“Too bad we don’t have similar rules for government!”
That they are lying pieces of total shit should be no surprise to any adult with one
functioning brain cell … from the ChiComs, Twits at the FED, unindicted felons
currently in Congress, POLS & Apparatchiks everywhere, high school guidance
counselors, bankers, anybody with an SJW degree, especially Libtards, and finally
lawyers & doctors … whatever they “say” turn right around and do the exact
opposite and you’ll be in the driver’s seat.
Make no mistake, the “ordinary” people of the world that make everything work,
have had it with lying, scumbag governments … from Brexit, Italy, Brazil, and in
the U.S. as well with the election of Trump … and in China, if this coronavirus
goes full retard “panic city”, and escalates further from here to a full blown
pandemic that kills hundreds of thousands or millions of people, the societal
“earthquake” will topple anything / everything clueless morons at the FED throw
at the crisis to maintain “bubble-esque” stock prices.
A quick glance at any of the U.S. stock indices weekly charts will lead any sane
person towards a case of pure vertigo … that the FED & other central banks are
throwing TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR at stock prices at these levels, can
only make you wonder what happens when they finally see the “writing on the
wall” and pull the central bank “Put” that investors around the world have been
counting on for years [decades really] … and when “Ma & Pa” get cleaned out,
the sense of betrayal by the public towards bankers, POLS, & Apparatchiks will
be enormous … when SHTF, everybody in power everywhere needs scapegoats
… already, “glorious, infallible leaders” of the ChiComs have blamed the Mayor
of Wuhan for the crisis, and his head is either about to roll, or he’s already been
quietly shipped off to a “re-education” camp for his benefit … here in the U.S., it
will be no different … “if I’m Spicoli, I’ve got my eyes firmly fixed on an escape
route, should I need one, right towards one of Hitler’s old bunkers, where I can
chill ‘till the desire for my head cools” … and the world will learn yet again as it
has countless times in the past, that when so called “leaders” say something can
never happen again, turn right around and prepare cuz the probability of it
happening has just skyrocketed … and when you have corrupt & immoral
“leaders” at every single level of power from dog catcher to Congress, mixed
with a very high dose of hubris & their own infallibility, you have the makings of
a “train wreck” disaster … and quite frankly folks, we’re right there at the edge of
the cliff staring into the abyss.
Here early, hours from the NYSE open, it looks like the “Plunge Protection Team”
[PPT] is defending the 28,500 level on the DOW30 & the 3250-ish level on the
SP500 … as we move closer to the open, it will be interesting to see how they
respond not “if” selling pressure reappears, but “when” it reappears … and if we
get underneath the lows set by the “war that wasn’t” with Iran on January 8th, it’s
gonna set off some “bells & whistles” on the weekly charts with big money, that
I’m sure is gonna make the FED uncomfortable … “cuz when you literally throw
hundreds of billions of dollars a MONTH of “QE funny money” at the wall, and it
ain’t stickin’, and nobody is buying what you’re selling, you got a very big
problem” … and trust me, the FED can read charts like anybody else … they
know what a breach of these levels means, and how it perverts investor
psychology, and up and until it gets violated, they will throw more at it as fast and
as often as necessary to stem the tide … question is, can they do it successfully
and whether the storm this time, and the jury is still out on that one. But of
greater significance, is the fact they think they can do it forever, and that’s where
the real problem lies. Cuz after years of these “hijinks”, the trading community
has picked up on their game, and their influence is waning … what happens when
they give up, will be analogous to what happened with EURCHF in January 2015
when the Swiss decided to end the 1.20 peg to the Euro, only much bigger … it will
be a sight to behold.
Well, here we go, as the PPT comes in an hour before the NYSE open and mauls
the “Tulip Bulb 30” higher in seconds … more than likely a taste of things to come
as the FED gets more & more desperate around key support levels they deem as
strategically important for investor psychology … “Dr. Goebbels, please call your
office or pick up the white courtesy phone”!
Another PPT ramp on the NYSE open … clearly, nothing says buy MOAR!, like a
world viral pandemic … “are you not entertained”!? … a bigger shitshow circus of
pure manipulation the world has never seen … what a fucking joke … EXIT
QUESTION FOR THE MANIPULATORS: “why fuck around? … why don’t you just
print another trillion or so [at this point what does it matter?] and just send it to
recorder-er-er-er-er new all time highs and get it the fuck over with already”?
… apparently, nobody knew the coronavirus is long SP500 futures … see my
shockingly shocked face!
