Welcome Komrades, to the U.S. of China, where your new Politburo regional
Apparatchiks, having received important communiques from Xi himself, are at
once decrying the loss of democracy itself, and according to Chuckie Wucky
“Big Tears” Schumer, it’s another “Pearl Harbor” … silly rabbits, Trix are for
kids! … only BLM & ANTIFA are allowed to burn down the country & cause
death & destruction, cuz when more than 2 conservatives/libertarians or Trump
supporters meet, it’s guaranteed a group of ANTIFA thugs will be there to act
like conservatives, and then create mayhem … why it’s an attack on democracy!
… well no buttheads, the stolen election IS/WAS THE ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY!
It’s simple really … 1) create the problem, 2) plan the violence, 3) project & blame
the other side, then 4) step in as the solution … there it is, the
Libtard / Communist playbook since Lenin was in diapers, adopted
wholeheartedly by Communist Dems, which means all of them, and of course
RINO slime Repubs like Mittens Romney, Cocaine Mitch, and the worst hypocrite
piece of shit Mike Pence … and I’m not forgetting the pieces of shit sitting at
SCOTUS, but they’re lawyer types and beneath scum anyway, so no surprises
Can you feel the money exiting the China province of what was formerly known
as the U.S.? … it’s called, “get me the fuck out now, and I don’t care what the
price of BTC is, JUST FUCKING BUY IT, THEN BUY MOAR!!! … come January 20,
when Biden is led in his pajamas from his basement to become Preezy on the
promise they’re gonna go get ice cream and then sniff some hair of pretty
pre-teens, this trickle will start to flow even faster … by the time Manchurian
Candidate KMala takes the reins, it will become a tsunami … and you’ll sit there
and care more about some dumb ass sporting event then the total loss of your
freedoms & money.
Every day Mr. Burns, head of the new “Crypto Plunge Protection Team” [CPPT],
sets the floor in ETH & BTC and so don’t expect any of this shit to go down in
price much … you crypto hater schlubs, along with the jealous gold bug types,
who’ve missed the boat entirely, you get to sit there and play “shoulda, coulda,
woulda” and tell your local soon-to-be Communist [DEM] leader all about it, and
how it’s so unfair … he/she will listen, then have you shuffled back to the
internment camp for more re-education cuz it’s not SJW to talk or care about
crypto! … and you’ll vaguely remember when you used to have a “life”, and
owned guns, had money, a nice house, and some wealth built up … yup, that’s
all about to go “buh bye” with this new group of fraudsters.
So I get finished doing the blog yesterday and go do errands … BTC runs to 40K,
then crashes … of course it does, I’m not at my screen and the day is over … I’ve
spent 10+ hours watching paint dry, so what’s to expect? … then overnight in
Asia while sleeping, the “Chuckleheads” puke it twice, and of course we get
perfect algorithm signals off those lows … get to this side of the world, and the
mild price breaks we saw were met with horrendous LP bid/offer spreads to
choke a horse … BTC $150+, and ETH anywhere from $10 - $25+ … what am I
supposed to do with this? … when thieving asshole LP’s refuse to make honest
markets, and instead give you the shit sandwich to eat, do you take a bite and
pretend it’s chicken salad? … no thanks.
Turnkey proving to be again, the worst place in the world to trade, this time in
crypto … their ETH spread probably the worst out there by at least $1 - $2 per
ETH, and that’s when conditions are dead … when it gets active, the spread
balloons to unheard of “Grand Canyon” wide bids and offers, making it
untradeable … it’s what has happened the entirety of the week … and BTC no
bargain either, with multiple Benji gaps making it a complete joke when it
moves… quite frankly, I’ve stopped watching BTC cuz I know it’s not competitive
and so therefore I won’t be trading it.
Over at PHEMEX, further insanity prevails today as the “basis” is moving so fast
from uber bullish to panic sell it’s frightening … never seen sentiment swing so
wildly from one end to the other so quickly and violently, and it makes making a
market impossible … and given how many straight days up we’ve been, this
weekend could be one for the record books in terms of sentiment swings.
No trades today in anything … can’t trade the PAMM / MAM cuz the spreads are
off the charts horrible, and conditions at PHEMEX insane, while the cash diddles
and goes nowhere. I will be trading this weekend, and I’ll have details on
Sunday’s blog. I had planned on more for today, but quite frankly I’m not in the
mood, so it can wait ‘til Sunday when I’m more calm, and don’t have the urge to
hit something.
... I’m outta here … until Sunday’s blog update … I’m full steam ahead!
… Onward & Upward!!
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