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Wednesday, March 18, 2020


“A metaphor for the entire world!”

You know shit is getting insane, when Tom Brady going to the Tampa Bay Bucs
makes perfect sense … moving to the trading world, very few markets even
tradeable in their current status as competition for Keno in Las Vegas
… bid/offer spreads blown to shit, that unless you’re certifiably fucking insane
yourself, you will leave alone cuz they make no sense whatsoever to pay the
fucking scumbag LP bank “vig” that would make Vito Corleone blush with
complete envy if he were alive today … “if he only knew of the possibilities of
the “legit” scam of being a “liquidity provider” [cough, bullshit, cough] and
being totally unaccountable to anybody while raking in the cash”.

We’re into the opening minutes of the New York session, and unless you’re going
to tell me that gold is going to start consistently putting in $100+ ranges every
day from now on, which would be understandable if the price were $5K per OZ.,
paying upwards of $1.50 per OZ. to trade this shit is literally insane … I don’t
care where it goes or what it does, you pay that kind of “vig” to simply trade it,
and you’re nuts … “you want “stupid shit”? … this is stupid shit”! … the bank in
essence is saying to you, “OK, we don’t really want to do anything with you, but
if you’re fucking stupid enough to hand us free money, then we will take it from
you … how does that sound, Skippy”! … at least if you played Keno in Las Vegas
[if they were open, and realizing it is the worst game to play for winning of all the
games they offer to the public], they’d give you free buffet meals and a beer … all
these scumbag LP banks will give you is the middle finger and add slippage to
the “vig”, making it worse … “you like pain? … well here ya go”!

Last night in the Asia session, some great signals from the trading algorithm in
gold, but who the fuck is gonna pay $2 per OZ. in a spread to trade it? … and it
stayed like that through the night, into Europe, and here we are in New York where
it has only begrudgingly come down to the $0.70 - $1.50 range … meanwhile over
in FX, unless you want some EURUSD or USDJPY action, which is slowing down
back to normal, everything else is bat shit crazy including Cable which has 3 PIP
spreads that make ZERO sense … the crosses? … fugetaboutit! … again, you
want pain from trading?

“Stock bellies” LIMIT DOWN as I write … must have been a new bellies report
overnight or something … dunno … add it all up, and the whole world has gone
fucking insane … morally, socially, culturally, and now financially “off the train
tracks” … decades of Libtards & Progs pushing their decadent “secular
humanism” agenda of destroying religion, the family unit, and replacing
everything with government, has finally been laid bare this last month … “guess
what snowflakes? … government can’t solve shit … they are not the solution,
they are the fucking problem … and now your stocks are down, you can’t go to
a concert, your new age yoga class has been cancelled, and most importantly
you can’t get a triple raspberry diet latte at Starbucks cuz they are closed!
… OMG, the world is ending!!

Doing some back of the envelope ciphering, I figure central banks are gonna QE
CNTRL-P about $5 trillion dollars of pure money printing in the weeks & months
ahead … are mines producing more physical gold than money being printed?
… “yea, I don’t think so … and gold is down “bigly & yuge” from a frickin’ week
ago? … go try and buy some physical gold coins at a local bullion dealer and see
what happens … NEWS FLASH: they either don’t have any gold to sell you, or if
they do the “premium” for what they do have will blow your mind … ditto for
silver, only far worse, with $10 per OZ. premiums for bulk silver coins, that in
essence almost doubles the price! … “WTF is this?, should be going through
your mind”.

It’s almost as if we live in Stalin’s Soviet Union, and you’re told that chocolate
production was plentiful this year during glorious leaders 5 year plan, and
chocolate bars are plentiful & cheap at your local store … only you go to the
store and there is NADA … you ask the manager where are the chocolate bars,
and he almost falls down laughing his ass off right in front of you.

Gold “officially” opening in Chicago now, and the spread has magically come in
to about 30 - 50 cents … we will see what happens going forward, and if the
action in “stock bellies” has any carryover effect during the day, when the money
laundering NYSE opens up later in about an hour from now. EXIT QUESTION: “is
the rest of the entire world so “backward”, that even in Japan & Europe you shit
weasels see the need for exorbitant spreads in a large market like gold”?

What we have on our hands here folks, is a giant “deleveraging” of many trillions
of dollars of financial derivatives, could be as high as “quadrillions” cuz nobody
knows for sure, that involve FX, crude oil, stocks, interest rates, gold, and
probably even your favorite collectible … “cash is F-ing king! … especially dollar
cash … and the unwinding is dwarfing centrals banks efforts to either stop it or
sop it up … fact is, they don’t have the money, even with the CNTRL-P machine
and all the ink in the world … get short you say? … sure, until that 2 millisecond
$5 ramp up takes you out on the high, goes nowhere, and then proceeds to leak
water to another new low.

