“That time the FED sent “Terminator” back in time to rig the stock market!”
Scary as it sounds, it almost seems plausible … after all, when you have the
CNTRL-P machine at your disposal with no oversight from the hapless clowns in
D.C., once “Peter Pan” Kuroda showed them how to do it, what’s to stop them?
… they simply print more than your ability to sell … who cares if future
generations get to pick up the pieces, cuz all that matters for the faculty lounge
Twits sitting in the Eccles building are those future 7 digit gigs at Squid or JPM
… and so the stock scam continues without a hiccup.
Want to sell? … “sure, go ahead, we’ll just print another $100 billion today, and
once you’re done, we’ll either ramp the “Tulip Bulb 30” in your face, OR we’ll bid
the shit out of it in the dark when nobody is around except pajama traders in Fiji,
and you’ll wake up the next morning with a case of mournful regret”.
And so, in the latest iteration of the Ponzi scheme known as stocks, we see
another overnight ramp on “vapors”, with new recorder-er-er-er highs on nothing
but “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] buying, along with the other central banker
usual suspects bidding stocks higher on nothing … and why not? … who’s gonna
stop ‘em? … so what if the U.S. is approaching Venezuela & Zimbabwe in terms of
money printing? … Wall Street is too busy partying, and the scumbag banks are
making hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, playing the pre-arranged
Treasury debt scam with the FED to worry about anything … quite frankly, why
do we even have a market, when everything is simply money printing a go-go?
Oh wait … right, “fun-durr-mentals”! … yea, that’s the ticket … only if your
completely intellectually bankrupt, would anyone ever care to go down that road
… the entire Washington, D.C., Wall Street, Deep State, & military industrial
complex is so utterly corrupt and immoral, it defies human belief … throw in
cultural, educational, & total societal rot, and when the end comes, you better not
be the one exposed with your wealth sitting anywhere near the U.S. … and while
the music still plays, and nobody wants to notice, the chess board is being set
up for your destruction on so many different levels, that if you’re not cognizant
of WTF is really going on, there’s no hope for you when it comes time and your
enemies say “Checkmate”! … and like most, you’re probably sitting around and
giddy over the stock markets rise and the value of your 401(k), or whatever it is
you’ve placed your faith … “what they pump up, they can take away faster … to
rely on government is the ultimate blind faith disaster”!
Well, here we are, another PPT fucking joke of an NYSE open, where trees grow to
the sky at an ever expanding rate … tell me again about “fun-durr-mentals” … I
guess when you print upwards of $100 billion a day for the banks to rape & pillage
and add via pre-arranged treasury debt trades, nothing seems expensive
… certainly if you handed me millions a day in free money, why would I care what
I bought tulips bulbs at? … now that the morons at the FED have seen to it repo
rates can never go higher, cuz that might mean a rise in interest rates and we
can’t have that cuz it would blow the living shit out of the budget, what’s to
worry about if you pay never seen before historical valuations for companies
that produce shit, earn nothing, but have a Board of Directors that only buy back
shares so EPS can go up due to less float in the shares? … why doesn’t the FED
just print 100 Quadrillion dollars and buy everything, and everybody is rich
beyond belief? … why fucking pretend with this “market” shit, like it exists when
it doesn’t? … “Dr. Goebbels, please call your office or pick up the white courtesy
It’s gotten so bad, even the pundits at “Dumbberg” are noticing it … directly
below, a link to an article on ZH that highlights my point.
Always nice when the sun is shining to notice that it’s in fact daylight, and it
comes as some kind of revelation to those buying the bubble assets … almost
as revealing as the faculty lounge Twits who are blowing the bubble ever higher,
and then protesting that maybe they shouldn’t … only just a little, cuz that will
give them cover when the whole fucking thing blows up and they can say they
warned everybody … scumbags, scumbags everywhere!
And anybody that bothers to read the ZH article will notice, by keeping rates
artificially low, Zombie companies that should have gone bankrupt long ago,
borrow money at ridiculously low interest rates to buy back their own stock,
thus adding to the global debt pile while enriching themselves and producing
nothing … but it’s OK with the FED, just don’t blame anybody in the faculty
lounge when it all burns the fuck down at some point and wipes out your
financial assets you thought were safe and secure … and if you believe they got
your back, check out my beachfront property in Kansas, where you’ll surely
appreciate and want to own!
“Seriously, WTF is this I’m lookin’ at in the “Tulip Bulb 30” … into the P.M. in
Gotham, and we can’t rally and we can’t break … oh sure, you can get chopped to
pieces in total manipulative bullshit, as the banks pick your trading method to
shreds with “false positives” that go nowhere … 3 hours into this clusterfark, and
we don’t even have a 50 index point range from the extreme tips … “oh, no
worries, we can “vapor move” this shit hundreds of points higher overnight on
literally nothing, but in the NYSE session it’s nothing but “protect & defend” the
gains, so the chumps can buy the top hoping for more” … not that anything else
is better, as VIX & IVIX is shredded everywhere in all markets as I write … gold?
… don;t make me laugh … Cable? … IVIX shot last week after year end flows
gave all of us a “false positive” for an IVIX breakout … crypto? … BTC dead
above 8K, and the costs to trade it is very expensive … crude oil? … without a
real war, this complex is dead … nothing but shit all around us … “somebody go
get my hip boots”!
Well, with 90 minutes to go in this “market”, if you can call manipulation a market,
even Christmas Eve was more active than this … No trades today, what a pile of
shit … I can’t take another minute of this stuff doing literally nothing … outta
here early … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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