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Tuesday, November 7, 2023



“Picard is not happy with his fill!!”

There’s a reason why I keep writing about brokerage houses and liquidity

providers [LP] … there is no such thing as a “market” [cough, bullshit, cough]

in the traditional sense [excluding crypto] and meaning of the word … supposed

“fun-durr-mentals” are a fantasy land filled with delusional thoughts between

your ears, where “supply & demand” fight it out in the marketplace for

supremacy … in fact, there are only POLS, central bank Apparatchiks, and the

scumbag banks who do their bidding … supply / demand / trend is what they

say it is, and since they interject themselves into every single financial

transaction [excluding crypto] as a middleman [spot, futures, & CFDs], the

scumbag bank LP [or sometimes HFT] buys when specs sell and sells when

specs buy … and depending on that “order flow”, which in the great majority

of cases is determined by the very same banks cuz they’re “experts”, you’re

gonna experience the “pain trade” … and that’s “”buy high and sell low” which

from the bank’s perspective is the “natural order of things”.

And while you sit there and try and figure out imaginary “fun-durr-mentals”,

the scumbag LP is gutting you like a fish for dinner … whether they play the

“variable bid/offer spread game of bait & switch”, or simply set the “slippage

meter” on TRIPLE FUCK YOU MAX, and in the process introduce you to

“mystery ticks” UP in the offer when you buy or “mystery ticks” DOWN in the

bid when you sell, the bottom line is they are ripping you off wherever /

whenever they can … and quite frankly, it’s like entering a swimming race with

an anchor tied to your waist!

Knowing how your brokerage house makes its money is an important first step,

but different markets have different priorities at different houses … you can’t

assume that any market gets treated the same across houses … and if all of this

is news to you, then get your head out of your ass and wise up! … trading is not

about figuring out which way a market is gonna go … that’s for B-School

Chumps and those who have “guru-itis” … trading should be about knowing

how “order flow” is determined and how you can take advantage of that! … and

in the process, your sworn enemy, the scumbag LP, becomes your friend as they

end up working for you and not against you … and once they “spook” those

specs on the wrong side of the trade, you give them what they want while

“ringing the register” and then come back again later … “in a world that changes

its mind every 10 minutes, this is the only CONSISTENT WAY TO MAKE MONEY

TRADING! … it’s the essence of being a “floor trader” back in the day of the pits,

and it’s why people spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to become a member

and stand on the trading floor … it wasn’t cuz they liked Murder, Illinois or the

culture of stupidity of a large city … and the dirty little secret is, trading

conditions are far better now than back then, and it’s light years easier to trade

now than it was before.

Now that we’re all in the internet trading paradigm forever, and banks can

remain private, anonymous, and secretive in their trading operations, it’s

critically important to be able to “sidestep” their criminality and not get caught

in the daily “Scumbaggery & Fuckery” for which they are famous for creating

… and while crypto manipulators are simply “whales” who have more money

than brains, and unlike their counterparts over in traditional markets who

manipulate to PUNISH, NOT FOR PROFIT, crypto “whales” have a unique

fingerprint to their actions they’ve learned from their FX masters … crypto

“whales” are looking to profit from their manipulations, and they want to do it

to 1) get the best prices for themselves that the collective spec community will

provide while not upsetting the market with their bigger volumes, and 2) make it

happen as fast as they can!


Outside of crude oil and gold, I literally can’t take traditional manipulative

markets for one more fucking second! … this bullshit today in FX is sickening,

and the manipulative juices unleashed over the weekend after they goaded the

Chumps to the slaughter late last week, a classic “pump & dump … can anybody

find an uptick? … nope, not ‘til the last spec pukes their longs, and the banks

find themselves long again, and suddenly “rally mode” will be in vogue again.

I hate doing this! … this fucking “Whack-A-Mole” game of attempting to not get

screwed by a house & their thieving LP’s a constant irritation in the trading

process of 1) finding a market that moves, and 2) one that has halfway decent

bid/offer spread with little slippage … quite frankly going forward, I don’t give a

shit if all FX pairs have 500 PIP ranges every fucking day for a month, I am

simply not interested in getting “jacked around” with ZILCH range days, then

C-4 explosions, then back to sleep again … fuck that! … and of course, crude

oil and gold are trading pigs with warts, blemishes, and can stink, especially

gold … gold can’t be traded consistently yet cuz the ranges are horseshit and

the FED still runs the short manipulation scheme … that leaves crude oil, where

the ranges have recovered back to the $2.50 range every day, and if I simply not

buy any uptick or sell any downtick, cuz if I do I will get gutted like a fish for

dinner, I think we’ll be OK … not pure scalping, cuz you can’t do that at Coinexx,

but VIX is good enough it shouldn’t matter with slightly longer day trades via the

algorithm … let’s hope the crooked LP can keep a 2 cent per bbl bid/offer spread

and doesn’t do anything stupid.

No trades for the PAMM today … Cable a disaster with no action whatsoever

… screw FX, I’m no longer interested … over at IQCENT, you can always scalp

EURUSD, it’ll always be there if things get super slow in crypto … another wild

and wonderful trading action day in crypto, with XRPUSDT [RIPPLE] leading the

way … since I came in around 5 AM Caribbean Paradise Time, a very nice 350

tick range that saw a round tripper … from the highs to the lows and then back

to the highs … really great trading with a 1 tick spread and no commissions

… for “The Syndicate”, shiploads of trades in XRPUSDT, and we’re UP

APPROXIMATELY 0.5% ON LIGHT VOLUMES … volumes will increase here

shortly … onto tomorrow.

… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,

and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!


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