Everything you need to know about whether to trade a market or not, can be
summarized by the “Trading Ratio” [TR], and if it’s piss poor, you leave it alone
… cuz if you don’t the scumbag LP’s or bullion banks will carve you up … and
here half an hour before the criminal NYSE opens, gold has a TR less than 2,
which is terrible … there simply is nothing to do when gold crawls … up / down
makes no difference … it reflects no volume, no liquidity, and ultimately no
trading interest, and that only means it’s easier for scumbag bullion banks to
manipulate the shit out of it via red / green spikes from Hell that go nowhere
[it’s called front running] … maybe it gets in gear, maybe it doesn’t, we’ll see,
but for now gold is a cruel joke.
Oh boy, an $11 range of nothingness, and with “Stock Bellies” set to open via the
cash market, we sit smack dab in the middle … quite frankly, with OPEX tomorrow,
I don’t know what gets anybody to do anything, except the bullion banks running
stops and front running occasional orders … and with the attendant lack of
anything resembling a real market, if you get on the wrong side of things, the
question becomes “who’s gonna bail you out” with any kind of VIX? … I
addressed this yesterday, and it’s a very real problem in thin markets, and why
you have to leave them alone … makes no difference long or short, you got the
same problems … don’t get me wrong, though, we don’t need $50 ranges to be
profitable, just anything remotely close to New York’s range [8 hr] of
approximately $17, and we’re smiling … and this week so far, we ain’t gettin’
any of that, far from it!
Past the London Fix [somebody got “fixed” alright], and gold hitting a new low for
the day by pennies before a dead cat bounce … stop hunting as per usual by the
bullion banks in a dead end market that’s going nowhere, with no volume, even
less liquidity, and why should it be a surprise to anybody bullion dealers run
stops? … how else are they to get out of shorts at advantageous prices if not
from your market sell order? … “looking around, there just isn’t anything here
ahead of OPEX tomorrow in “Stock Bellies” … TR in gold hanging right around
2.1, which is pathetic but gives you a hint why there’s nothing to the extension of
the range to the downside … cuz there ain’t no volume! … quite frankly, this
reminds me of gold about 4 years ago when it was around 1200, and ranges
were routinely between $7 - $12 for the entire day, and New York was mostly just
completely dead cuz nobody cared about gold then … a different time, a different
world, and a radically different market than today … “oh well, it is August!”
And with Europe now closed, gold finally extends lower on sell stops, down into
the 1750’s … and why not?, with the HULL 120 EMA sloping lower the vast
majority of the day for the 4th day in a row … FX incredibly weak, the dollar
strong, and I’m sure that’s putting some pressure on gold from the bullion banks,
even with interest rates lower today in the U.S. … if this were any kind of
sporting event, the refs would have called it at 7 AM EST and told everybody
to go home!
Well, no trades today for obvious reasons … every time gold has rallied, even in
the slightest, on a pullback it can’t stop and regain momentum to the upside
… instead, it just keeps going lower … and it’s that corrective action followed by
some kind of momentum higher that we’re looking for to get long and profit
… the market just can’t do it … makes no sense to pre-judge how low gold can
go, we let the market tell us that, wherever that might be … since there aren’t any
rules any longer, it can literally go anywhere … no FOMO, no panic, the trading
action will tell us … onto tomorrow and OPEX.
… outta here … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of “golden”
sunglasses 😎😎, and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!!
… Onward & Upward!!
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