As I said the other day, “they” [banks, government, the corrupt FED] didn’t send
out an email to let everybody know what the “new” rules were gonna be post
February 2016, when the FED actively got involved in futures trading and saved
the oil industry from total collapse … did they let us all know when they rolled
out the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] back in ‘87? … did they let metals traders
know in February 2012 of the new “Rally Protection Team” [RPT], wherein the
FED & BIS [via scumbag TBTJ & TBTF bullion banks acting as intermediaries]
would squelch gold & silver rallies instantly by selling massive quantities of
futures contracts at the market? … and just as a side note, who were the parties
actively pushing for electronic trading to begin with? … right, banks! … cuz they
knew they would be the middleman in every transaction going forward, and could
thus control price, and more importantly INFORMATION … quite frankly, you can
take every bit of market information prior to 2016 and throw it away cuz it’s
meaningless … we live and trade in the era of non stop propaganda, lies, &
deception … we are at war folks, and the first casualty of war is the truth.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in gold & silver … the latter marred and ruined
by government, regulators, and exchanges … now a visible shell of its former self
as a trading vehicle, silver 1,000% controlled & manipulated by JPM, HSBC, and to
a lesser extent a handful of other virus bank scum, who make up the substantial
majority of futures contracts SHORT, pretty much all of the time … and like gold
they ALL have been granted by government, exemptions from trading limits rules
cuz how else would they be able to amass such short positions that nobody else
can, either from the short or long side? … over the last decade, JPM has been
fined OVER $10 BILLION DOLLARS for precious metals trading abuses … do you
know of anybody who has recovered a single fucking penny of the money they
got stolen from them by JPM? … me neither … the alphabet soup of regulatory
bodies in the U.S. a screaming joke … cuz as everybody knows who’s been on
the inside of the business of trading, ALL OF ‘EM get part of the bank “skim”
back into their Bitcoin e-wallets.
Has there been a bigger joke of a “market” than gold this last year of the
pandemic hoax? … almost a year seeing spreads blown out to utterly ridiculous
levels, to pay for bank losses cuz they got hosed by the FED … the “trader tax” if
you will … now back to normal simply cuz if it didn’t, the bullion banks would see
biz dry up faster than MSM news coverage of voter fraud … and in the last year,
what’s the one place that has utterly captivated the trading world and turned it
upside down, and thrown a “monkey wrench” into the normal stealing / thievery /
and total scumbaggery of fleecing the public? … Yup, crypto!
From a central bank and their puppets the scumbag bank LP’s perspective,
crypto threatens the globalist, elitist, “Davos crowd” status quo in 2 important
ways … 1) you can’t use the CNTRL-P machine to print money and lend it to banks
so they can manipulate price, cuz you actually need the crypto in order to sell it,
and you can’t print crypto, and 2) over time people begin to see the fraud of
traditional markets and the way they are manipulated cuz they can compare how
both trade … and traders vote with their wallets! … at least the retail spec wallets
do, and as I showed the other day the comparison between ONTUSDT versus
GBPUSD is so unbelievably lopsided in this crypto pairs favor, your argument
of trading FX over crypto would contain very little logic if your main priority is
to make money … and if more money isn’t your final destination from trading,
WTF are you doing here?
I said yesterday, gold [and to a lesser extent silver] can be thought of as a
crypto currency, the only difference being is that it’s still heavily manipulated by
the FED & BIS [Bank International Settlements], whereas Bitcoin [BTC] &
Ethereum [ETH], the 2 “big dogs” of the crypto universe, are manipulated by
“whales” … “whales” manipulate for profit and INCREASE VOLATILITY [VIX],
whereas governments via Apparatchiks manipulate for social policy and to kill
retail / institutional specs and DECREASE VIX … there’s no question in my mind,
that “whales” in both BTC & ETH have adopted and are utilizing the same
manipulation concepts as used in FX, and also IMHO, said “whales” are greasing
the palms of POLS, Apparatchiks, regulators the world over … thus, outside of
the occasional speech decrying crypto [see header pic], it’s business as usual in
the 2 heavy hitters of the crypto space.
That isn’t the case in the alt-coins, for the very simple logical reason that “whales”
got bigger fish to fry than messing with coins that aren’t worth their trouble
… that doesn’t mean they don’t “buy & hold”, but from a trading perspective
they’re not trading $50 million stuff per round turn cuz for the most part cuz these
markets can’t handle volume like that [haha, yet!] … BTC & ETH can, so where do
they hang? … that leaves these alt-coins as the FREEST MARKETS ON EARTH,
where quite frankly you’re back in the trading pits of the 80’s & 90’s, only now
it’s all electronic and the trading pit is the entire world … and not only that, BUT
THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF THESE ALT-COINS trading perpetual futures at
BINANCE [and to a lesser extent, PHEMEX], not just one or two … in other words,
the information fraud, the financial MSM lies, and the manipulative deception of
the marketplace brought to you by being “hustled” by the bullion dealers in gold,
mostly don’t exist in the alt-coins.
