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Friday, September 8, 2023



“Let’s see … which market is on schedule for being manipulated today!!?”

It’s nothing but a vast ocean of manipulation, led by the FED Lounge Lizards, and

the object of the “game” for anybody involved in it is to gather up as much “free

money” as you can get, and then move on to the next free lunch … and nowhere is

this more prevalent than in FX, specifically EURUSD & USDJPY, and more notably

crypto, specifically Bitcoin … markets DO NOT MOVE consistently any longer

… literally EVERYTHING is “speed of light … crickets”, and where the

consistently good money is made is in the “arb” [arbitrageur] business … oh,

and did I mention it’s “risk free” … if I were younger [I asked the dog if it was

possible to get “wiser”, but he just walked away … what does he know?], and

hungry as most young Pups usually are [20’s - early 30’s, but I’m generalizing

here], I’d move heaven & earth to put together a company that’s, for simplicity

sake, a “liquidity provider” [LP] for crypto, and once that got established, for FX.

If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times here on the blog, that when you trade

for real, before you go wading in and start throwing money around, you got to

know your trading house really well, specifically how they fill orders, whether or

not they play the utterly reprehensible “VARIABLE bid/off spread game”, and

what kind of slippage they are gonna hand out … and you find this out with

small orders first until you’re satisfied that all is the way it’s supposed to be … if

you don’t, they’ll steal your money right out from underneath your nose!

Crypto is by far the most profitable, simply because there are so many

worldwide platforms and exchanges, and trade Bitcoin using the coin itself,

using USDT [Tether], and you got spot as well as perpetual futures … take all

of this and throw it into a pot where commissions [a/k/a “gas fees”] are utterly

ridiculous, and the great majority of orders you see on “open order book” [OOP]

are bids / offers in varying sizes, that if executed give the arb an instant risk

free profit, simply cuz they can buy/sell instantly somewhere else at a better

price … do this thousands of times a day and do the math Skippy!

All of which brings me to IQCENT … lately, and I mean over the last couple of

weeks, they’ve been experiencing some awful platform issues, namely keeping

the “Hoover Dam” thing running … they say they fix it, and then a few hours later

it crashes again … so far today no problems, so let’s hope this bullshit is finally

ending and they got the “retarded kittens on meth” in IT out the fucking door and

got some new blood that knows what the Hell is going on … we can only hope

… and while I understand “shit happens” with extremely complex software and

networks, running a brokerage house involves more than sitting your ass on a

beach drinking margaritas and counting the money … you have to know running

the place to have systems in place to make sure shit like this doesn’t happen

… and when you don’t, you look like an idiot … and don’t worry, I’ve already let

them know!

If it was just me and my personal account, and they were only marginally better

than other houses, I’d already be out the door, “sayonara Dopes” hope you get it

figured out before the new decade arrives … but quite frankly, that’s not the case

at all … when the platform system is running properly, they’ve got the ABSOLUTE



DOGEUSDT [DOGE COIN], & XRPUSDT [RIPPLE] … you can scour the internet

all you want, but you won’t find another house that offers BTCUSDT trading with

a 1 penny bid/offer spread and NO COMMISSIONS … or find a place that offers

the FX pairs with a lower total cost to trade … it ain’t available! 

Given what I said above, let’s dive a little deeper into the IQCENT side of things

from the CFD side of the equation … I’m gonna limit my remarks to Bitcoin, but

what I’m writing about holds with all the other pairs mentioned above as well,

even though their particular specifics may be slightly different … on the whole,

though, it’s relevant.

The Crypto & FX pairs have as the main liquidity provider [LP], Thompson

Reuters, which they get from Trading View [TV] … I’m not exactly thrilled with

this pick, simply cuz first and foremost they are a frickin’ news agency … they

farm out to others to fill the orders, and most likely take a low fee doing it … if

you trade crypto @ IQCENT, you got to know this, and you need a trusted third

party BTCUSDT OOP to back up simultaneously the Bitcoin market … Phemex,

Binance, even Coinexx can do this, as well as others … and what you’ll discover

after watching it closely is that the “basis” of the buy/sell quote from IQCENT

trades up/down depending on the level of bullishness & bearishness as the day

goes on … e.g., looking at PHEMEX BTCUSDT on their OOP, the price quote

@ IQCENT is usually anywhere from [$0 - $20] OVER the PHEMEX bid/offer

… remember, the Saps trading at PHEMEX have to pay gas fees of about 0.1%

for a round turn trade … that’s about $26 … so when you see the IQCENT

bid/offer at about $12 - $13 over, it usually represents a neutral, fair price … but

when BTCUSDT goes galloping up/down, it will go to the extremes of that

$0 - $20 band and might go under / over it if things get wild.

And another thing you need to know, is that sometimes you’ll enter a market order

and it will get REJECTED by the LP … has happened to me plenty … and what that

means is that these “market makers” see the rally coming and change their offers

higher before it hits the screen, and they simply reject your order … they don’t

requote it, they just reject it … YES, IT’S BULLSHIT! … but where else you gonna

get the conditions IQCENT GIVES US IN BTCUSDT? … while I’m scalping $10

moves, 99% of the planet has to see BTCUSDT go at least $26 in order to

breakeven … 2 things to take away from all of this … 1) don’t be overpaying at

the top end of the basis … 2) liquidate on spikes in your profit direction … if you

wait for the turn, they will “gut you like a fish for dinner” on your exit fill.