Quite frankly, there are only 2 markets right now that aren’t completely FUBAR-ed
beyond recognition … USDJPY & EURUSD … Yen scares the shit out of me cuz of
that lunatic running the BOJ … despite the blah blah of the ECB, they’re dead
broke and out of any ideas that work … and the E.U. is a coronavirus basketcase
of fucked up policies and idiot POLS & Apparatchiks, so in my mind what’s left is
EURUSD … we’ll see, but everything else on the MT4 board has had bi/offer
spreads blown the fuck up to insane levels that make no sense from a traders
perspective … just literally cashew nuts insane … gold is barely tradeable right
now, although throughout the entire NY day, there have been no discernible
bottoms worth buying … maybe that changes here in the P.M. of the afternoon. In
any event, it gets summed up nicely over on ZH, with the link directly below.

Meanwhile, “stock bellies” are back at “LIMIT DOWN” … no doubt trapping more
& more BTFD dopes, who can’t see that for the time being, the game is STFR
… since this entire crisis began in late February, there have only been 2 trading
days where the high for the day exceeded the previous day’s high, and not by all
that much either … the rest of the time, it’s been a complete no go, and until the
dopes at the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] & the BTFD-ers STOP WITH THE
EARLY BUYING, and using up precious “buy fuel”, these swoons lower in the
afternoon will not stop … the bottom comes on a day when all hope is lost
throughout the night and into the early afternoon in New York, and then after
Europe closes all hell breaks loose to the upside with a massive rally into the
close that continues the next day … until then, fugetaboutit!

And what happens when all the asset bubbles go “POP”!!? … well, shit goes
lower in price, and that includes gold … first the deflation depression, then
quickly followed by the hyper inflation … and given the multiple trillions to be
borrowed and spent by everybody, that inflation will be something to see when it

Hell, we can’t even get a couple of days for any of these markets to calm the fuck
down, the level of leverage and now panic so high it’s literally a “once in a
lifetime” event … today sees GBPUSD & crude oil get destroyed beyond belief to
the downside … gold not much better, where the trading actions & conditions
have been nothing short of “fucking horrible” … on a scale of 1 - 10 with 10
being worst, gold today is at about 99 … the very brief “flickers” of price going
up, get immediately annihilated very quickly, and what that tells me is that, at
least for now & today, there is very heavy selling interest overhanging the market,
looking to sell into any move higher no matter how small … and as I write, just
like that gold loses $10+ per OZ hitting a new low for the day … in this level of
panic liquidation, I have no idea where the bottom could be in gold … somewhere
above ZERO, how’s that?

We’re in the Gotham afternoon … gold is trading with a $1+ spread, and that
doesn’t even consider the slippage, which I can guarantee you is set at “triple
fuck you” MAX … GTFO with that … Cable is trading with 5+ PIP spreads
… again, GTFO with that, not interested in helping pay for the 2020 X-MAS party
at the scumbag LP bank … the crosses? … right now, GBPAUD is trading with
12 - 20 PIP spreads … wut? … right, so sayonara crosses … the SP500 “stock
bellies” is trading with ½ index point spreads, which is not so bad, but the
problem here is what happens if you get long / short and it goes “LIMIT” in a
heartbeat against you? … now what Einstein? … the problem with all of these is
that the reward / risk ratio is about “1 X 10”, meaning you win and make a buck,
and if you lose you’re down $10 … massage that all you want, you can’t make it

So until this bullshit ends, and I have no idea when that day comes, I’ll be moving
yet again tonight over into EURUSD, one of the only places that has any
semblance of trading conditions sanity, and where the trading algorithm does
exceptionally well … if / when gold comes back to earth, and the scumbag
bullion banks get their respective act together, and return trading anywhere near
normal, I’ll go back and trade it … Cable, with today’s action, looks ruined for
now … somebody blew the shit out of that pair today, something that hasn’t been
seen since the infamous “Soros trade” back in October 1992 … after that debacle,
it took Cable about 5 years to recover its trading legs and once again be viable
… this looks & feels eerily similar, so we’ll see.

Across the board, markets are a frickin’ “train wreck” … crypto has held up well
today, in the face of the carnage, and given the trillions that are to be spent, I see
nothing but price appreciation in the future … just my opinion.

No trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM / MAM.

I’m not in the habit of throwing money away … and if conditions get “effed up”
into “The Twilight Zone” where we find ourselves now, I walk away, simply cuz I
know what happens next … part of doubling the PAMM / MAM this year, is not
doing “stupid shit” … and handing the scumbag banks money for nothin’ is
exactly that … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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