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Wednesday, May 5, 2021



“Ha ha short sellers of “Stonks” … fooled you again, didn’t I!?”

Some days, you simply can’t make this shit up and have retarded kittens on

meth believe you … then comes yesterday, and “comedy gold” comes flowing

forth from the D.C. “swamp”, where Apparatchik Grandma Yellen first “monkey

hammered” gold & silver [mission accomplished on behalf of the scumbag banks],

and then “getting the phone call” that her comments were tanking “Stonks”,

raced to the microphones to “clarify” [a/k/a LYING] that she didn’t say what you

thought your ears heard her say, but something else entirely … “who you gonna

believe? … me, or your lying ears”!?

Light the fuse for the corporate buyback scam artists, the “Plunge Protection

Team” [PPT], and those dumb enough to be short “Stock Bellies”, and it’s a race to

see who can put the next high print onto the tape first! … Ohh, good times! … and

once again, if you’re smart enough to see what’s going on here, and reject the utter

hypocritical bullshit being piled higher every frickin’ day by a lying Communist

regime, you should be APPALLED at the brazen efforts by the elites to 1) make

sure gold & silver never rally, and 2) LIE, PRINT, & destroy the middle class at any

cost to save the 0.00001% global elites and their “Stonks” portfolios at any cost!

… cuz do you know what the TRUE HORROR is to these assclowns in D.C.?

… “Stonks” might actually go down and that would erode public confidence, and

we can’t have that … cuz they all know that the next crisis that tanks “Stonks” is


STREETS! … and they don’t wanna be around when that happens, so they will do

anything, no matter how bogus, corrupt, & manipulated their actions are and

whether or not you know it! … they don’t care that you know any longer, or even

if you do how stupid they look … and the proof is Grandma Yellen!

Even ZH has started to pick up on the “Flim Flam” bullshit from Apparatchik

Grandma Y. … anything & everything to get you “not worried” about “Stonks”,

even though this is the biggest government supported Ponzi bubble

EVAHHHHHHHHH!, with historic valuations to the moon … say this today, say

something else tomorrow, and in conjunction with the PPT, keep the bubble alive

for another day … cuz as I’ve said before, interest rates CANNOT BE ALLOWED

TO GO HIGHER … EVER! … the morons at the FED keep inflating their balance

sheet buying up treasury bonds, to keep rates low, so that corporate buybacks

can continue, and virus scum on Wall Street keep making FREE MONEY.


be allowed to end OR the entire “shitshow circus” of the “U.S. of China” economy

is DEAD & OVER! … so, the daily circus of keeping all the balls in the air will

continue until it doesn’t … what “Black Swan” shows up to end it? … who cares

cuz we have the CNTRL-P machine going “Brrrrrrrrrrrr” 24/7/365, and the PPT to

punish the living shit out of shorts & sellers? … and it’s onto tomorrow, and when

is that Bitcoin gonna be in my e-wallet?

And so here we are in the messed up mania of a Wednesday, and only Cable

doesn’t care, cuz Scottish elections are tomorrow … as well, nobody but nobody

gives a shit about it cuz it ain’t moving, and it’s “off the RADAR” for the moment.

People that trade gold feel betrayed yet again by the “system”, but since when

haven’t you known they were operating the “Comex Con Game”? … the DOW30 a

leading part of the “shitshow circus” of “Stonks” & the PPT, and today so far has

put in a “double reversal” with range … of course it does, why not? … however,

just cuz they won’t allow it to go down, doesn’t mean by default it has to go up.

Then there’s crypto, where lately anything traded is “bat shit crazy” [BSC], and

the trading public is going “all in” on buying & HODL-ing … what could possibly

go wrong? … specifically, my new favorite shiny crypto toy, Ethereum [ETHUSD],

UP a scant 500% since New Year’s Day, and it simply WILL NOT GO DOWN … and

that’s the landscape as I head for the trading terminal.

The DOW30 looked intriguing to me today, simply cuz of what happened yesterday

… and we got the first algorithm buy signal, and then after that? … ho hum, cuz

why not? … straight up to a new high and a double reversal for the day … and of

course, now it’s a bag of shit cuz the order book has been wiped clean, so time

for the “Loser formation” to take over and it’s “sleepytime”.

Only one algorithm buy signal today in the DOW30 … TURNKEY PAMM UP


Sure, it was a decent enough scalp trade, where are the rest of ‘em? … nope, not

gonna allow any more trading, that’s it, we got a straight shot to do and screw

shorts … and there’s the day! … ETH, for all its warts at Turnkey held a decent

spread most of the morning, and there was some selling … but after the blow up

back to the high on straight up panic buying, greed sets in with Turnkey’s ETH LP

or LP’s and the spread blows out to laughable levels and it’s not tradeable any

longer … and nothing has changed that so far … what a frickin’ joke! … and for

its part, gold is a basket case of nerves after yesterday’s sell stop frenzy lower.

Over in alt-coin crypto land, I traded ETHUSDT today, and “The Syndicate” is


Coming out of the European open, some good algorithm buy signals in ETH, and

the rest is history … I switched to ETH, cuz most of the alt-coins are starting to

slow down in terms of VIX, and becoming more choppy as they consolidate at

higher levels from these last weeks.

… outta here early today … “the future’s so bright I need sunglasses”! 😎

… Onward & Upward!! 


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