So now everybody knows the reason or reasons why I get so pissed off when

they can’t operate a trading platform for days on end, and we get all kinds of

disruptions … cuz when Bitcoin moves, I can trade before others cuz they have a

greater threshold to go over than I do … Hell, with a 1 penny spread, and it bumps

higher by $10 - $20 in like 2 or 3 seconds, I can liquidate while the rest of the

world is praying the rally can go another $10 so they can get their head above

water on their trade … and don’t look now, but you don’t think the whales and

others don’t know this? … where do you think their offers are? … and to some

degree, it’s the same scenario in the FX pairs, where if you have a trusted ZERO

SPREAD provider, you’ll notice quite frequently things get out of line in terms

of PIPS, and you can take advantage of that discrepancy .., cuz it “mean reverts”

to ZERO among the providers, and it quite often means, e.g. in EURUSD of

getting an extra half PIP cuz you’re selling the spike up, or buying/selling just

before it moves in your profit direction … BOTTOM LINE? … know your provider


So how do you “play” the basis in a pair like Bitcoin [BTCUSDT]? … well, it’s

pretty simple … e.g., I got the free platform from PHEMEX up and running, the

link directly below.

As I said before, BTCUSDT @ IQCENT will trade MOST OF THE TIME between

$0 - $20 over PHEMEX BTCUSDT, and if you watch the trade, you’ll notice this

“basis” constantly changing as people get bullish / bearish in bidding it up or

offering it down … even without the algorithm to guide you, if in a dropping

market you wait for the basis to go near $0, AND THEN WAIT FOR THE PHEMEX

QUOTE TO TURN AROUND, and then buy at IQCENT, there’s a very good & high

probability BTC will pop up some, AND THE BASIS WILL WIDEN AS WELL, and

within seconds you can find your trade up $10 - $20+, sometimes more … ditto

on the upside for those looking to sell BTC, only reverse the basis out to about

$20 or higher, wait for the rally to end at PHEMEX, and with the basis pretty fat

near $20, sell BTC at IQCENT and cover seconds later $10+ LOWER … fact is,

nobody out there can do this but us!, cuz they don’t have 1 penny spreads WITH

NO COMMISSIONS! … so yea, bottom line is I’ll put up with some bullshit now &

then to get this most favorable trading status … Thompson Reuters can get their

little fee, and we end up with the best trading conditions imaginable anywhere

… I mean, WTF, what’s not to like about this? … and you can do this all day &

night 24/7/365 cuz BTC never sleeps … the only negative, is that there’s only

10:1 leverage, but that’s pretty standard industry wide now anyway, and so it’s

just something we gotta deal with as best we can.

And given the pathetic nature of FX currently, where EURUSD is lucky to see a

40 PIP range for the entire fucking day, thanks to central bank manipulation, and

USDJPY is one gigantic roller coaster ride from Hell, with every econ stat [real or

fake, what’s the difference to the market?] and nutjob POL & Apparatchik

threatening intervention and yield curve control [YCC], USDJPY is the epitome

of “speed of light … crickets” trading, and if you get caught in one of those nasty

ass lightning strikes, good luck making any of it back anytime soon … why put up

with this bullshit, when crypto can give you the action without the Assclowns

interfering in the trading process? … and if Bitcoin is too rich for the blood,

there’s ETH, DOGE, & XRP to choose from, and in their own right ain’t nothin’ to

sneeze at and think they can’t move … “Bro, they can frickin’ move and give you

all you want & then some!”  

Turning to today’s casino action … 8+ hours of trading and looking at crude oil,

and it barely moves $1 in some of the sickest trading action south of the north

pole … just horrendous … quite frankly, I’m not interested in taking any kind of

position in something and have to sit in it for multiple minutes or hours just to

see it go 10 - 20 cents if you’re lucky … fuck that … EXIT QUESTION: “Are the

FED Lounge Lizards fucking with the oil market [again]? … asking for a friend

Spicoli”. … meanwhile in USDJPY, you’d be better off sitting in the casino in the

Keno parlor and throwing money at the wall [or the cocktail waitress that keeps

calling you “hon”], then attempting to trade a market that is as bad as oil.

On a brighter note, gold has had a 5 - 7 cent spread the entire day! … no new

LP’s at Coinexx, I asked already … and that means the LP’s are feeling the heat

“bigly & yuge” to get people to trade gold to stir up trading revenue, or Coinexx

is simply lying through their teeth, a distinct possibility … if I had to bet, I’d say

they’re lying and that they have gotten a new HFT LP who is undercutting the

LBMA spot gold bullion dealers and taking away their business … but, who

cares? … come Monday, if this spread can hold, I’ll be over in gold, and say

adios & sayonara to oil … no trades today for the PAMM, as oil can’t do

Mr. Jack “Diddly” Squat in terms of movement … “Trading Ratio” [TR] simply

sucks in crude today … most of the day AT OR LESS THAN 2.0.

For “The Syndicate” some BTCUSDT trading today … very light volumes simply

cuz I didn’t know coming into today whether or not IQCENT’S platform would

work … for the last week it’s been shit, with crashes and “updates” that didn’t

update, and it was quite frankly a fucking nightmare … but, and knock on wood,

today so far has gone smoothly … maybe they finally fed the Gerbils running the

hamster wheel, or fired the Morons dumber than a bag of retarded kittens on

meth that were in IT … dunno, just glad it seems to finally be fixed … that being

said, we’re UP APPROXIMATELY 0.2% on multiple shiploads of BTCUSDT trades

… until Sunday’s blog update.

… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,

and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!


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