FX, metals, and/or “Stonks”, what’s the difference? … there is none, it gets
played the exact same way almost every time … today sees a FED PIE HOLE, right
at the opening bell for cash “Stonks”, pump the living shit out of “Stonks” with a
rosy bullshit forecast about interest rates [strong economy, not ineffective,
reckless, wasteful government running deficits into the multiple trillions as far as
the eye can see … no no, it’s a “strong economy” that’s coming … what utter
horseshit!] … and so, his comments send stocks blisteringly higher at the open,
thus allowing dumb ass specs to buy, and the scumbag LP banks to sell
inventory accumulated throughout the night at a profit … and then comes the
“Dump”, and it’s been “Thelma & Louise” ever since.
What won’t be reported on, or noticed years from now, is that when this
assclown retires from the FED, he’ll get a nice gig at one of these criminal banks,
like JPM or Squid, and get a corner office with a 7 or 8 digit salary for giving
speeches … that’s his “payback” for the hundreds of millions or billions his
comments make the bank over his career, and now comes his paycheck time to
cash in “bigly & yuge” … will anybody remember to ask him on that date in the
future? … they all ought to be in jail.
Rising interest rates catching the world by storm, as if printing trillions upon
trillions these last couple of years means nothing … what dopes … of course,
real rates are still negative, but nominal rate rises are crushing gold & silver, and
specifically hurting the NDX100 over either the DOW30 or the SP500 … tech
stocks are particularly sensitive to rising rates and always have been … see
Greenspan & tech stocks circa 1999 for what happens next [maybe].
Today sees me over at PHEMEX for “The Syndicate”, trading Cardano [ADAUSD]
cuz the other 2, TRX & ONT not as “peppy” as ADA since the European open, so
I went with the more active pair … multiple signals today in ADAUSD, and we're
Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but with BTCUSD losing steam today, I cut some
trades short on spikes higher to grab the profit … and yup, with BTC continuing
to move lower, ADA moved higher still … meh, whatever … the trading algorithm
“nailed” ADA today, and if the range should hold to the close, ADA has another
20%+ daily range of its notional total value … when it’s like this, these kinds of
trading conditions lead to perfect algorithm signals … why should today be any
Meanwhile, over in government manipulated markets, rising rates has everything
on the defensive … rallies very short lived, and then comes the “cliff diving”
lower … gold & silver once again being played according to the
“Comex Con Game” … of course, left to their own devices, “Stonks” would have
already corrected 10% - 20% from their highs, but since the FED props stocks for
the global elites, the perception held by about everybody, is that there’s a
“FED Put” underneath the market and they won’t let it fall very much at all
… 1% - 2% down and they’re “shatting their big girl panties” over at the Eccles
Building in D.C. … not “IF”, but rather “WHEN” that ends, look the hell out on
the downside.
Given the fact that stocks are so overvalued now, this rise in rates is gonna
cause some pain, and the markets haven’t even digested the “boondoggle”
Stimmy bill coming down the pike to the tune of another $2 trillion … let’s face
it, the country is run by communist clowns, and this is gonna end badly … very
No trades today in the Turnkey PAMM / MAM.
Gold & silver offer no opportunity at present, as they’re stuck in mud … the
indices going “Thelma & Louise”, and the dirty little secret is, on days like this
they crawl the indices higher and then in a microsecond SLAM ‘EM LOWER, and
by the time you see the “red” on the M1, it’s too late, cuz those “fair & honest”
LP’s at Turnkey will gut you like a fish … so while there were some algo buy
signals in the NDX100, the reward is minimal while the risk is 20X the gain, and
that’s why I ignored them … quite frankly, I want no part of this day in “Stonks”.
Outta here early today, where once again crypto leads the way … “the future’s so
bright I need sunglasses”! 😎 … Onward & Upward!!
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