“Manipulation HQ watches ALL markets closely!”
Feel manipulated yet? … whatever it is you traded today, give a big “shout out”
to the manipulators that made it happen … cuz if you think central banks are just
gonna sit there and watch markets tank, you are sadly mistaken … tried & true
since October of 1987, there isn’t a market they don’t manipulate, and no amount
of QE CNTRL-P is too little in the battle against EVIL speculators.
And no matter how bad unemployment gets, no matter how long the “bread lines”
are, no matter how many trillions the FED has to print, they will fight the SP500
going down below 2100 - 2000 with everything they have at their disposal … that
the country is dead broke and a fiscal implosion is right round the corner, never
mind that, we’ll deal with that bullshit when we get there.
So why should it be any kind of surprise to anybody, that an oil rumor got the ball
rolling today? … in FX, it was kill the shorts first, then go after the longs … in
stock indices, it was the exact opposite … no matter, “mission accomplished”,
which is to wipe retail & institutional specs off the map … “hey, how’s that
positioned trend trade workin’ out”?
Markets as you’ve been taught to define them, don’t exist anymore … there aren’t
any “trends” … that’s a concept that only exists in your head … what there are,
are 1) manipulators with the CNTRL-P machine, 2) longs trapped, 3) shorts
trapped, and 4) scumbag LP banks that do #1’s bidding, and muscle #2 & #3 into
doing what they don’t want to do … that’s it, there isn’t anything else
… fun-durr-mentals? … Ok, tell me exactly what they are and how they affect a
market … good luck with that, cuz again you can’t.
Retarded basket of kittens on meth, seems appropriate to describe Cable today
… can’t rally, can’t break of any significance and put in any kind of range … panic
up & panic down M1’s galore, with almost nothing in between … “stock bellies”
in their own world of bullshit, with the entire day seeing wider spreads at Turnkey
for no reason … “sure, makes perfect sense in this FUBAR group of markets,
where they can’t really move anywhere, so let’s widen the bid/offer spread … and
now that the order books have been cleaned out on both sides, pick your market,
and everybody looks around and wonders when the next nuclear weapon goes
off … here at NOON EST in Gotham, trading has died … who wants to play in this
Once you understand why they let you play, and how “they” view your role, I’m
guessing you want to be any part of that … but sadly, too many people fall into
the trap of 1) thinking markets are honest & fair, 2) banks provide liquidity, and
3) “fun-durr-mentals” in the end will decide where any market eventually goes
... and so the “game” continues with those people eventually running out of
money to play.
One algorithm buy signal today … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP a little less
than 0.1%
Again today, like the entire week, algorithm buy signals get blown to shreds in
seconds with market moves that make little sense … one didn’t and that’s the
one I took … the others must be left alone, or you end up with buying the up
spike, which only guarantees getting a rotten fill by the scumbag LP … it is what
it is, nothing I can do about it, in this messed up market called
“The Widow Maker”.
… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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