“Oh look, the faculty lounge Twits at the FED are meeting!”
Modern day “markets” no longer reflect economic reality or the prospects for
future economic growth … instead, they attempt to “project” behavioral control
via price … cuz what the manipulators know cuz the Nazi’s showed them the
way, is all that matters to achieve your ultimate goal to subordinate an entire
country to the will of a few, is to convince them that what you’re doing is for their
own good … nowhere is this more manifest today than in “Stock Bellies”, those
U.S. stock indices that mirror “Unicorn meat” & “lucky Shamrocks” … cuz all
that’s needed to pacify ‘Murica’s upwardly mobile middle class are growing IRA
& 401(k) accounts [that eventually will be confiscated or forced to buy worthless
government debt … for the children of course], that get shoved higher via the
FED’s CNTRL-P machine … “if stocks are going higher [all 5 of ‘em that matter],
how bad can it really be”?
Meanwhile, while you’re gloating cuz your shares of AMZN went higher yesterday,
the federal debt will almost DOUBLE this year, spending is out of control, interest
rates are about to go negative and NEVER EVER come back from down the rabbit
hole, the FED has destroyed your wealth & currency, and your loss of freedoms
grows exponentially by the week … but sure, feel all “warm & fuzzy” cuz a couple
of your stocks are higher in price … feel manipulated yet?
And as everyday Americans suffer mightily from the pandemic, does anybody see
any of these “Animal Farm” pigs in the “political class” suffer one iota? … “oh
please MSM, show me again Nancy “let them eat ice cream Antoinette” Pelosi
gushing over her ice cream collection from a $24K refrigerator … but hey, the FED
is manipulating my stocks higher and I don’t want that to stop … my, my, you do
come cheaper than I ever dreamed possible”! … and so it goes.
The 20th century sees unimaginable death & destruction via two world wars, that
are linked by immeasurable stupidity by delusional politicians … the majority of
the focus hasn’t been where it should be … namely, the dirty little secret all
western governments have learned from the despots, which is how to control
your country’s population and get them to either do or become complicit in shit
never before dreamed possible … how many of you have ever wondered how the
German people ever went along with a certifiably evil nutjob like Hitler? … fast
forward to today, and thanks to the efforts of the Gestapo Tech Giants, along with
the CIA, NSA, and other deep state alphabet soup scumbag government agencies,
how many times a day do you think they subliminally tell you what to think via the
dirtbags in the MSM?
Granted there do come times, when the news flow is so overwhelmingly negative,
that’s it’s impossible to keep “Stock Bellies” higher, and they are “allowed” to fall
… we just went through one such period in March 2020 … but the nature of the
beast will not allow you to take full advantage of the carnage, cuz what happens
is “markets” are blown to shit … spreads explode, slippage goes off the charts,
and scumbag LP banks look to exploit you at every turn, thus making “risk” much
higher than you want … just look at the damage these asshats have done to
markets like gold, where it’s a fucking sick joke what they allowed to get away
with … has the gold market ever seen such “bullish” conditions ever before?
… what a “coincidence” they take the market away from you with ridiculous “vig”,
at a time when conditions for trading gold are the best ever seen … well guess
what? … nobody in power wants to see gold higher, cuz they want stocks higher!
… again, feel manipulated yet? … my guess is “Stock Bellies” will be making
recorder-er-er new all time highs in October … gee, I wonder why? … meanwhile,
the country hurls further down the abyss to complete financial ruin & societal
decay … and right up ‘till the exact moment they come and take away your wealth,
either through direct confiscation or the more subtle route of taxation, you’ll be
“on board” … don’t say nobody ever warned you.
Let me be clear here … there is no such thing as “trading” anymore in the
traditional sense, in what we all used to call “markets” … markets ain’t markets
except to impose OR project a political will … as such, the ONLY thing that matters
is what the manipulators are doing at the moment … if you want to profit in
modern day “trading”, you have to understand & accept this or you’re toast
… and today, we get word from the “masters of denial” in crude oil that to solve
the “oil problem” is simple! … you just skip the front months of crude oil trading
in all of your calculations, as if they weren’t there and don’t exist! … see how easy
this is? … you just ignore it, have the financial MSM go along with the propaganda
being foisted upon the trading public, and VOILA!, it ain’t a problem anymore
… the country is in the very best of hands isn’t it?
