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Wednesday, November 25, 2020



“When the “Chuckeheads” in Asia trade!”

Few things in life are as certain as watching the “Chuckleheads” in Asia trade,

and then knowing they’re either buying the top or selling the bottom … almost

every frickin’ night it’s a fait accompli … and when it goes dead & dirty, you can

almost hear the checks clearing to give it another shot in a day or two … WTF

are they doing, and where OH where do they get all the money?

So when I awake  and get ready for the day, my RADAR immediately heads for

the charts to see what acts of stupidity the Chuckleheads have just engaged in,

so I know what to prepare for and be suspicious of for the next 10 - 12 hours

… last night being a perfect example, cuz it makes no diff what market you’re

looking at … doesn’t matter manipulated or not, free or not, they’ll find a way to

FUBAR the process and make it as difficult as possible for the rest of us … EXIT

QUESTION” “Is there some force out there doing this on purpose, or is this


So of course, they ramp EURUSD above 1.19 and they try and bomb BTCUSD

… oh boy, can see the damage here before it even happens … and so, here we

are today early with EURUSD getting the “Thelma & Louise” treatment the

second Europe opens, AND BTCUSD putting in some blistering rallies off

Chucklehead stupidity ... and since all of crypto is open 24/7/365 and never

sleeps or closes, either give it a rest or contact your local meth dealer for a

bigger supply to keep you “ramped” until you drop … if I had to put a number on

it, I’d say they are 90%+ wrong every single night, and no matter the market

whatever they do gets “undone” by either European and/or U.S. trading sessions

… it must be especially painful in crypto, cuz it’s 50X faster than anything else

they’ve ever traded, making their consistent losing ventures in gold & silver over

the years seem tame by comparison.

Trying to pump EURUSD past 1.19 in any significant way seems foolhardy right

now … for sure, the U.S. Dollar is being inflated to death by the FED’s CNTRL-P

machine, but the E.U. is a basket case in its own right … and you have to know,

that the ECB keeps a close eye on the EURUSD rate, and given conditions in

Europe, they most definitely are not happy with 1.19 and for sure 1.20 … in and of

itself, that doesn’t mean a drop is in the cards, cuz we can and are drifting

sideways up here in this 1.17 - 1.19 range for weeks on end … and key element

here of course are the scumbag LP banks, who have UNLIMITED FUNDS and ECB

backing to put a lid on EURUSD in this top area … so buy all you want, they’ll for

sure give it to you, then wait you out with MOAR selling until you puke back to

them at a lower price, and the drop isn’t gonna be a “steady Eddy” kind of affair

so you can mange to get out nicely, it will be a flagpole up you no where to brush

your teeth! … rinse & repeat, and trust me, you’ll go broke before they will! … so,

I’m gonna need to see a concerted move above 1.20 before I can believe the ECB

is OK with these dollar levels in Euro, otherwise it’s gonna be

“Sell, Mortimer, SELL!” from the scumbag LP banks … they definitely got more

money than you mi amigo!

Over in crypto, specifically Bitcoin [BTCUSD], I can’t think of anything dumber

than selling BTC in the hole while it’s dropping, and then expecting the world to

follow you … and when it turns it’s “lights out” for anybody short cuz you can’t

get out unless you panic buy the offer, which nobody says they will do, but in

crypto give it 10 minutes and they’re all hitting the offer buttons to buy to stem

the bleeding … “OK, MOAR BTC deposited, and they’ll hit the accounts & clear in

3 .. 2… 1 …”

Every day now over on ZH , comes the BTC posts & articles about Bitcoin, and

lo & behold it’s almost as if the “smartest people in the room”, a/k/a “analysts”

are reading my blog posts … better late than never I suppose, but they’ll never

give the real reasons BTC is headed for orbit, and that is escaping the clutches of

the Commirats in the U.S.S.A. once “JoeMala” takes power … and once Kamala

& her ChiCom  OverLords send Creepy Uncle Joe off to a coffin, you won’t be able

to escape what comes next … anybody who has followed me these past years

knows what I have said … “it’s better to be 10 years too early, than 1 day too late”!

… I left decades ago, and will never return, simply cuz it’s a horrible place to live

… unfriendly to capital, sick & demented Libtards, and most importantly an

oppressive government hell bent on destroying liberty & freedom for all … there

are far better places to park your ass than the sick & twisted U.S.S.A.!

Afternoon now in New York and Europe now closed … what’s the definition of

pathetic? … it’s spelled EURUSD … 9+ hours now, and from the European open

median this shit can’t move ± 15 PIPS, and that’s from the tips … good grief, what

a bucket of slop … and they call these manipulative pieces of shit markets?

… sure, OK, whatevs … Bitcoin moves more in 30 minutes than the Euro does in

a frickin’ month! … in any event, no trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM / MAM

… “it’s not like I’m not watching it, cuz unfortunately for me, I am … a 43 PIP

range today, with nothing more than a bunch of specs getting their MT4 buy/sell

signals faded by the usual suspects … rinse, repeat, and there’s your entire day".

And speakin’ of devilish movement when feasting your eyes on Bitcoin, you’ll

never see anything move as wild as this, especially over the last 2 - 3 weeks

… and it’s making trading it very difficult, simply cuz nobody has a clue when this

stuff starts going in 50 - 100 dollar point moves within minutes or seconds

… panic is what it is, and when it gets going it can be a real account killer, both

on the upside as well as the downside … and these “suicide shots” lower, where

price collapses 200 - 400 dollar points within seconds on sell stops, only to

recover and rip trader’s faces off, is especially brutal … quite frankly, BTC needs

to rest some or bad things are gonna happen! 

Since crypto, and BTCUSD specifically, are the only FREE MARKETS LEFT ON


banks, “greed & fear” are the only things that matter when trading it … and quite

frankly, there ain’t nothin’ better that I’ve seen [if I do say so myself] than

“The Syndicate’s” proprietary algorithm for trading Bitcoin as a “market maker”

[LP] … dead on accurate with a proficiency that would make the hair on your

bald head grow back in seconds! … seriously bad ass!! … a bit wild today, first

the Asian session where the “Chuckleheads” sold it off, then Europe comes in

and shoves it up their noses sharp & hard, and now here in the U.S. session so

far, back down on some well needed “profit taking” [thank you Bob Pisani,

CNBC hack] … threatening the 19,000 level as we move forward … not sure we’re

gonna get it, but I’d welcome a week or two of chopping around up here between

18,500 - 19,500 before some more serious “whales” [institutions] come roaring in

and jack this stuff into orbit.

Multiple trades today for “The Syndicate” in BTCUSD … UP SLIGHTLY MORE

THAN 1.68% in terms of BTC holdings.

This is what you get when you trade “FREE MARKETS” … not the shit over on the

MT4 or MT5, where everybody is at the complete mercy of central bank

manipulators, and “oh by the way” how are you feeling today? … and then they

decide whether or not it rallies, breaks, or just sits based on order flow to FUCK


… need proof? … another post on ZH, where we are informed that JPM made

$1 BILLION dollars according to them in their earnings report just released, after

paying a $1 BILLION dollar fine for manipulating gold & silver … excuse me, why

aren’t their doors shuttered!? … well, we all know the answer to that one, don’t


Europe closed now so outta here early … until tomorrow … Onward & Upward!! 


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