“But, do you ever ask?!”
I’m not here to tell you what you want to hear … if that’s what you want there are
plenty of mainstream propaganda sites you can visit that will clean your rose
colored glasses to make things look & feel like everything is “warm & fuzzy” and
that “Everything Is F-ing Awesome, Baby”! … my premise here is to help you
make money “trading”, and to do that you have to see reality for what it is … I
understand many people can’t do that, cuz they won’t allow themselves to think
the unthinkable, cuz the ramifications put them into an uncomfortable corner and
eventually end up along the lines of, “well, if they’re lying scumbags [banks,
government, take your pick], what else do I believe that isn’t true, and how does it
adversely affect me”? … when you look into the abyss and it stares back, you’re
getting close to the truth.
The scumbag banks got clobbered in March 2020 … I’ve already written how the
increase in bid/offer spreads has remained in place long after the extreme
volatility has passed … “hey, somebody has to pay the price, and it sure as hell
ain’t gonna be the bank or its execs, it’s gonna be you”!
But there is another agenda at work here as well, and it goes to the heart of
trading and why you have to be knowledgeable & honest with what’s really going
on across the MT4 spectrum … yes markets are volatile, and the loss of volumes
& liquidity in the stock indices is well documented … thanks to the Twits in the
faculty lounge, that Genie ain’t going back in the bottle anytime soon, if ever
… OK, that’s got a “silver lining” for us traders and/or scalpers, in that
heightened IVIX [intraday volatility] gives us a better opportunity to make money
… but wait a sec … in order for that to happen you have to have “honest & fair”
bank LP’s, and that ain’t happening … quite frankly, heightened spreads and
“triple fuck you MAX” slippage on fills is their message to you of, “you aren’t
picking us off on small price movements and scalping your way to a fortune at
our expense … fuck you, that’s our job”! … and it doesn't matter the MT4 market
from gold to tulip bulbs the message is the same … and of course regulators
around the world got no problem whatsoever in letting these hypocritical
“liquidity providers” [what a fucking joke] get away with any “Hoover Dam” thing
they want, cuz to do anything is to dwindle their own cut of the payola, and who
wants that?
And so the environment we find ourselves in isn’t one that’s gonna get explained
in the book on trading you bought at the bookstore, or anytime soon over on the
propaganda network CNBC … that stuff is for ‘Chumps” … hey, somebody has to
provide the money, so tune right in and get the latest “training” on how to be the
provider of money for banks.
Bottom line is all scalps and/or trades are NOT created equal, cuz right now for
example in the DOW30 when you go to trade, anytime you hit the buy/sell button
on your order ticket, you can expect to get filled from 2 index points [YOU WIN!!]
to as many as 20 index points [YOU LOSE!!] off the market from the scumbag,
criminal LP banks at Turnkey … and that’s on top of the spread, which is 100%
higher than it was in February … and if you’re “late” on the turn in the market by
even 1 millisecond, you ain’t gonna like what you see next for a fill … and if you
think I’m full of shit, my sole response is for you to put some money into an
account and go at it … when that account is gone, email me and let me know of
your “utter shock” in how they treated your orders and where your fills were
… then go back and stare into the abyss and ask yourself why you refused to
And so, banks have taken the attitude of “we’re not gonna be the Chump at the
poker table for your very short term scalps, picking us off dozens of times per
day” … so, in order to trap you cuz we know of your pure greed, we’ll eventually
get you on a wrong side of a trade, and when that happens you’ll be getting out
and liquidating [buying when it’s going up OR selling when it goes down] and we
will shove a flagpole up your donkey ‘till your teeth hurt on that fill … and cuz of
that, you’ll need to win 90% of your trades to make up for the one that got away
where we screwed you blind … and quite frankly, we don’t think you can sustain
that win rate, so have at it Skippy!
This “IS” the state of “Stock Bellies” today, as well as the pretend paper gold
market, which is an even bigger joke than “Stock Bellies” … add up the two
agendas, which to recap are 1) fund our losses, and 2) we’re not allowing you to
pick us off, and this is what anybody faces as they turn the machines on and
have at it … it’s quite simply, know who & what you’re dealing with or they take
all your money without even saying thanks.
Another almost 4 million people file for initial unemployment … that brings the
tally to about 30 million people while mostly manipulated stock gains have
pumped “Murica’s billionaires pockets up another $250 billion dollars in about
3 - 4 weeks … somebody tell me again about “fun-durr-mentals”.
Quite frankly folks, “Stock Bellies” have descended back into untradeable
territory … not only do we have blown out spreads to the MAX limit of trade
reasonability, slippage is a frickin’ nightmare, where volumes & liquidity have
gotten so bad, that nobody seems to notice that the DOW30 can go up straight
150 index points, then turn on a dime and go down 150+ index points, all within
about 20 minutes … easily, the risk / reward ratio is OVER 10 / 1 and it makes
absolutely no sense to attempt to trade something where I know I’m gonna get
screwed on the fill no matter how good I am [at LEAST, AT A MINIMUM 2 INDEX
POINTS], and I could easily within seconds be down 50 index points … now
These scumbag LP’s move the DOW30 CFD so “Hoover Dam” fast, it’s literally
analogous to trying to catch a butterfly out on a prairie grass farm field, in the
summertime with your bare hands … you can see it, you just can’t catch it!
… ditto in this DOW30 bullshit, as I will once again remind you this is no accident
or coincidence, but a well thought out robbery scheme.
Well hello Cable! … over the last 10 trading days or so, I’ve been watching
GBPUSD with 2 thoughts in mind … 1) can you get back to a “good” daily range
with decent European session IVIX? … not the horseshit “The Widow Maker” bat
shit crazy stuff, but ranges in the 100 - 150 PIP range with decent up/down trading
going on?, and 2) when will the bid/offer spread go back to normal, which is right
around 1 PIP give or take a tenth here & there, or does FX keep the “traders tax”
seen in “Stock Bellies” & gold? … cuz what I wanted to see, is what happens
when we get it? … can spreads come in, and is there a trade there via algorithm
signals? … well, we got the answer today, cuz here right before Noon EST, and
Europe closing for the day, Cable has a range of approximately 250 PIPS, and
yes indeed the spread is back to “normal” … granted, the range is a little higher
than I wanted to see today, cuz I don’t want this market to go back to
“Widow Maker” status, cuz it gives the scumbag LP banks the excuse to jack
bid/offer spreads, and more importantly set the slippage meter on “Quadruple F.
U MAX” … something a little more tame is definitely preferable.
I said in an earlier blog post, that FX is set to not only see higher VIX & IVIX
going forward, but that the idiots at the FED have set in motion the next great
bull market in FX, to culminate at some point in the future in the complete
collapse of the U.S. Dollar … and I think we are starting to see inklings of that
begin … the FX majors all look to gain mightily over the next few years … the
question will be, can the scumbag LP banks keep it orderly or will they allow it
to get out of hand … what we saw in March 2020 is “out of hand”, and while
caused initially by extraneous forces, namely the CHICOM KUNG FU WUHAN
FLU, orderly FX that moves gives off tremendous algorithm trading signals,
unlike playing “DOW30 Roulette”, where simply close your eyes count to 5,
and then open them to find out if you’re up 50 index points or down 50+ index
points … who the fuck wants that?, but that’s what we got!
Cuz when Cable isn’t in consistent “Widow Maker” mode like March, trading it
at Turnkey is about as good as it gets … no latency time issues on fills, so you
know they’re being filled immediately and not held, and minimal if no slippage
from the bid/offer spread … maybe a tenth or two of a PIP if it’s moving, but
usually nothing more than that … ditto by the way at PRIMEXBT for those
accounts who want balances held in Bitcoin [BTC] … more importantly, there
are MORE algorithm trade signals than what we see in “Stock Bellies”, cuz FX is
a far bigger & deeper market than anything in stocks … in other words,
it “trades”.
Today sees at least 7 - 10 trades from the European open to the close … granted,
the range is higher than usual, but even cutting it in half, a solid 5 trades is a nice
money making day … meanwhile here at Noon EST, “Stock Bellies” are now
getting “monkey hammered”, and the average range of M1’s since the NYSE
open sits at approximately 25 index points, with more spikes from hell than
grains of sand on an ocean beach … I got to Cable late today, so I missed the
earlier algo trades, and was unfortunately looking at tulip bulbs.
One algo buy signal in GBPUSD today … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY.
I was able to take the last algo signal in Cable, but it just wasn’t able to move
much … no worries, it’ll be here tomorrow! … I’ll be moving away from the
wicked “Stock Bellies” back over to Cable starting tonight, simply cuz that
market is trading, moving nicely, and giving great algo trade signals … please
remember though, I don’t advise trading anything FX in New York afternoons
after Europe closes, cuz there’s too much “scumbaggery” from the criminal New
York banks … quite frankly I’d trade soiled underwear futures if conditions were
right … so, what does it matter, we’re here to make coin!
… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!