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Sunday, November 22, 2020


“You’ll love life under the thumb of the ChiComs!”

The fraud is widespread & rampant … not just in elections, but everything in the

U.S. is touched by the stain of corruption … Republicans I don’t trust cuz they

are all spineless Wimps [see Mittens Romney et al] and in it to line their own

pockets, and DEMS are ALL Communist Libtards who I loathe & despise with a

passion like a burning star … and both have “dirty hands” when it comes to

election fraud … just keep you eyes fixated on Lin Wood & Sidney Powell in the

days and weeks ahead, and ignore the “Pravda MSM”, cuz it’s gonna get


Quite frankly, this is “1776” time for the average “Couch Potato” in the U.S. … you

take this shit lying down, and you’ll take anything the Chicoms & totalitarians

hand out to you … if this shit stands, there should be MASSIVE PROTESTS in the

streets of D.C. & every state Capitol EVERY WEEKEND going forward … YOU

either fight now, or there isn’t gonna be anything to fight about in the very near

future … once Creepy Uncle Joe gets packed off rather quickly, it’s the

Communist Kamala Harris that will oversee the complete destruction of the U.S.

as you know it … and if you don’t or won’t see this, then you’re a complete Dope

and deserve what you ultimately get. So, what part of “North Venezuela” do you

live in?

I had planned on giving Saturday a shot in BTC, but I spent yesterday under the

weather a little … didn’t arise to the level of “man flu”, I just felt out of it and

sluggish … feel much better today after sleeping about 14 hours yesterday.

For the week just ended [Saturday], “The Syndicate” ends the week with a

NAV IN BTC = 1.00151 [starting value = 1.0], and in terms of dollars, the

NAV = $118.06 [starting value = $100]. Going forward, on the Sunday blog update

I’ll be posting values in both dollars & BTC … this gives “The Syndicate”

participants a better overall value of their holdings.

Quite frankly, I never developed the LP trading algorithm to expect very fast

massive gains/losses from the underlying value of Bitcoin [BTC], and in the last

2 weeks we’ve seen “bigly & yuge” daily gains in BTC, and on the weekends

come the “Thelma & Louise” drops that end as quickly as they start … stops in

BTCUSD compare to gold & silver for their vicious character … pretty much

every day, I’ve seen $800 - $1,000+ 24 hour ranges, and the question becomes is

this normal now going forward, or is this simply an aberration? … no way to tell

at this point, but my guess is that when 20K gets taken out and we move

permanently into the 20’s for price and then higher, it will be normal and it’s

something I’ll have to deal with.

But I will mention again, cuz nobody out there will say it but me … “you ain’t

seen nothin’ yet in the price appreciation of Bitcoin “IF” Biden’s election fraud

is ultimately successful!” … cuz if that happens, and I don’t give 2 rat shits what

the corrupt MSM says, the country is over & done with, and there NEVER will be

another election again in the U.S. … I can assure you, one Kamala Harris will

make sure of that … and when the masses of the upper middle class finally figure

it out, along with their “poorer” cousins in the lower upper class, the “trickle”

Bitcoin gains will turn into a financial tsunami skyward, and the whores in the

financial MSM will have a very hard time explaining why people are abandoning

everything for Bitcoin … “you got a brain? … then use it, it shouldn’t be hard at

all to figure out what the deal is here … SCARCITY GOVERNMENT CAN’T

TOUCH, MANIPULATE, OR CONTROL! … I did the work for you … you’re


Meanwhile over in the manipulated markets of the MT4 at Turnkey for the

PAMM / MAM, I came real close on Friday of throwing the computer into the

turquoise waters of the ocean here in the Caribbean … my frustration at

watching “grass grow” or “paint dry” when looking at either gold or silver is

mounting … and quite frankly folks, I can’t take it anymore with these metals

markets … they are sooooooooooooooo manipulated and controlled by the likes

of JPM and other virus scum, it defies description … dribble up, dribble down,

run stops, the shit takes forever to move and the spreads are too “Hoover Dam”

