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Monday, May 31, 2021



“I got just one question!”

With all of the dead from wars over the last 2 centuries, does their sacrifice,

which we honor with today’s Holiday, mean that life today inside the “U.S. of

China” is “better” than before? … I think I could argue “Hell NO it ain’t better”!

… sure, advances in technology have made certain things more convenient,

but it has come at a heavy price … the insidious & evil growth of the

“Deep State” and their attendant alphabet soup Apparatchik agencies, like the

CIA, NSA, FBI, just to name the most obvious Gestapo “wannabes”, have

fostered loss of privacy, political persecutions, and a “quasi police state” right

under your nose.

The real question worth asking is simply this … “if somehow, some way all the

dead could come back for an hour to survey the current state of things in the

U.S., would they come to the conclusion of, “if I knew then what I know now”

before I died in battle, was my sacrifice worth it or did I die for nothing”? 

It’s not an easy critical thought experiment question to entertain … much easier

to skip over it when barbecuing burgers later today and indulging in the “bread &

circuses” life of ordinary Sheeple … IMHO, excluding the few years preceding the

Civil War some 160 years ago, the country has NEVER been in worse shape in so

many ways … political leadership is a disgusting, pathetic joke … financially, the

U.S. is simply Venezuela with a larger Visa card spending limit … morally? … sick

and getting sicker by the minute, and has never ever been worse … rotting cities

coast to coast … political corruption & greed that knows no bounds, wrapped in

the pretty paper of hypocrisy at every turn … loss of freedoms, PC & SJW woke

bullshit corrupting everything it touches, while promoting communism,

socialism, and pure anarchy … would you offer up your service TODAY with the

very real potential to die to preserve this rotting corpse of a country? … a

country being led by the most corrupt Dopes ever born? … in succession for

the last almost 30 years, the Clinton Crime Family, the Bush Family cabal whose

patriarch Preston Bush [G.H.W. Bush’s father] got his bank shut down by FDR

for funding the Nazi’s, then the 8 years of Preezy Empty Suit and continued loss

of personal freedoms, the 4 years of Trump’s non stop persecution by the Deep

State, and now Preezy Depends & his “Manchurian Candidate” VP to

permanently destroy the U.S. and turn you into a Serf … indeed, a lot to think

about on this saddest of Holidays. 

Holiday markets today, with both the U.K. & the U.S. closed, but there isn’t

much difference between today and a “normal” day … unless the manipulators

are manipulating and the Apparatchik’s Pie Holes moving & passing word salad,

there isn’t a reason in the world to do anything … just like a regular day!

Crypto disappointing many, cuz quite a few people were looking forward to

another meltdown of crypto prices across the board from a frenzied 3 day

weekend … so far a bust on that front … the ChiComs must be so disappointed,

cuz their overt efforts recently to “bust” crypto to dust, to hide their own

embarrassing rollout of the digital Yuan, isn’t providing the distraction they

thought it would bring … and color me cynical, but it wouldn’t surprise me to

find out someday that both the FED & ECB gave their “blessing” to the ChiComs

efforts and provided some kind of help to get crypto to go lower … their hubris

knows no bounds, right along with their deceptive, deceitful nature of nurturing

the 0.0001% global elitists who call the shots … we live in a very sick world.

As I said yesterday, the algorithm will be released this upcoming Sunday … look

for the blog to become the “Continuing Education Course” for the algorithm at

certain times, most notably when markets throw us curve balls.

Nothing to really do today, it’s a completely wasted day on the trading front

… the Asian session was very quiet, not unanticipated to be sure, and crypto is

quiet as well, just meandering around in thin volumes … gold & “Stock Bellies”

a little soft, but those moves are meaningless … outta here, until tomorrow

… “the future’s so “GOLD”-en bright I need sunglasses”! ðŸ˜Ž

… Onward & Upward!! 


Sunday, May 30, 2021



“As you can tell, I’m overwhelmed!”

Barring any last minute FUBAR hiccups in the world next week, next Sunday

sees the release of the trading algorithm … crypto alt-coins have been trading

well recently after the BTC & ETH crash … MT4 markets not so much … let’s

hope things get cookin’ with the start of June!

Today’s update is really short, cuz I still got a lot to do before next Sunday’s

release … outta here, until tomorrow … “the future’s so “GOLD”-en bright I

need sunglasses”! ðŸ˜Ž … Onward & Upward!!


Friday, May 28, 2021



“How the “pros” on Wall Street work!”

