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Thursday, August 23, 2018


“This country has lost its fucking mind … politically, financially, & culturally!”

Another Trump tweet has sent EURUSD shorts into an apoplectic spasm of 
short covering, where once again for 4 hours the market can’t move 15 PIPS, 
but a tweet from the President sends it higher by 20 within seconds … “sure, 
makes perfect sense, especially with ECB minutes due within the hour … can’t 
wait to see how this clusterfark plays out … the only thing for sure about today so 
far, is that another group of EURUSD shorts got taken out back and shot in the 
head … 6th day in a row at least once for the day, with some of those six multiple 
times … and if you somehow think this is a “free” market, you need to up your 
anti-delusion prescription to a higher dosage”!

Two news items catch my eye today, that I couldn’t make up and convince you 
were real unless I give you the links, cuz they’re not only so fucking stupid they 
defy logic and common sense, and they epitomize ‘Murica’ today in so many 
ways. The first is Nabisco redesigning its ‘Animal Crackers’ box after bending 
over to PETA cuz the animals on the box “need to be free”. “Wait … Wut”? 
Seriously. The link directly below for those who think I’m messin’ with you.

The second is news out of Libtard Nation, San Francisco, that “poop scoopers” 
cleaning up shit and pee off the sidewalks are going to make $185,000 per year. 
 “Wait … Wut”? [My resume is in the mail.] The link directly below.


And that takes us right into today’s EURUSD market, where dysfunction 
abounds, the “Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] makes a guest appearance, the 
scumbag LP banks at Turnkey raise the “slippage meter” to DEFCON1 cuz 
they need to make money from somebody when markets turn to shit, and 
finally intraday volatility has to be revived with electric nodes about 50 times 
to keep the market’s pulse above zero/. Other than that, it’s biz as usual in FX, 
which means trend followers get killed.

Only a few trades today … PAMM literally down like $3.

The EURUSD algorithm performing brilliantly, the scumbag LP’s filling 
orders not so much … slippage today as bad as you’ll ever see, with price gaps 
everywhere in the bid/offer, sometimes as much as 3 - 5 PIPS in a millisecond 
… reasons for this? … 1) the usual behavior of the scumbag bank LP’s, who 
when markets turn dull and corporate orders they usually front run with 
abandon go dry, need to screw somebody, 2) EURGBP & EURJPY very strong 
today creating some unusually heavy demand for EURUSD cuz the 
denominators were getting hit hard, and 3) no volume and zero liquidity 
… remember this last line of bullshit next time you hear the brokerage house 
sycophants for the banks explain to you how deeeeeeeeep & liquid their 
markets are … “oh, they’re deep all right … about 10 miles wide and 2 inches 
deep, and every order screwed unmercifully with mystery ticks that would make 
Vito Corleone literally blush with envy … why the hell didn’t we think up this 

Volumes today lowered significantly for obvious reasons, and even then 
slippage cost us about $30 all together. Just really shit conditions … not much 
really else to say. Of course, I let Turnkey know about it, but like all good 
enablers of crime, it goes in one ear and out the other … I’d have a 
Fred Sanford moment if they ever actually did anything about it. And again 
today, Asia and the U.S. provide the action, while Europe might as well be 
closed … the entire European day I think only saw about 25 - 30 PIPS from the 
tips … a very sad commentary on volumes and liquidity, which is non existent 
“again today, nothing but the FWD with scumbag bank run stop hunts to both 
sides, and then rinse & repeat”.

Most of the day I didn’t have any trades cuz my proprietary “volatility heat 
map” said leave it the hell alone … at times completely dead in the water, only 
to see a TNT explosion several times when somebody panicked and bid price up 
at or near the highs … and just when volatility started to expand, it died just as 
quickly, leaving EURUSD stuck in some horrific ranges for hours on end. 
Overall today, I’m very pleased with the EURUSD algo … in some of the most 
difficult conditions it continues to signal winning trades; not all of them to be 
sure are tradeable, simply cuz if volatility is too low, you got to leave them alone 
… having said that, though, if the scumbag LP’s could just stop the “raping & 
pillage” on fills, I would have traded higher volumes … “when they get like this, 
you simply have to pull back, realizing you’re gonna be a victim whether you like 
it or not … why give them money on higher volumes, they certainly don’t deserve 
it … hell, they’re fucking crooks and thieves … our consolation is that they don’t 
steal as much in EURUSD as in other markets, and for the most part market 
volatility makes up for the small larceny … not today, but it’s August and things 
should dramatically improve after next week and we get into September”.

So, onto tomorrow, where more than likely things slow down quickly after 
midday … we’ll see … and with that, I’m outta here … until tomorrow mi 
amigos … Onward & Upward!! PAMM Spreadsheet will be back up soon.

Have a great day everybody!!





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