high … then they blow the shit out of the price at the drop of a hat on some

planted bullshit headline, and if you get caught in that it’ll take you 3 months to

make it back, what happened in less than 2 seconds … I simply can’t take

watching this shit another second! … and while I don’t want to, I don’t see any

other alternative except to go back and trade EURUSD starting tomorrow, cuz it

has the lowest cost of trading over anything else … I can’t sit here day after day,

week after week, hoping metals does something, and they just sit and rot … got

to make yield trading something, and since we now know BOJO IS A LYING

PIECE OF SHIT and this BREXIT horseshit is gonna play out forever cuz the

POLS & Apparatchiks got no alternative for feeding the mistress funds, Cable

[GBPUSD] is definitely NOT in the discussion for trading … and so, it’s either

JPY or EURO, and the Yen is so pitiful of a trading pair by a factor of at least

50X, it’s EURUSD by default … I spent the weekend, when I wasn’t sleeping and

getting over this little bug I had, “tightening” the trading algorithm for use in

EURUSD for lower ranges … it should work very well, we’ll see.

And of course, since Turnkey is to “Hoover Dam” stupid or ignorant to list crypto

pairs like Bitcoin, the PAMM / MAM doesn’t really have any choice in the matter

… not that it likely would make much difference, simply cuz even if they did, it

would be like Coinexx or PRIMEXBT and be LP based AND DEFINITELY NOT

“OPEN ORDER” BOOK … so, it is what it is.

As for the week ahead, my hope is that BTCUSD slows down some … my fear

given events swirling around us, is that it won’t, and “when” this stuff busts 20K,

then 21K, look the fuck out on the upside to a place nobody knows where it

stops and starts to consolidate cuz of the panic … when you finally realize that

there are only 16 million BTC out there [approximately 5 million lost forever

according to industry experts], and worldwide government debt will approach

$350 TRILLION DOLLARS in the next 5 years, with a lot of that either close to

ZERO INTEREST OR NEGATIVE, even if Bitcoin went to $2,000,000 per BTC, it

wouldn’t even be 10% of world government debt! … and when was the last time

these government projections ever held water and DIDN’T GO EVEN HIGHER?!

You couple these FACTS, alongside the fact NO GOVERNMENT CAN CORRUPT

OR CONTROL Bitcoin, the fact you can NOW use Bitcoin to buy anything &

everything with ease, and the fact it’s private, secure, AND ANONYMOUS, and if

you somehow can’t fathom the upside potential for this, then hold tightly to your

dollars, you’re gonna need a wheelbarrow full of ‘em to buy a loaf of bread, once

“JoeMala” gets through with you and the U.S. is known as “North Venezuela”!

And don’t even start with the “straw dog” bullshit arguments of gold/silver is better

and Bitcoin is a scam, just digital bits … go back to 1955, they’re waiting for you!

… it’s about scarcity of product & NO GOVERNMENT CONTROL, no matter what

government you want to name … none of ‘em have any claim on Bitcoin … and

the dumb ass argument of “what if Gubermint makes it illegal”?, should make you

ask why in the post WWII era ‘til Bitcoin arrived, how come world governments

didn’t “outlaw” tax havens? … how come? … where do you think the POLS &

Apparatchiks kept their ill gotten loot, under their fucking beds? … today, where

do POLS & Apparatchiks everywhere keep their ill gotten gains? … do you have

any clue how stupid your initial argument now looks?

I get up every day and hope Bitcoin is lower … why? … cuz I want to make more

Bitcoin on my dollar trades, cuz I know what I make today is gonna be worth 100X

that in 5 years! … go ahead, I dare you … send me an email if you think your

dollar trading account is gonna get you more “purchasing power” in the future

… right, I won’t hold my breath!

Onto the week … until tomorrow … Onward & Upward!!



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