You have to be discerning and look at manipulated markets through a lens that
strips the bullshit ordinary traders look at, and gets them to make decisions that
are mostly wrong & unprofitable … the brightest, smartest people in the world
are traders … how come 90%+ lose money consistently and can’t make a living?
… 1) it isn’t for lack of brains, so how come they don’t know or want to know
how markets actually work?, 2) faulty logic via garbage information input for
decision making [“let’s get long, the Dukes know something”!], 3) they think their
“intelligence” can get them out of “jams” [Hint: it can’t!], and 4) they get into
trades too early and they get out of trades too late, and they always got the
“shoulda, coulda, woulda” hindsight perspective looking for the “Holy Grail”.
If I spent the time and walked up to 1,000 people who expressed interest in trading,
and asked them what their gut instincts were for success, most would give the
same general answer of “the trend is your friend” … really? … OK, define
“trend”? … cuz here’s the problem folks … you begin trading and you have a
great day of profits, and you’re happy beyond words … but it suddenly hits you
the next day, that conditions from yesterday aren’t there anymore, and it dawns
on you, “hey, ohhhhhhh boy, I got to make money today, how the frick do I do that
in a down market"? … I got to do this EVERY DAY, not just once in a while … I got
bills, and yes women are a major problem for men traders, cuz find me a woman
that’s willing to “downsize” her spending [or consumin’] or lifestyle cuz you had a
bad week or month … “sorry babe, it’s homemade tacos and an HBO movie
tonight, and maybe the next 50 nights as well … yea, cancel those massage &
spa appointments will ya? … uh huh, forget Armani & Coach and try
WalMart, OK? … good luck mi amigo”!
And so you have to cut through the deception that’s constantly being thrown at
you, and see what’s really going on, especially in gold! … and it ain’t easy, but
the trading algorithm does the job for you! … and yes, if FX ever gets its shit
together and trades, it will do the same thing … and I will reiterate again, “cost
to trade” any market MATTERS! … you can’t be giving away buckets of cash via
the bid/offer spread OR slippage if you want to succeed … as I’ve shown before,
even small accounts of under $1,000 can generate thousands of dollars per year
in costs, that aren’t in your account but reside with the scumbag LP bank &
brokerage house … from the MT4 at Turnkey, that means the “Stock Bellies”
and crude oil give away too much cash to trade them right now or in the near
What’s extremely beneficial about crypto pairs is that they NEVER close
… open 24/7/365, around the clock from Asia to Europe to the U.S. and then rinse
& repeat … what I have seen, though, is if crypto gets “slow”, it’s usually between
2 or 3 PM EST to the Asia early open around 5:30 - 7:00 PM EST … not always of
course, but if it’s gonna get “slow”, this is the highest probability for that
Once you wrap your head around gold being a crypto pair with special properties,
what you’ll see with both crypto pairs and gold is the exact same behavior, with
the same characteristics! … and with the algorithm on your screen, it doesn’t
matter whether you trade gold, ONT, TRX, or any of the other hundred futures
pairs … something IS ALWAYS MOVING! … remember, these are “futures” not
spot, so there is the opportunity to be LONG / SHORT.
I’ll finish today’s blog highlighting a crypto pair surrounded by DECEPTION
… anybody remember RIPPLE [XRPUSD]? … hounded by Dimwits at the SEC,
and sued for billions claiming XRP is a “security” [which it isn’t … read the
SCOTUS ruling from 1947 (I think that’s the year) which is the precedent for
something being a “security”], and more than likely the likes of JPM & Vampire
Squid [GS] behind the scenes pulling Apparatchik strings for RIPPLE’S demise
… millions of people got slammed when the decision made the MSM news, and
XRP went down to 13 cents from around 50 - 60 cents on panic selling, and
many crypto exchanges very quickly delisted XRP cuz they didn’t want the
possible fallout affecting XRP, cuz they are a viable threat to mainstream U.S.
banking as you know them & their operations if they allowed continuing trading
of the coin, and XRP ultimately was found guilty of being an unregistered
security … as I write, XRP is trading at $1.33 … not only did the mainstream
banks attempt to hurt or kill XRP, but many billions of dollars went flowing from
weak hands to strong hands in the immediate aftermath of Apparatchik decision
making … “see my shocked face” … outright government fraud, lies from the
likes of Bloomberg & CNBC that “it’s over” for RIPPLE, and the utter deception
of those who have a vested interest in the “status quo” and want everyone to
believe the government can stop crypto … what utter hubris! … they learn
nothing from history!
Be very thankful government [outside of the original “DARPA”] had very little to
do with the growth of computers, telecommunications, and the internet … if they
had, we’d still be using dial up at 300 baud and paying through the nose for it.
Onto the week … until tomorrow … “the future’s so bright I need sunglasses”! 😎
… Onward & Upward!!
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