Quite frankly, nothing gave me more pleasure than seeing the “woke” U.S.
women’s soccer team go down in flames … with any luck, they won’t even win
Bronze … haughty, egotistical, tone deaf, ungrateful, and all around victim
“hacks” that personify “useful idiots” the Libtard Left so loves to use them for
time and again … you’ve been played babes, but your too stupid to realize it
… hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame, now get lost and GTFO of my
sight cuz your presence offends me.
And speaking of offensive, today’s action in Asia & Europe is an affront to trading
in general … is there a “strike” I don’t know about? … but that’s “Nuttin’ Honey”,
cuz we just went from a new high for the day to a new low for the day within 11
minutes … and now a little later, after some “dumps”, we go hit a new high for
the day on the classic “pump” … EXIT QUESTION: “does every frickin’ day have
to be either a reversal, double reversal, or triple reversal? … and you wonder
why I call this shit “Stock Bellies”?
Yesterday I mentioned the NDX “tuition” I paid for knowledge … there are simply
times when scalping algorithm buy signals can’t be taken at Turnkey in the PAMM
… and the reason is simple … not very good latency on fills, and horrendous
[IMHO] slippage that would embarrass a normal human, but of course not the
scumbag HFT LP Turnkey uses … at the heart of this issue is whether Turnkey
gets part of the “skim” the LP steals via slippage … they won’t answer the
question, which allows me to assume the worst and that they do indeed get a
slice of the ill gotten pie … does the HFT also pay Turnkey money for order flow
info? … again, they won’t answer the question, so I assume they do … and
looking at today’s trading action there are telltale signs versus futures that
indicate the flow of bid/offer quotes aren’t entirely legit … question them on it,
and again they won’t entertain the question, and instead repeat the corporate
mantra of “we’re a pure ECN broker, and don’t set spreads” … great, that’s not
the question though … and it goes straight to the heart of why you can’t trust
these assholes to make a fair & honest market under certain conditions cuz they
will “sandbag” the bid when it turns, and if you hit the liquidate button on the
turn, your slippage will piss you off to no end … yesterday, it happened to me 3
times, and I’m not talkin’ insignificant slippage either, but rather 5 - 10 index
points EACH TIME … meanwhile, over on the Airsoft “Chrono Trading Platform”,
it’s instantaneous fills and NO SLIPPAGE, meaning at the turn you’re gonna get
a fair & honest price.
In 3 hours of NYSE trading, the NDX100 has had a “double reversal” … and where
you have to leave this puppy alone is when it’s lower for the day and the spikes
lower are larger than normal … cuz even if you buy near the low, and it starts
rallying and you’re up maybe 10 index points, at the turn, the bid from Turnkey’s
scumbag HFT will collapse faster than you blinking your eyes … and if you wait
a second or two and it keeps going down, now you’re in a situation where they
can really screw you cuz you’re selling into a collapsing market, and they don’t
have to be fair & honest and can fill you wherever the fuck they want … they don’t
care where futures are at, they’re going to gouge you for all it’s worth … on the
other hand, on up days it’s reverse this and your buys “POP” higher a lot faster.
Meanwhile over on the Airsoft platform you can take any algo signal anytime it’s
given, cuz you don’t have the deep structural problems that Turnkey depends
on to screw you via the MT4, meaning you can trade without worry of getting
Today [so far] marks the 5th day in a row inside the daily candlestick from the
July 27 big down day … 5 days in a row of bullshit with tight ranges under the
20 Day Range MA, although today is right at normal … we got ADP coming
tomorrow and NFP coming on Friday, and with some of the Faculty Lounge
Lizards hinting this week that tapering might start in September [bullshit] if the
jobs market shows improvement, thus adding emphasis to Friday’s FUBAR jobs
numbers, I find it hard to believe the July 27 range gets taken out today and new
ATH’s are coming at the close … on the other hand, the way the BTFD crowd
goes “ga-ga” over tech on any break, nothing in this space will ever truly shock
me if it happens … from where I sit, there’s a definite pattern in the NDX100 that
you don’t see in any other market that’s traded … although I’m not trading for
“The Syndicate” today, and instead traded my own account, the obvious
advantage of not getting screwed on every order and having a lightning fast
platform should be obvious … quite frankly it’s like standing in a trading pit
where I’m hitting bids or offers … and the way this stuff has the potential to move,
1 second is a long time to have to wait for a fill, from a group of people that spend
every waking minute trying to figure out how they can fuck you even more
… and so yea, there are circumstances where you just can’t take the algo signal
and expect to make a profit cuz you know how these assholes operate and how
they manipulate bids/offers to their advantage, and your utter disadvantage.
