“Markets” [cough, bullshit, cough] collectively trade between $8 - $10 TRILLION
a lot of money … when is the last time you heard of any of these TBTF [Too Big
To Fail] or TBTJ [Too Big To Jail] scumbag bank LPs getting in trouble financially
from so called “trading activities”? … derivative exposure worldwide is easily
over $1 - $2 QUADRILLION DOLLARS, so how is this possible, cuz they sure as
Hell don’t have that kind of capital to cover losses?
And asking these kinds of questions, should lead you down the path towards
some REAL CRITICAL THINKING about markets, many of you don’t want to either
admit or understand … not that it’s entirely your fault, cuz unless you’ve been
eyeballs deep inside the financial trading matrix your entire life [like yours truly],
you’ve been spoon-fed horseshit propaganda by Wall Street and the financial
MSM … nothing on the surface is what it appears below!
Banks have positioned themselves to be [whether spot, futures or CFDs] the
middleman in every single financial market transaction that takes place, but they
never suffer losses you ever hear about … forget billions here, we’re talking
TRILLIONS! … does this not seem strange and odd? … a couple of years ago,
one J. Dimon of JPM bragged to Leslie Stahl on “60 Minutes”, that their trading
desks do $2 TRILLION DOLLARS of trading every trading day! … well, you
shouldn’t be shocked when you accept and understand how they do it! … at the
center of it all is the “protection racket” made up of POLS, central bank
Apparatchiks, & regulators … with them paid off, there’s no way you can lose,
and there’s ZERO chance anything is ever gonna change short of the revolution
that sees heads removed from shoulders.
Every large bank has multiple “prop accounts” located in offshore tax havens
like Belize, Panama, Nevis, British Virgin Islands, Mauritius, Seychelles, etc., set
up by offshore law firms [most definitely NOT incorporation services], where the
beneficial owners are key players at the bank, along with some officers & maybe
top traders … and whenever there’s an order to be filled, these prop accounts
will front run the order for guaranteed profit … from the banks accounting
perspective, it’s just “fill ‘em & bill ‘em”, no shenanigans here … the real money
is made in the prop accounts, and part of that money gets shoved up the ladder
via “skim” to Asshole crooks like the Biden Crime Family [POLS], FED Lounge
Lizards & staff ]Apparatchiks], and some sharp eyed attorneys at SEC or maybe
Treasury [regulators] … what’s your Bitcoin e-wallet address or would you like
cash in a suitcase?”
What you need to understand from this scenario, is how any of these so called
“markets” really operate … cuz the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS “ORDER
THAT ORDER FLOW! … there’s your market Skippy! … and that market moving
“order flow” we ain’t ever gonna get cuz it’s proprietary to the banks order book,
and if you think they’re gonna share that with anybody you need psychological
help … what we end up getting is garbled bullshit volume values that hide that
information, so it’s of dubious quality & validity … of course, cuz we’ve learned
over the last 5 - 10 years from both civil & criminal court cases, mostly against
JPM, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Credit Suisse [before they went tapioca],
all of these scumbags talk & chat with each other constantly and share order
flow information in their attempt to make the “prop account” trading AS
PROFITABLE AS POSSIBLE! … and of course, this important spec [collective
individual, hedge fund, or institutional] order flow can and WILL CHANGE,
OFTEN VIOLENTLY … given central bank manipulators doing their
“Hoover Dam” best to thwart volatility [VIX], you have to remember that these
Assclowns understand market sentiment, psychology, and can read charts just
like you can … more importantly, they know where your puke points are
[a/k/a stops] cuz most likely you’re over leveraged, under funded, and puke at
the drop of a hat, and they go for them cuz that’s where their best prices for
taking profits and/or fading you! … well now, I don’t remember any of this in
B-School, do you?