So now, “Stock Bellies” can go even higher, cuz if oil is “positive” and by
definition nothing in oil can be a problem cuz we say so, cuz we just ignore it as
“non important” and change the rules … well, why didn’t somebody think of this
before?! … virus, what virus? … how many businesses shut down & ruined, and
how many hundreds of thousands [if not millions] of people dead, how many
lives ruined & shattered? … well, we simply change the definition of the virus,
make sure nobody gets tested, have no fucking idea of what’s really happening,
ignore the dead & suffering and pump hundreds of billions, maybe trillions, to
friends and crony capitalists of the POLS & Apparatchik’s brigade, and Bingo!,
Bango!, Boom! who fucking cares? … “Stock Bellies” are headed higher!!
Warning: hyper-inflation dead ahead … maybe somebody can email Maduro in
Venezuela and tell him the solution to all the problems can be solved with
Gringo ingenuity.
Looking at “trading” today … meaning, looking at the manipulations & the
manipulators ONLY, and ignoring everything else, you can get a pretty good sense
of the “lay of the land”, and how these criminals operate … make no mistake and
don’t be under any illusions, these scumbag LP banks are anything & everything
but “liquidity providers” [LP’s] … a bigger oxymoron in the history of the universe
might only be “honest lawyer” or maybe “military intelligence”, but these
scumbags really take the cake, and of course as a result of them getting their
collective asses handed to them in March 2020, we all get to pay the “traders tax”
… and looking at today, that tax rate just went higher.
What a “3 ring shitshow circus” the DOW30 is … if you hit either the buy or sell
button, look for anything within 20 index points of the bid [sell] or offer [buy] as
slippage, and that’s on top of a 4 index point spread … and that assumes the
market isn;t moving anywhere, just fumbling & bumbling along … if it’s moving,
then the slippage WILL be a lot higher than that if you’re on the wrong side of the
move … quite frankly, Turnkey’s LP’s should all be in prison … there are no
bigger group of thieves & crooks filling orders anywhere … which again is why I
say you have to liquidate your position when a spike comes along in your profit
direction, cuz if you’re 1 frickin’ millisecond late on the turn, they will take your
order out back and shoot it in the head … absolutely guaranteed.
What these shit weasel banks have done to traditional markets is a crime … from
my perspective it’s a good news bad news type of situation … the bad news is
that they have destroyed volume & liquidity, making it very, very tough to control
risk to acceptable levels … the somewhat good news is that IVIX [intraday
volatility] is out of the Genie bottle and ain’t goin’ back in anytime soon … and if
you get on the wrong side of this clusterfark roller coaster, they will take your
account from you in no time flat.
The morning sees Boeing coming under possible civil & criminal prosecution for
the 737MAX clusterfark, and overnight gains evaporate quickly right out of the
opening gate … not amazingly, for the umpteenth million time the Chipmunks &
Chuckleheads in Asia get taken to the cleaners, and it only takes 90 minutes or so
to see a 500 index point break … now that Europe’s closed, look for the criminal
New York banks to resort to the usual bullshit of “pump & dump” to fuck retail
specs, and don't think for a second any of this is either accidental or a
“coincidence” … THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES IN TRADING [or what’s left
of it] … nada, zip, zero, zilch … ALL THEY DO is read order flow & front run
institutional orders, both things of which we have no purview of and can’t see,
and get on the wrong side of these assholes, and they will bleed you dry.
Quite frankly, the state of “markets” broadly, and not just the “Stock Bellies”, has
never ever been worse … for the unwary risk is off the charts, and since you don’t
have unlimited funds to park in a trading account, AND ANYTHING CAN & WILL
HAPPEN ALMOST EVERY FRICKIN’ DAY, you can’t sit there and watch these
assholes bleed your account dry … controlling risk has to be your TOP PRIORITY,
or they’re gonna take you out toes up … and the trading algorithm is beyond
excellent in identifying high probability profitable trades.
Only one algorithm buy signal in the DOW30 today … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP
SLIGHTLY … [last 2 days, up 0.1%].
There’s usual thievery, and then there are days like today … trading conditions
simply atrocious, with mystery ticks & spikes from hell all over the place, and most
of the day a complete clusterfark … seriously, almost untradeable unless you like
high risk bullshit that can kill your account … whaddaya gonna do?
Lately, morning action has been completely a “one way street” … you either buy
the rally or sell the break, and on a frickin’ dime it turns and screams … to be sure,
this is unusual and can’t be counted on … just remember, over time EVERYTHING
has to happen, but that doesn’t mean you build an algorithm or trading model
around it cuz it’s unreliable … in any event, onto Wednesday’s action … until
tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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