“No, it isn’t gonna get any better anytime soon!”
Yesterday I briefly wrote about how the entire universe of everyday life is corrupt
to the core … the consequences of that you see play out in the entertainment,
MSM, political, sports, & financial world’s right now … and while you sit comfy in
your safe space, forces are at work to destroy anything and everything you ever
worked for, and if they can’t destroy it they will confiscate or blatantly steal it
[just look at Illinois for starters] … you can do something about it if you haven’t
already, but my guess is most people sit on their donkeys until the grass is
burning in their front lawn … by then, though, it’s too late.
I’m about one weekend away from finishing the traders course material, and
shortly after that we’ll debut our YouTube Channel … by year end, hopefully, we’ll
be ready to help those looking to protect themselves and their families from
Libtards, Socialists, Communists, Progressives, and SJW’s of all stripes, who
seek to take what is yours [cuz it’s for the children] via government at all levels
cuz “it’s not fair”… your wealth is in danger, and it’s time to open your eyes and
do something about it … this time is different alright … this time, after President
Trump is gone from office by whatever means, meaning 2024 at the latest, my
best guess is the U.S. is O.V.E.R. … the country you THINK you know, you don’t
… could be wrong, but there’s no downside to being wrong … the downside
comes if I’m anywhere near right! … the social, financial, & moral decay of this
country is staggering, and the ordinary Sheeple going along for the ride
disturbing to say the least … the clock is ticking down, and you know it … we
do have some time left on the clock, and soon we’ll have solutions for everyone
… first up, the trading course.
Gold yesterday getting bludgeoned by a sledgehammer … today early sees the
“dead cat bounce”, and my hope is later in the day we can see a wipeout of the
1500 level to the downside … should present some decent buying opportunities,
but we’ll see how it shakes out. