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Thursday, April 30, 2020


“But, do you ever ask?!”

I’m not here to tell you what you want to hear … if that’s what you want there are
plenty of mainstream propaganda sites you can visit that will clean your rose
colored glasses to make things look & feel like everything is “warm & fuzzy” and
that “Everything Is F-ing Awesome, Baby”! … my premise here is to help you
make money “trading”, and to do that you have to see reality for what it is … I
understand many people can’t do that, cuz they won’t allow themselves to think
the unthinkable, cuz the ramifications put them into an uncomfortable corner and
eventually end up along the lines of, “well, if they’re lying scumbags [banks,
government, take your pick], what else do I believe that isn’t true, and how does it
adversely affect me”? … when you look into the abyss and it stares back, you’re
getting close to the truth.

The scumbag banks got clobbered in March 2020 … I’ve already written how the
increase in bid/offer spreads has remained in place long after the extreme
volatility has passed … “hey, somebody has to pay the price, and it sure as hell
ain’t gonna be the bank or its execs, it’s gonna be you”!

But there is another agenda at work here as well, and it goes to the heart of
trading and why you have to be knowledgeable & honest with what’s really going
on across the MT4 spectrum … yes markets are volatile, and the loss of volumes
& liquidity in the stock indices is well documented … thanks to the Twits in the
faculty lounge, that Genie ain’t going back in the bottle anytime soon, if ever
… OK, that’s got a “silver lining” for us traders and/or scalpers, in that
heightened IVIX [intraday volatility] gives us a better opportunity to make money
… but wait a sec … in order for that to happen you have to have “honest & fair”
bank LP’s, and that ain’t happening … quite frankly, heightened spreads and
“triple fuck you MAX” slippage on fills is their message to you of, “you aren’t
picking us off on small price movements and scalping your way to a fortune at
our expense … fuck you, that’s our job”! … and it doesn't matter the MT4 market
from gold to tulip bulbs the message is the same … and of course regulators
around the world got no problem whatsoever in letting these hypocritical
“liquidity providers” [what a fucking joke] get away with any “Hoover Dam” thing
they want, cuz to do anything is to dwindle their own cut of the payola, and who
wants that? 

And so the environment we find ourselves in isn’t one that’s gonna get explained
in the book on trading you bought at the bookstore, or anytime soon over on the
propaganda network CNBC … that stuff is for ‘Chumps” … hey, somebody has to
provide the money, so tune right in and get the latest “training” on how to be the
provider of money for banks.

Bottom line is all scalps and/or trades are NOT created equal, cuz right now for
example in the DOW30 when you go to trade, anytime you hit the buy/sell button
on your order ticket, you can expect to get filled from 2 index points [YOU WIN!!]
to as many as 20 index points [YOU LOSE!!] off the market from the scumbag,
criminal LP banks at Turnkey … and that’s on top of the spread, which is 100%
higher than it was in February … and if you’re “late” on the turn in the market by
even 1 millisecond, you ain’t gonna like what you see next for a fill … and if you
think I’m full of shit, my sole response is for you to put some money into an
account and go at it … when that account is gone, email me and let me know of
your “utter shock” in how they treated your orders and where your fills were
… then go back and stare into the abyss and ask yourself why you refused to

And so, banks have taken the attitude of “we’re not gonna be the Chump at the
poker table for your very short term scalps, picking us off dozens of times per
day” … so, in order to trap you cuz we know of your pure greed, we’ll eventually
get you on a wrong side of a trade, and when that happens you’ll be getting out
and liquidating [buying when it’s going up OR selling when it goes down] and we
will shove a flagpole up your donkey ‘till your teeth hurt on that fill … and cuz of
that, you’ll need to win 90% of your trades to make up for the one that got away
where we screwed you blind … and quite frankly, we don’t think you can sustain
that win rate, so have at it Skippy!

This “IS” the state of “Stock Bellies” today, as well as the pretend paper gold
market, which is an even bigger joke than “Stock Bellies” … add up the two
agendas, which to recap are 1) fund our losses, and 2) we’re not allowing you to
pick us off, and this is what anybody faces as they turn the machines on and
have at it … it’s quite simply, know who & what you’re dealing with or they take
all your money without even saying thanks.

Another almost 4 million people file for initial unemployment … that brings the
tally to about 30 million people while mostly manipulated stock gains have
pumped “Murica’s billionaires pockets up another $250 billion dollars in about
3 - 4 weeks … somebody tell me again about “fun-durr-mentals”.

Quite frankly folks, “Stock Bellies” have descended back into untradeable
territory … not only do we have blown out spreads to the MAX limit of trade
reasonability, slippage is a frickin’ nightmare, where volumes & liquidity have
gotten so bad, that nobody seems to notice that the DOW30 can go up straight
150 index points, then turn on a dime and go down 150+ index points, all within
about 20 minutes … easily, the risk / reward ratio is OVER 10 / 1 and it makes
absolutely no sense to attempt to trade something where I know I’m gonna get
screwed on the fill no matter how good I am [at LEAST, AT A MINIMUM 2 INDEX
POINTS], and I could easily within seconds be down 50 index points … now

These scumbag LP’s move the DOW30 CFD so “Hoover Dam” fast, it’s literally
analogous to trying to catch a butterfly out on a prairie grass farm field, in the
summertime with your bare hands … you can see it, you just can’t catch it!
… ditto in this DOW30 bullshit, as I will once again remind you this is no accident
or coincidence, but a well thought out robbery scheme.

Well hello Cable! … over the last 10 trading days or so, I’ve been watching
GBPUSD with 2 thoughts in mind … 1) can you get back to a “good” daily range
with decent European session IVIX? … not the horseshit “The Widow Maker” bat
shit crazy stuff, but ranges in the 100 - 150 PIP range with decent up/down trading
going on?, and 2) when will the bid/offer spread go back to normal, which is right
around 1 PIP give or take a tenth here & there, or does FX keep the “traders tax”
seen in “Stock Bellies” & gold? … cuz what I wanted to see, is what happens
when we get it? … can spreads come in, and is there a trade there via algorithm
signals? … well, we got the answer today, cuz here right before Noon EST, and
Europe closing for the day, Cable has a range of approximately 250 PIPS, and
yes indeed the spread is back to “normal” … granted, the range is a little higher
than I wanted to see today, cuz I don’t want this market to go back to
“Widow Maker” status, cuz it gives the scumbag LP banks the excuse to jack
bid/offer spreads, and more importantly set the slippage meter on “Quadruple F.
U MAX” … something a little more tame is definitely preferable.

I said in an earlier blog post, that FX is set to not only see higher VIX & IVIX
going forward, but that the idiots at the FED have set in motion the next great
bull market in FX, to culminate at some point in the future in the complete
collapse of the U.S. Dollar … and I think we are starting to see inklings of that
begin … the FX majors all look to gain mightily over the next few years … the
question will be, can the scumbag LP banks keep it orderly or will they allow it
to get out of hand … what we saw in March 2020 is “out of hand”, and while
caused initially by extraneous forces, namely the CHICOM KUNG FU WUHAN
FLU, orderly FX that moves gives off tremendous algorithm trading signals,
unlike playing “DOW30 Roulette”, where simply close your eyes count to 5,
and then open them to find out if you’re up 50 index points or down 50+ index
points … who the fuck wants that?, but that’s what we got!

Cuz when Cable isn’t in consistent “Widow Maker” mode like March, trading it
at Turnkey is about as good as it gets … no latency time issues on fills, so you
know they’re being filled immediately and not held, and minimal if no slippage
from the bid/offer spread … maybe a tenth or two of a PIP if it’s moving, but
usually nothing more than that … ditto by the way at PRIMEXBT for those
accounts who want balances held in Bitcoin [BTC] … more importantly, there
are MORE algorithm trade signals than what we see in “Stock Bellies”, cuz FX is
a far bigger & deeper market than anything in stocks … in other words,
it “trades”. 

Today sees at least 7 - 10 trades from the European open to the close … granted,
the range is higher than usual, but even cutting it in half, a solid 5 trades is a nice
money making day … meanwhile here at Noon EST, “Stock Bellies” are now
getting “monkey hammered”, and the average range of M1’s since the NYSE
open sits at approximately 25 index points, with more spikes from hell than
grains of sand on an ocean beach … I got to Cable late today, so I missed the
earlier algo trades, and was unfortunately looking at tulip bulbs.

One algo buy signal in GBPUSD today … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY.

I was able to take the last algo signal in Cable, but it just wasn’t able to move
much … no worries, it’ll be here tomorrow! … I’ll be moving away from the
wicked “Stock Bellies” back over to Cable starting tonight, simply cuz that
market is trading, moving nicely, and giving great algo trade signals … please
remember though, I don’t advise trading anything FX in New York afternoons
after Europe closes, cuz there’s too much “scumbaggery” from the criminal New
York banks … quite frankly I’d trade soiled underwear futures if conditions were
right … so, what does it matter, we’re here to make coin!

… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!


Wednesday, April 29, 2020


“True, but resigning would mean the end to graft, bribery, & corruption!”

The “credentialed elite” in government are so fucking stupid & inefficient, they
can’t even figure out how to fucking give money away … oh, here’s a brilliant
idea … let’s wrap everything around the world’s most corrupt, politically biased,
inefficient Apparatchik shitbox, and let them handle it … meaning of course, the
IRS … what kind of moron in the real world would ever do this?

Same goes for the faculty lounge Twits at the FED … helicopter money for the
banks, while ordinary Americans get shafted in the process … only when viewed
through the prism that the FED isn’t there to help you, but the global elite since
1913, does anything make any sense whatsoever … message to Americans
everywhere? … FUCK OFF & DIE! … message to global elitists [the 0.001%]

Which of course in a truly perverted sense, means that global markets are safe
from government “tinkering”, and that the scumbag LP banks can rule safely
… cuz the message to government is simple from the banks … “fuck with us, and
your major source of payola under the table ends … whaddaya want to do
big shots? … well, to ask the question is to answer it of course, and so the game
continues like before no matter what happens to the world at large … huff, puff,
slap us with a fine to substantiate your existence and give the public a scalp or
two to show what marvelous public servants you are [cough, bullshit, cough] and
then go away and leave us the fuck alone for a couple of years before it’s another
rinse & repeat operation cuz the public forgot.

And so here we are, another day another dollar to be pick pocketed through the
system, to ultimately end up either in a Bitcoin [BTC] e-wallet or cash in a
garbage bag in a garage of some POL or Apparatchik … never let a crisis go to
waste, and these thieves certainly aren’t.

And with VIX & IVIX crashing across the MT4 board, it’s important to remember
the bid/offer spreads remain grossly high, cuz the “traders tax” to make the
scumbag banks whole from March 2020 losses is firmly in effect … don’t hand
me any of this bullshit of “duh, market conditions, duh!” … I may have been born
at night, but it wasn’t fucking last night, so spare me the horseshit … “you wanna
trade, you pay the tax”!

So, with half the American workforce thrown out of work, government debt
reaching Venezuelan standards, biz collapsing and not coming back anytime
soon, let’s just pretend March 2020 never happened, and so it’s back to getting
“Stock Bellies” to new all time recorder-er-er-er highs in the biggest propaganda
push to control people’s behavior, the world has ever seen … as I said yesterday,
“markets” don’t reflect any kind of economic and/or financial reality, they are
simply marketing & propaganda tools for government policy in attempting to
control your behavior … all that matters is FED QE and shoveling money to banks,
so they can “pump & dump” the “Tulip Bulb 30” & SP500 at will … that creates
plenty of “velocity” in the turnover of money, and that turnover creates
opportunity for graft & corruption, which quite frankly is all that they care about
… just like the high roller casinos in Las Vegas, why do they have penny slots
sitting next to the garage door? … cuz there’s always some dipshit that will put
his last dollar into it and give it to the casino, and they’ll TAKE IT any way you
want to give it … ditto the scumbag LP banks, cuz it doesn’t cost them one red
cent to add your account to the computer server and then take your small
account … and if they have to create the propaganda to get the job done, they’ve
got the sycophant, financial MSM via CNBC, Dumbberg, Reuters, etc., to do the
job whenever they want, right along with Trump tweets … the “88/6/6” paradigm
of trading in “Stock Bellies” is alive and well.

An hour before the NYSE open sees more “scumbaggery”, as buy stops are run
due to a rumor on Gilead … the stock has been halted in pre-market … “gee,
another “pump & dump” rumor headline from the usual suspects … nothing to
see here people, move along”!

I don’t want people to think that I think every single squiggle in price is bank
manipulation, cuz that’s not the case … what frosts my cupcake is that 1) they
have important market information that we don’t, 2) they front run every single
institutional order, thus creating abnormal, chaotic spikes from hell in price and
screwing stops to their advantage, and 3) they gouge the shit out of the bid/offer
spread cuz they know they can get away with it … they “nickel & dime” traders
everywhere with bullshit fills and “scumbaggery” behavior that is CRIMINAL
… but since the POLS & Apparatchiks get a piece of the “cut”, who gives a fuck?

I got news for you … THERE IS NO HONEST PRICE DISCOVERY … NONE … and
if you don’t realize how they get you to “push the button” and you buy when
they’re about ready to take it lower, OR you sell when they’re about ready to take
it higher, then you have no chance making money scalping and/or trading
… you’ll end up buying highs and selling lows, and not having a clue why it
happened, which by the way is the natural order of things, only now since they
control everything it’s a slam dunk … in other words, like I’ve said before, you
end up being a “Pavlovian dog” named Skippy, who they can make jump anytime
they want.

Today’s tulip bulb action typical of recent days … a bucket of bullshit highlighted
by rumor and spikes from hell, both up/down, where literally nothing makes any
sense, where price screams one direction then stops on a dime, turns around and
within seconds screams the other direction, leaving carnage in its wake … but,
and remember this Skippy … “it’s the “velocity” of trading that makes the skim
so profitable, for them and their criminal Buds”  … welcome to the manipulation
matrix Neo! … new recorder-er-er-er all time highs by Memorial Day?

Why stop here Twits? … print another gazillion trillion via the CNTRL-P machine
and dump it to the scumbag LP banks and there’s no telling how high both
propaganda indices can go … 4000 or 5000 in the “Spoos” after Trump is
re-elected? … sure, why not? … and while you’ll be absolutely “giddy” over your
stock and/or ETF index gains, just remember though, that the $100 loaf of bread
is coming to a store near you very soon!

Today at 2 PM EST, the FED circus act comes to town … how many trillions more?
… is the CNTRL-P machine getting tired? … and while 22 million people have filed
for unemployment, in the last few weeks America’s billionaires have pocketed over
$280 billion dollars in stock profits … who again is it you work for? … will any of
you derelict, sycophant MSM types ask the tough questions at Spicoli’s presser?
… yea, like that will ever happen.

One good algorithm buy signal today in the DOW30 … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP

A FED interest meeting day is about as bad as a NFP Friday, so not looking to
hang around anywhere close to 2 PM, no matter the signal … today sees shorts
get torched by a drug rumor from Gilead … what a fucking joke this is, and if
today doesn’t show you just how manipulated & rigged this shit is, then
nothing ever will … quite frankly, given these last weeks from the panic selling, to
the bottom, and now the move back up the ladder, I’ve never ever seen trading
conditions in the “Stock Bellies” as awful and treacherous as it is now … then
add the “traders tax” of higher spreads and slippage, and it’s a complete fucking
mess … what keeps us profitable is the ability of the trading algorithm to
accurately identify manipulator behavior and spot the trade(s) that have a very
high probability of success … it would be nice if these asshats would stop with
the screaming spikes from hell, but it’s just something we have to unfortunately
live with almost every frickin’ day.

OK, the head FED Twit Spicoli speaks … says, “rates will stay at the bottom ‘till
the economy picks up” … bullshit … rates can never ever go up cuz if they do,
interest costs will eat the ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET … do the math … so that’s
a pure boldfaced lie, what else is new? … and then tulip bulbs puke! … well, since
everybody and their brother got long today on the miracle “hope & a prayer” drug
from Gilead, and the banks knew in advance what Dipshit was gonna say, isn’t it
natural to expect longs to get their sell stops run? … and as the market was
rallying, who again was selling to the “eager beavers”? … why the scumbag LP
banks …. And now that tulip bulbs aren’t quite as valuable as they were a few
minutes ago, who again is taking the buy side of spec sell stops when hit?
… why what a shock, the scumbag LP banks … rinse, repeat, all day everyday
and now you know why they let you open an account!

And if you bought up there and it’s sliding, WTF do you do now? … “stupid shit”
or throw in the towel are your only options, which is why you can’t buy rallies or
sell breaks and expect to make any money … quite frankly for you new readers,
let me boil it down for you … “you have to buy before others see the rally
coming, then when the “buy fuel” from others hits the market, you have to sell
[liquidate] as it’s going up … anything other than that and you’re toast"! … well,
seems nobody is really liking what the faculty lounge had to say, but I would
point out that the real action starts when his presser gets going and he answers
softball questions from bigger idiots than himself … at that point, “foot meet
mouth” is a real possibility, but just know if you want part of this action, that the
scumbag banks already know in advance what he’s gonna say, and if they end
up buying your sell stop it could get ugly very fast, either up or down.

… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!
