
… there “self anointed” faux superiority is a fucking joke, led by losers who
teach at the indoctrination centers we used to call universities … no longer is
“critical thought” the goal, with well rounded young adults shaping the future of
the country … instead we get indoctrinated SJW Weenies with useless &
worthless degrees, who can’t “think”, can’t write, see every living moment
through the prism of some kind of “-ism”, and live a humorless life always angry,
deny the existence of God, hate their parents, and worship at the altar of abortion,
climate change, and their own brilliance … credentialed NOT educated, who live
in Mom’s basement and do nothing but whine & complain.
I have a better opinion of financial markets having a future, than I do for the
continued existence of the U.S. as you know it, simply cuz the elites NEED
markets for their continued corruption, money laundering, & under the table
bribery payments to POLS & Apparatchiks everywhere, no matter the country or
style of rule … understand, that can’t be allowed to stop, cuz nobody in power
wants it to.
So here we are on a Friday, not much happening overnight, except the NFL draft
via the internet, whose sole purpose was to remind us of what life used to be like
before the “little Joe Stalins” stepped in and told you what to do and how to react
cuz you’re to fucking stupid to know on your own … meanwhile, while there are
“rules” for social distancing and all that shit for everyday Joes, the elites & rulers
that “think” they are our betters simply do whatever the fuck they want
… welcome to serfdom Sheeple! … “please kind sir, may I have another cup of
Today’s open at the NYSE, a classic case of “pump & dump”, with the
“Chipmunks” getting fed stock at the highs, followed by the dump … since we
can’t see or have any way of knowing true order flow, it’s not something I’m keen
on to make a trade in the DOW30 … however, that doesn’t mean I don’t know
when I see it … for those not in the “loop”, the “Chipmunks” are those
institutions [ETN’S, ETF’S, Mutual funds, & large hedge funds] that are required
to do the day’s buying of stock during the first 5 minutes of the day … they have
no choice, either by corporate compliance rules or by industry rules from
alphabet soup regulatory agencies … it’s all to prevent money managers
colluding with traders, and then splitting the ill gotten loot … right, sure … in
reality, these institutions start placing their orders hours before the cash NYSE
open, thus giving the institutional trading desks of scumbag LP banks knowledge
of the impending buy orders … which they immediately pass on to the prop
account traders down the aisle with a “wink wink, nod nod”, and nobody knows
nuttin’, and nobody sees nuttin’! … these prop accounts are illegal, but who’s
there to care about it? … technically they aren’t illegal, cuz they are independent
offshore accounts domiciled in a tax haven of choice, and the owners legally
aren’t the bank … who actually are the proprietary principals nobody will ever
find out cuz that’s what tax havens are all about … so these traders start buying
as orders come in, and that’s why many times the DOW30 starts rallying into the
open 60 - 90 minutes before hand … and guess who’s there to sell to the
“Chipmunks” during the first 5 minutes?
OK, with the dinero in hand, they’ll split the booty with various entities, bank
management, and the trader gets some pre-arranged percentage for his/her
efforts … everybody wins! … well, except the doofus institutions, but it ain’t
their money so they don’t care either … ATTENTION REGULATORS: “go back to
watching midget porn on your office computers, and just leave markets alone,
OK? … you guys couldn’t find your ass with either hand if you had a
Rand-McNally road atlas to guide you … nice work “regulatin’, you really
prevented a lot of “scumbaggery” didn’t you”? … it’s not until you realize that it’s
set up this way by regulators to get the actual result they really want, which is
that knowledge flowing into the “right hands” … hands that will give them their
share of the “vig” for the effort, and turning their heads and looking the other
way when needed … how else do you think they deserve to get a cut?
Now, if we actually had the data the scumbag banks have, which means I could
see “order flow” and know who was buying/selling what, and in what quantities,
we to could profit handsomely … only the system is deliberately set up to avoid
this and keep us in the dark … some scam, huh?
Since that “pump & dump” washout during the first 20 - 30 minutes of trading,
it’s been a “Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] grind inside a tight range … only
about 125 index points so far as of 1 PM EST … the trading action is horrible,
with spikes from hell all over the place … consider this … cash market has been
open for over 3 hours now, and the average M1 range is almost 20 index points
… wait, wut? … 180 minutes of action that doesn’t see but a grand total of 125
index points from the tips, yet the average M1 is 20 index points? … 15% of the
FWD range in the average M1? … how does that work? … it works cuz the
spikes from hell are 1) front runned institutional orders being filled on spikes,
and 2) stops both buy/sell fills to the retail crowd getting butchered as usual
… all have no follow through, and once the 10 second fireworks are over, and
you’ve contributed to the upcoming 2020 Christmas party, it’s time to rinse &
repeat … “hey, who wants to play”?!
I’m not at all happy with trading conditions in the DOW30, but it’s all we got
… we’re paying higher total cost to trade it, but the range is also much bigger
than before, along with the important fact that the FED has lost control over the
indices, meaning they can’t get the volatility Genie back in the bottle … nobody
trusts them & nobody believes their bullshit anymore, and you can see that by
noticing that liquidity in the most heavily traded emini index on earth, the SP500
emini, it has no liquidity … 10 years ago, on average over the course of any
given month, the number of emini futures contracts bid and offered 1 index
point from the current price was about 8500 contracts … look today, and it’s
between 5 - 10! … nobody is sticking their necks out and getting sandbagged by
either Trump or any FED PIe Hole Apparatchik … and that means more, not less
VIX & IVIX, which is what I want … what I don’t like are all of the M1 spikes from
hell that gap in price, and are nothing but orders that are getting front runned,
or stops, and then with a vengeance turn on a dime and gap the other way
… that’s why I say, when liquidating you absolutely MUST use the spikes in your
profit direction to close the trade … if you’re 1 millisecond too late, the scumbag
LP bank will absolutely screw you … guaranteed … it simply doesn’t matter what
happens next, time to move on to the next trade setup.
One algorithm buy signal today in the DOW30 … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP 0.1%
A couple of signals got blown through with the usual bullshit, but as VIX & IVIX
are getting squeezed out of these markets, signals numbers drop some … this
week though, outside of Tuesday, has seen abysmal trading conditions … you
have to go back to pre coronavirus days to see shit like most of this week
… hopefully next week sees better trading conditions, but who knows.
Outta here … blog update on Sunday … until then mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great weekend everybody!
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