“Quant rebalancing” … wait, WUT? … WTF does that even mean? … like a herd

of elephants on meth, yesterday right at the cash close, some “Quant fund”

[apparently] came in and sent the DOW30 up about 150+ index points within a

minute or two … and here’s the big problem I have with shit like this … “what

king size moron cares not about price? … you had all fucking day to buy stocks,

that were going lower for hours via horrible news, especially Preezy Depend’s

plan to retroactively RAISE THE CAP GAINS TAX RATE … but oh no, wouldn’t

want to buy prudently AND AT LOWER PRICES … hell, who wants to do that?

... instead, let’s just go in after the close and bludgeon the shit out of price in

one fell swoop! … outside of Gubermint manipulators, WHO DOESN’T CARE

ABOUT PRICE? … meh, so what we get raped on our fills, who cares? … who

the hell does this? … and who knew about this ahead of time, cuz quite a few

shorts got “pasted” pretty badly, and somebody profited handsomely like they

just won the powerball  lottery … so where the hell are the regulators? … oh wait,

my bad, cuz I forgot … they’re watching midget porn on their office computers

and can’t be bothered, OR they’re waiting for their “SKIM CHECKS” TO HIT

THEIR E-WALLETS … in any event, they’re only concerned when some Dipweed

living in Mom’s basement “spoofs” a futures order and JPM or Vampire Squid

wet their “big girl panties” … cuz we can’t have that kind of lawlessness ruining

‘Murica’s markets!

This is what I label “Wall Street STUPID”! … and crooked as hell … ultimately, the

fund participants pay the price, and I’d bet plenty of the “right people” [did the

“Big Guy” get his 10%?] were positioned for this giveaway … nothing to see

here Sheeple, just a drive by mugging & robbery … move along now Ma’am,

everything is fine & under control … what an absolute fucking joke.

Not that any of this should surprise anybody … let’s face facts shall we? … U.S.

financial “markets” [cough, bullshit, cough] are nothing more than money

laundering “skim machines” for the connected 0.0001% global elites, led by the

inept crooks at the FED … all of that FED QE infinity, finds its way into stocks

… the FED is engaged in “stealth” yield curve control … why? … EASY PEEZEE:

“they keep interest rates artificially low to ALLOW giant U.S. corporations to

float debt to do “buy backs” … just look at what Amazon just did … this props

stock prices, and it simply doesn’t matter what news there is, good or bad … and

as a side benefit, it allows the current Communist / Socialist regime of Preezy

Depends & his “Manchurian Candidate” VP, to blow the budget deficit out

without any consequences … everybody that’s “connected” WINS! … YEA!

… so sorry middle class, you get screwed as always … welcome to the

“U.S. of China”!

Welp! … Noon in the world’s money laundering capital, and I must say, action

today in “mainstream” markets is worse than I thought it would be … this is just

disgusting, as the manipulators at the FED, manipulate & control VIX and not

allow anything to move of any significance … oh, and that “favorite inflation

indicator” the FED Faculty Lounge Lizards just absolutely love, only showed

prices up the fastest in 30 YEARS, and the biggest MONTHLY DROP IN

PERSONAL INCOME evahhhhhhhhhhhhh! … no worries … “transitory”, OK?

… not that it matters cuz this is the sickest range day I’ve seen in the DOW30

day since the index was below 10,000, and so it becomes easy for manipulation

HQ to keep a lid on things out of “petty cash” … and if you wander into this,

you’ll simply be a piece of hamburger going into a meat grinder, where the

scumbag LP will “slippage the shit” out of you, all the while you’ll be lucky to

clear the spread … ditto with gold, which is almost as pitiful as the DOW30, but

earlier showed some promise before “meat grinding” traders with bullshit.

There simply is no way you can expect to make anything in “markets” on the

MT4 [cough, bullshit, cough] with these trading conditions … come next week,

unless things change, the 20 Day Range MA’s will start dropping rather quickly

in the DOW30 & gold … this might be the sickest, shittiest gold market I’ve ever

seen for a week of so called “trading” … whatever did come came in seconds on

stops [one group of buy stops, and one group of sell stops], with ZERO follow

through, and after that just mind numbing bullshit from scumbag bullion banks

who I hope & pray go bankrupt come Basel 3 at the end of June … I can dream

can’t I?

I already detailed the DOW30 bullshit yesterday right at the close, and with prices

going up the fastest in 30 years, while incomes drop the most on record, it only

makes sense “Stonks” yawn and say, “so what, buy MOAR!” … sorry, there isn’t

anything the trading algorithm can do with horseshit like this, except leave both

“markets” [cough, bullshit, cough] alone and come back on Sunday night … I’ve

said before, the DOW30 & gold, excluding crypto on the MT4, are the 2 most

volatile markets, but if they die there isn’t anything else to save you with any kind

of VIX … and boy, this week have they DIED!

No trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM.

Over in crypto alt-coin land, VIX returns slightly, and ONT [Ontology] specifically

putting in a very good range today of approximately 2,500 ticks between the Asian

open and early Europe to midday … and once the econ numbers were released at

8:30 AM EST, it’s like somebody blew a whistle and said, “OK, that’s it!

… everybody out of the pool! … last person to leave hit the lights please!”, and

the entire crypto space died on the vine in minutes if not seconds, cuz since then

it’s been a basket of flaming dog poo across the entire spectrum. 

But hey, 2.500 ticks, I mean c’mon whaddaya want!? … and in that range plenty

of spec FOMO, followed by panic selling, rinse & repeat … over in TRX [TRON],

not nearly as good, but respectable, coming in with an Asian open to midday

Europe range with just a hair shy of 1,000 ticks … EXIT QUESTION: “when was

the last time ANY “MARKET” [cough, bullshit, cough] on the MT4 had a 2,500 tick

range halfway through the day?” … yea, me neither … but there’s also an

important reason why these alt-coins are such great trades via the trading



frankly, I’m becoming convinced that the “whales” in BTC & ETH use the same

building blocks that my trading algorithm incorporates into my entire premise

… for sure, they get faster & better info, but the good news is they ain’t in the

alt-coins cuz they’re to “small fry” for multi-million or billion dollar accounts to

mess with and bother … and the “arbs” don’t care at each tick cuz they’re there

to make a few pennies on each trade come hell or high water … and that leaves

us with a definite trading advantage … the difference between crypto and the

MT4 is worse than day versus night, cuz the MT4 gets to deal with scumbag

manipulators and crypto is a FREE MARKET!

Multiple algorithm buy signals today in ONTUSDT, and “The Syndicate” is UP


No mystery really, cuz if any market can move, and do so with at least “normal”

gusto, meaning good up / down action with razor thin spread & ZERO FEES over

multiple hours, the algorithm will deliver in spades! … I can’t make it any simpler

than this, cuz quite frankly the algo “NAILS” volatile alt-coins to the barn door

and delivers! … and when you understand why it delivers [the premise behind the

numbers], you won’t EVER look at markets the same way again … I’m not

suggesting it wins on every trade in every market, cuz yesterday’s news on cap

gains caught us long in the DOW30 and that trade was a loser … but if any market

can stay volatile for the day [a big “IF” in the MT4 markets], and provide good

two-way trading action [again, a big “IF” on the MT4], the algorithm will deliver

trading profits … the key here is VIX of course, and like I’ve said, you give me a

guaranteed volatile market scenario, and I’ll end up with all the money! … and it’s

why the FED manipulators concentrate on VIX, and not price, to control the flow

of any market … one other thing of interesting statistical info … the M1 average

ranges in both gold & DOW30 are just slightly higher than spread + commissions,

so I’d say between 1X - 3X … in ONT today, as most days, that ratio of M1 average

range / spread + commish = 100X+!! … yea, let me repeat that for ya … the average

M1 range in ONT is roughly 100X the spread + commish … and even for you

JoeMala voters waking up late and doing “racy-ist” math, that’s a helluva

advantage when trading for profits don’t you think, versus the LP “meat grinder”

of the MT4?

Everything else being equal, I’d rather trade the DOW30 than gold, simply cuz of

consistency … you look at the daily candlestick in gold I had the other day on the

blog with the 20 Day Range MA’s in plum [high & low], and you can clearly see the

big difference from the last 3 - 4 weeks versus the first 4 months of 2021 … the

DOW30 is usually more consistent, in terms of movement & VIX, with the NYSE

session contributing about 85% - 90% of the day’s range … well not lately, cuz it’s

been the “Asia flies, the rest of the world dies” syndrome … Spoos & NDX100 as

well … with a return of even halfway decent VIX, the DOW30 models price very

well via the trading algorithm … as for gold, it’s gotten ahead of itself with

everybody and their brother LONG, banks short of course … the big wildcard this

upcoming month is Basel 3, where nobody really knows what’s gonna happen,

and that might be why gold is pulling in its horns somewhat on the VIX scale, and

leading to simply terrible trading conditions … in any event, with either market a

return to “normalcy” will allow the algorithm to shine.

Blog update on Sunday … man-O-man, I can’t take another minute of this crap

… is the internet broken? … outta here … “the future’s so “GOLD”-en bright I

need sunglasses”! ðŸ˜Ž … Onward & Upward!! 