“Well, that escalated quickly to the downside, didn’t it”? … seems somebody ain’t
buyin’ what the PPT is sellin’ … and now towards late morning, we’re back down
near the low of the day, where the PPT makes another “stick save” and tulips rally
… heads up cuz in about less than half an hour, the august [cough, bullshit,
cough] World Health Organization [WHO] will have a conference call on the
coronavirus … EXIT QUESTION: “who’s getting paid what to say there’s no
pandemic”? … anybody seen the viral videos off the internet of folks literally
trapped in Wuhan and dying? … it looks like episodes from “The Walking Dead”
… but sure, no worries … can we now expect new highs for the day once the
news conference is over? … quite frankly, the snake in the “Garden of Eden” has
more credibility than WHO and/or the CDC, or any of the other political hacks that
infect alphabet soup government or quasi-government agencies … “hi, we’re here
from the government and we’re here to help”! … run people, fucking run!
Oh boy!!! … here comes Kudlow!, talking up stocks & the economy just in time
… amazing coincidence, don’tchathink? … yea, no attempt at manipulation here,
no no no no no no no, just some “plain talk” from one Amercain to another
… Bueller? … Goebbels? … anybody home?
And right off near the low, here comes the PPT again, this time with another 200
point straight up ramp, killing shorts in the process again … and what you’re
seeing here if you’re watching this, is the complete bastardization of the trading
process that “normal” markets enjoy … but, as we all know this isn’t a “market”
but a Ponzi scheme, and their actions completely “skew” trading action to either
“all buy” or “all sell” NOW!, with almost nothing in between … unfortunately, this
is what we can come to expect when stock indices are in the back “6” of the
“88/6/6” trading paradigm. In other words, totally fucked up trading conditions.
So, we’ve had today nothing but straight up, then straight down, then straight up,
all inside a 200 index point window, thus insuring anybody who hangs onto
anything gets his/her ass handed to them … thanks FED, you’re doing a bang up
We find ourselves in the back “6” of the trading paradigm, and I will remind
people that trading conditions can get quite “hairy” & disjointed many times
… far more than when we’re in front at the “88” … as such, you have to be
especially vigilant around support & resistance areas on the HR1 & HR4 chart, as
they can set off vicious sell stops that will see fills nowhere near where you think
they’ll be … in addition, turns off of rallies on the M1’s can be extremely vicious
on the downside, and if you wait for the turn it could get ugly quickly … you have
to liquidate and sell longs on the way up … what happens next doesn’t matter.
As a result of us now being, for how long is anybody’s guess, in the back part of
the “88/6/6” paradigm, the PPT is gonna be a major force in the market and skew
the shit out of trading when they don’t get their “market wish”, which is to see
higher prices on tulips … it is what it is and I can’t do anything about that … the
effect, though, on trading the algorithm means less buy signals cuz we can’t get
the “normal” ebb & flo in the market … instead, it’s straight up, then straight
down, rinse & repeat for more tulip bulb points than anybody is comfortable with
… and today is a perfect example of their machinations and attempts to destroy
ALL SPECS … they hate us for trying to ride their back, and they sure as hell hate
shorts and will do more to kill them as often as possible … back parts of the
paradigm have powerful “stories” attached to them, and you have to pay attention
to the “story”, cuz when it dies down or reverses, it’s lights out on the upside
… when the “story” escalates, vicious & eye watering gaps on the downside are
very common, and they wipe out a lot of traders … the PPT knows this, as well as
the scumbag banks, and they will use heightened panic on both sides to push
things to give off “false positives” on popular MT4 & MT5 trading platforms, only
to suck traders in, and then pull the trap door and sink unsuspecting traders
faster than Wile E. Coyote chasing the roadrunner.
No trades today in the FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM … outside of the first 30 minutes
of trading, there weren’t any legit signals … there were a couple that came inside
that first 30 minutes, and I skipped them cuz of the presence of the PPT skewing
the shit out of the market on the upside, and in retrospect it was wise to skip them
cuz although I could have made a few points, when the market turned it was not
so pretty. The Turnkey PAMM / MAM saw some trades … UP SLIGHTLY LESS
THAN 0.3% … here, the difference is that I have to adjust my trading for their
sloppy and shit conditions … there’s slightly more risk involved, but I am forced
to stay in the market longer than I would like for scalp trades.
Another last hour “dump & pump”, as these assholes seem to never give up
… like Tuesday, today there isn’t anything positive I can say about this market
from a “trading action” perspective … very sloppy & disjointed and almost every
minute of the entire day saw price whip around … overnight, more word from the
Chicoms and others on just how bad the pandemic has gotten … it’s what will
drive trading tonight & Friday … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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