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Sunday, October 18, 2020



“Which mask of lies & deceit do the POLS & Apparatchiks wear today!?”

In the annals of history, nobody wore the trappings of power, deceit, & evil in

their hearts better than the Pharisees that judged Christ … decked out in their

regal purple robes, over centuries they constructed byzantine layers of rules,

regs, & punishments for Jews to observe, and were very quick to let anyone &

everyone know who was in charge of the religious order… meanwhile, they were

the most lecherous, greedy, pompous, & corrupt people yet to walk the earth.

Fast forward to today … all decked out in shiny suits, every hair in place, veneers

for the “right” kind of smile, indoctrinated at the right Ivy league camps for

Marxists, and taught how to talk for an hour without anybody knowing what it is

he/she/it said 5 minutes later ….. In other words, the “empty suit” .. nobody

better than Obama at being a modern day Pharisee … and since 2016 when the

world of finance went full retard basket of kittens on meth in the tank for

“manipulation finance”, “markets” [efforts in manipulative psychology] cannot

AND WILL NOT move without the scumbags in the masks calling the shots … and

while some mistakenly believe it’s nothing more than some tinfoil conspiracy

theory, criminal & civil court cases over the last couple of years involving bullion

banks & scumbag LP banks in FX tell a quite different tale of the tape … “who you

gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes”? … it’s gotten so brazen, they don’t even try

and hide it anymore … why not? … EASY PEEZEE: “nobody goes to jail but the

traders … management skates free … and the fines are piddly compared to what

they’re stealing … why stop”?

And nowhere is this more apparent than in FX, which btw pays ALL the bills the

scumbag banks incur worldwide for everything … since before June 2016 when

BREXIT was voted on, and the manipulation & stealing got into gear around

March, the players change but the methods of the game remain the same … and

that game is simple … 1) banks get long or short GBPUSD taking the opposite

side of the order flow, 2) government, at the banks behest, march out whoever /

whatever Apparatchik from anywhere in the E.U., Britain, or Ireland to utter a few

“opinions” that just happen to mirror the banks profit direction, 3) both the

banks and the mistress funds of said POLS & Apparatchiks take profits on the

spike, where said banks illegal prop accounts kept off the books and hosted in

tax haven jurisdictions, along with personal accounts of the mistress funds are

also hosted, and where all the profits sit, and 4) all the “vig” charged by the

POLS, Apparatchiks, regulators, exchange big shots, and various brokerage

house execs to keep quiet and “look the other way” are paid in the form of bags

of cash suddenly appearing in their garage, or in a Bitcoin e-wallet.

What do we know for sure about all of this? … 1) for almost a decade, the Swiss

National Bank has acted as a “conduit” for money laundering of the highest

order, in both FX & Tech stocks, via intervention that even they admit to … 8

years ago, there was this, the link directly below from ZH … do you think

anything has changed? … “yea, it’s gotten worse”!

And of course, 2) the U.S, Department of Justice [DOJ] has stated for the record

in court filings, that the precious metals division of JP Morgan is a “criminal

enterprise” … “OK, then why are you still allowing them to operate and continue

the manipulations after fining them $1 BILLION Dollars”? … well, we all know

the answer to that, don’t we?

And at the end of the day, ANY TRADING DAY, what we have is simply the

“Pharisees” parading around in their masks and passing judgement on every

market traded according to their whims of the moment … “I don’t know when it

ends, if ever, but the “payback” someday is gonna be enormous and very


So here we are, in the final death throes of BREXIT, and over the last 2 trading

days, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a greater display of attempted manipulation in

GBPUSD … stunning the brazenness of the Pharisees of Finance from both the

E.U. & British sides in this theater of the absurd … but, it isn’t gonna stop cuz

in FX, there are literally no rules … immoral as all get out, but not illegal cuz

anything goes.

Directly below the past week’s IVIX INDEX levels in DAX30, EURUSD, &


click on table to enlarge

For starters, it’s pretty pathetic when for the ENTIRE WEEK’S WORTH OF

TRADING, you can’t get an IVIX INDEX level higher than 48 … and yet, there ya

go in EURUSD … right now, simply a waste of time even looking at EURUSD

… Cable much more consistent, but problems here as well cuz of the

“Pharisees spikes”, and you just have to wonder if these asshats ever plan on

letting this FX market “trade again”, or it’s gonna be a total “circus shitshow”

until the “Second Coming”? … some days I really wonder … meanwhile the

DAX30 is all over the place, where one 2 hour period is “off the charts” in terms

of IVIX INDEX levels, and then the next is D.E.A.D. … get caught in the “yo-yo

from hell” swings that essentially take the market nowhere, but that sees the

M1’s still very volatile, and you’re buying tops and selling bottoms off of “false

positives”, and before you know it, it’s a very bad day indeed! 

As we go forward into this week, we’ll get a pretty good idea of just where the

cards are, in terms of poker hands being played by BOJO & the E.U., and with

plenty of time to the end of the year for a “deal” to be made, at this point the big

risks lie to the upside IMHO … could be wrong of course, cuz at any time

somebody could just say “F you, we’re outta here”, but for the Pharisees of

Finance, optics matter as well, and neither side wants the burden of being called

out for failure … so the “game” continues, most likely right up to New Years Eve

… these people are so pathetic on so many levels, it makes me almost sick to

think of them in any positive light at all, just like American POLS & Apparatchiks,

which I have an aversion & disgust of the highest level.

Onto the week … Onward & Upward!!


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