As ZH points out today it’s a never ending story that gets boring, simply cuz the
trajectory of national debt and interest costs only knows one direction … up, up
& away exponentially! … the link directly below.
And for the umpteenth million time, today is just like another day of “shit happens
in the Asian and early European sessions”, and then it’s “pretend & maybe extend
a little” some pitiful price action in New York for gold … why start a war with the
Banana Republic when you can bankrupt them and make their fiat worthless, all
the while the Yuan gets backed by gold bullion and capital flows move very
quickly to China? … the data doesn’t lie, as Swiss exports of gold to China from
their refiners, shows a big jump at the start of 2024 and it hasn’t let up one bit
… directly below the data from Bloomberg.
Meanwhile, the clueless Uniparty Dopes in the U.S. borrow money at the RATE
OF $1 TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY 100 DAYS, and then get to pay interest on
that debt … and you wonder why gold and crypto are headed North to
unfathomable levels in the future? … gold would need to be priced around the
value of $60K per OZ., if the U.S. still has any left of the approximate 260 million
OZ. the FED says they have but won’t let anybody actually verify that number
with an audit, and if they stopped borrowing money today! … well guess what?
… that ain’t gonna happen!!
CHINA IN THE ASIAN SESSION? … quite frankly, $10 - $15 ranges for New York
is pathetic for a market that finds itself at $2200, and North America is
considered the “primary market” … we should be seeing $20 - $30+ ranges in
New York but aren’t even coming consistently close to that right now … I expect
that to change here very shortly! … buckle up Skippy, the potential outlook for
gold to go much higher and for ranges to be extended is very promising … place
your perspective on gold as if it’s simply a crypto currency in very high central
bank demand … it makes much more common sense!
Looking at the 20 Day Range MA & MEDIAN values I publish on the Sunday
update, unless SHTF in a major way I don’t see the crypto pairs BTC and/or ETH
extending values in a major way going forward, and if anything slowing down
into the BTC “halving” and the utter confusion created by a feckless SEC towards
an ETF for ETH … this should slow MOMO down some for the immediate future
… on the other hand, gold is in the MOST SILENT BULL MARKET IN HISTORY,
with almost no retail participation I can see with silver lagging badly … the
ChiComs and other central banks are the main drivers, and I don’t expect them to
abandon gold or start selling anytime soon, like forever! … why should they?
… the U.S. is destroying itself, while they accumulate every ounce they can get to
eventually back the Yuan fully with gold … and to the same extent, the Ruskies
are in the same boat … in other words, gold looks poised for better trading action
… and that means I’ll be looking at it closely earlier in the day, starting my trading
around 5 - 6 AM EST … if it dies, then it dies and I’ll adjust, but I would be
shocked if all of a sudden the ChiComs started to ignore gold.
Currently on the m15, I have RM=3 [ORANGE] & RM=4 [RED] as support /
resistance levels … if going forward these levels start to get consistently hit,
I’ll adjust volatilities higher and post the new gold mq4 in “Download Links”
… today’s m15 chart directly below.
As I have previously stated, where traders go wrong in determining support and
resistance, it’s cuz they only focus on price and ignore volatilities … you simply
have to know generally where VIX is, and the RM levels determine that quite
nicely! … on the m1, current gold RM’s are at RM=2 & RM=3 … into the New York
afternoon, and so far New York has about an $11 range for the day … pathetic,
simply pathetic, but there’s enough in that to scalp but I would be hesitant to keep
trades on for a longer day trade in this environment.[And as I write gold has just
hit a new high for the day, after screwing around for hours inside of chop … the
m15 high gave way, and it’s off to the races … quite frankly, there isn’t any place
for shorts to go except for extreme short term scalps, and if you’re wrong,
you’re gone! … gold now, around 1 PM EST, with about a $38 dollar per OZ.
daily range, and about a $20 range in New York, which is where I said previously
it should be experiencing … all it has to do now is remain relatively consistent,
or go even higher!]
On this latest move upward, directly below a screenshot of the m15 [left] and the
m1 [right] with RM levels and the full algorithm . when any market, crypto or gold
moves, it doesn’t get any better than this.
When that m15 high at 19:00 got taken out, all of the algorithm parameters were
lined up for a move higher … both m1 and m15 were “white”, and the histogram
of the simple EMA MACD [8 period fast, 15 period slow] MOVED OVER THE
ETH price action today disappointing, not cuz of a lack of price movement, but
cuz of restricted range movement after a sizeable move in late Asia … that
usually means chop, and sure enough we got it … only one trade in ETH fr the
… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,
and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!
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