Throughout indices history, when double reversals have happened, there usually
isn’t anything left on the second reversal to power it along and extend the range
… triple reversals are so rare that it’s hard to draw any good conclusions from
such a small data set over time, so it’s a true wildcard … and so the panic
up/down continues at the speed of light, but I will note that once you get the
double reversal buying isn’t that great of an option any longer, cuz the
probabilities aren’t for greater extension of the range … all of the fuel got ate up
getting to the double reversal, and there usually isn’t anything left … it’s why I
made no trades this afternoon once the double reversal hit.
Quite frankly, looking overall at the day as a whole, this was a piss poor excuse
for a trading day … literally ZERO action in both Asia & Europe, until the FUBAR
NYSE open came & went … that leaves us with a market totally dependent on
U.S. action and an extremely tight range … and so, you see what happens next
with account killing double reversals, where it’s nothing but panic either way
… for the majority of the day, algo buy signals couldn’t be taken at turnkey given
the nature of the way the day played out … I traded 9 times for my own account
on the Airsoft platform, and while all 9 were winning trades, if I had done all 9
trades on the MT4 with the PAMM, a couple would have been touch & go either up
or down a very small amount, and the other 7 would have been losers … such is
the nature of things when there is such a huge discrepancy between a LEGIT
PLATFORM versus Turnkey’s pathetic MT4 … in any event, no trades today for
the PAMM simply cuz all algo signals weren’t under conditions that favored us on
the MT4 … to be sure, there will be plenty of action when those conditions are
met, but as I said earlier, this is the 5th day in a row stuck inside the daily candle
from July 27, meaning things are awfully tight right now in the market … also, it’s
Summer, and historically August isn’t kind to indices from a seasonal standpoint,
which usually means rather subdued ranges and very shitty conditions … and
I’d say a “double reversal” today for no reason fits that bill perfectly.
Tomorrow should give us some kind of hint with ADP job numbers coming at
8:30 AM EST … my guess is they’ll be good enough to power “Stock Bellies”
higher and break out of this pathetic chop we’re in … maybe, maybe not we’ll
see … I’ll make the trades when it’s to our advantage, and quite frankly when
“The Syndicate” picks back up trading here very shortly on the Airsoft platform,
cuz I can make ALL OF THE SIGNAL TRADES at the speed of light with NO
SLIPPAGE, you’ll get a better idea of just how big of an advantage speed of
execution AND no slippage gives us … and when you’re trading a market like
the NDX100, where FOMO reigns supreme among the retail spec public, and no
price higher is too high for many, getting “the edge” with lightning execution
while they climb all over themselves bidding it higher after a drop in price, puts
our trades for “The Syndicate” in a very good position to make money on almost
every trade … sorry, can’t say the same for Turnkey and the rip off artists they
use as LP’s, and you got to be careful to make sure you have “the wind at your
back”, cuz if you don’t they’ll clip you sure as I’m sittin’ here.
And since I’ve brought “The Syndicate” up for discussion, it’s been a while since
I’ve mentioned how to participate … for those interested, email me and I’ll
forward details back to you.
… outta here … “the future looks so bright, I need sunglasses”! 😎
… Onward & Upward!!
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