As I’ve said before, I have ALWAYS been a scalper / very short term trader my
entire career … I’m not a “position” trader holding shit over days or weeks
… and I’m not a “swing trader” either, looking for MOMO over hours into the
next day … I attempt to pinpoint changes in 1) order flow, 2) changes in very
short term trend, that creates at its formation either “buy fuel” [longs] or
“sell fuel” [shorts] that scumbag banks EXPLOIT TO THE FULLEST, AND
THEIR PROP ACCOUNTS FRONT RUN … this allows the banks to WORK FOR
YOU, NOT AGAINST YOU, and puts you in a profit position with a very high
probability … rinse / repeat, come back again tomorrow! … and this is what
the algorithm, as presently constructed, does to model price behavior
BEFORE the collective spec community spots it and the banks exploit it
… seconds make a difference!
In a “fair & honest”” trading world, that’s all we would need, but the world is far
from that, and we have to deal with the reality of “Scumbaggery & Fuckery” from
the brokerage house community, as well as fully understand how a brokerage
house makes its money off of clients and customers, otherwise they’re gonna
gut you like a fish for dinner! … and like Turnkey before it, Coinexx [ALONG
WITH MANY OTHER HOUSES AS WELL] employs the “variable bid/offer spread
bait & switch”, where they play all kinds of nefarious games with bids & offers,
while pretending they just reflect “market conditions” … BULLSHIT!
Slippage is “baked into the cake” and the house has side deals with favored LPs
to split the theft … if you think brokerage houses can turn a profit with pitiful
commissions, you’re delusional … add to that, IMHO a solid majority of houses
sell customer trade details to LPs for millions of dollars per year … so, how
does your brokerage house make their money?
And this becomes imperative to know & understand if you’re a “scalper”, cuz
tenths of a PIP or tick makes a “bigly & yuge” difference to your bottom line over
time … a lot more than you might think … and from what I’ve seen and
experienced, even with some shortcomings that every single house on earth
has in some form, THE BEST HOUSE TO SCALP TRADE IS IQCENT … as I have
stated before, EURUSD, USDCNH, BTCUSDT [Bitcoin], ETHUSDT [Ethereum], &
BEST CONDITIONS [2 FX dollar pair markets, and take your pick from 3 crypto
pairs] … I would add, however, that their SP500 CFD, with a 0.5 index bid / offer
spread and no commissions, and very little if any slippage, is most likely
borderline scalp trade material.
Again, as I have previously stated here on the blog, I know how IQCENT makes
its money from traders … quite frankly WITH ZERO COMMISSIONS, with a 0.2
PIP spread in EURUSD, A 3 PIP spread in USDCNH, & 1 tick spreads in crypto,
there isn’t any place else on earth that comes close to these “razor thin
LOWEST costs”! … splitting pennies with the LP ain’t gonna cover costs let
alone make gobs of money! … and regardless which market, cuz it applies to all
of the 5 mentioned above, the LP employs the same tactics for each of these
markets, and splits in some way the proceeds with the house … and that tactic
mainly uses SPIKES UP [GREEN] to add a tenth or two or three of a PIP on FX,
and a 1 - 5+ ticks to crypto to the offer, OR SPIKES DOWN [RED] to subtract a
tenth or two or three of a PIP on FX, and a 1 - 5+ ticks to crypto to the bid … so
if you buy the up spikes you’re gonna pay for the privilege, and if you sell the
down spikes you’re gonna pay for the privilege … in other words, a “TAX” on
wrong trades! … and since most traders lose money, from the house & LP
perspective, what’s not to like here, especially since on the surface it appears
to be the absolute best? … well, it won’t be if you buy spikes up or sell spikes
down, you’re gonna pay just as much as people do at Coinexx on every trade!
And until gold gets its ass in gear some day & ranges expand from where they’re
at now into the upper 20s or above $30+ area per OZ., and if the spread holds
[a very big “IF”!], there aren’t any markets at Coinexx you can scalp … sure,
sometimes if you get a market that roars in your profit direction you’re able to
“ring the register”, but overall that doesn’t happen often enough to make up for
the costs they are gonna pile onto you via slippage and commissions … and
therefore, trades have to be slightly longer in scope than true scalps enjoy
Directly below, the 20 Day Range MAs of selected markets for the current week
… I’ve added XRPUSDT to the table, since I trade it for “The Syndicate” at
IQCENT … it also happens to be “The Mrs.” favorite market to scalp, cuz 1) it
moves, 2) it moves more in the NY session [12 - 24] than the first half of the day
[00 - 12], thus eliminating the obvious need to move to frickin’ Thailand to trade,
3) it’s slightly more stable [relative] than Bitcoin or Ethereum, and 4) now that
the SEC has gotten its ass handed to them in court and XRP has won, this
market while not entirely devoid of political influence and “risk on / risk off”
[RORO] protocols influencing other more traditional markets, doesn’t react
much to reports or Apparatchik musings … it generally correlates with Bitcoin,
but only generally … it’s its own market! … and as you can see from the table,
the “median” is much closer to the “average” than BTC or ETH.
Let’s take a “summary” look at the different market groups and what they have
to offer ... [excluding crypto]
I’m only looking at 4 FX pairs … 1) EURUSD, 2) GBPUSD, 3) USDCNH, &
4) USDCAD … non dollar crosses given the paradigm of FX trading today are a
waste of time, where only 20% of the time are they worthwhile to trade, and 80%
of the time they will lead to trouble … currently neither USDCAD nor USDCNH
have high enough NY session 20 Day Range MAs to justify trading them
… USDCNH as a scalp market at IQCENT, & USDCAD as a “day trade” market
… either crypto [3 pairs I’ve listed, where IMHO XRP is best right now] or
EURUSD makes sense … at COINEXX for the PAMM, my choice is GBPUSD for
“day trading”, but that can change to any of the other 3 should conditions
change markedly … I’ll keep readers posted … you simply cannot scalp markets
at Coinexx cuz of slippage & commissions.
The SP500CFD at IQCENT is a borderline scalp market … the other 2 have too
high bid/offer spread [DOW30 @ APPROXIMATELY 2.5 - 2.8 INDEX POINTS, AND
NDX100 @ APPROXIMATELY 1.7 - 2.7 INDEX POINTS] … if your total cost to
trade SP500 CFD is less than or equal to 0.5 index points, you’re good to go at
any house … anything above that threshold and you’re getting ripped off … the
problem with any of these 3 markets at Coinexx is horrific slippage, even when
markets are relatively calm … and when they start moving, fugetaboutit!, the
slippage will choke a hippo!
No silver market at IQCENT, and their gold market has too high of a spread
[30 - 35 cents per OZ.], so these aren’t scalp markets … even though Coinexx
has an approximate 10 cent bid/offer spread, and round turn [RT] commissions
are roughly 2 cents per OZ., the problem IS AND MOSTLY LIKELY ALWAYS BE
SLIPPAGE! … often times horrific … and slippage on stops [buy or sell] IS
ALWAYS GONNA BE A NIGHTMARE … think absolute bullshit fills and then
multiply times any number between 5 - 10, and that’s how bad it can be!
… ranges need to get a lot higher than they are at now for this market to
be viable.
If only somebody in this world would produce a CFD for WTI or Brent that has
a “fair & honest” bid/offer spread that stayed CONSISTENTLY STABLE BETWEEN
HAVE RIDICULOUSLY HIGH MARGINS … why can’t we have this!? … Coinexx
plays their horseshit “bid/offer roulette” every single fucking day, and they love
to make you think the spread is 1 or 2 cents … then you trade it and see a 3 or 4
cent slippage tax, or a fucking “mystery tick” bid lower as you liquidate, or a
“mystery tick” higher offer as you buy, and you immediately know you’ve been
bent over the barn railing … they steal from your wins and they pour salt in that
stab wound loss … stay away! … over at IQCENT, they offer Brent, but there’s a
5 cent bid/offer spread, which is fucking ridiculous … other houses that I’ve
looked at have their problems from very high margin requirements [IG], and the
“wrong bet tax” making quotes on the bid/offer jump more than the market is
actually experiencing [XBTFX] … I’d love to trade crude, but the reality is I can’t,
neither as a scalp or a day trade … there just isn’t the will among anybody out
there to offer it fairly & honestly, they all want to gouge the shit out of us! … and
it’s even worse in Natty Gas!
Onto the week! … OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of
sunglasses 😎😎, and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!!
… Onward & Upward!!
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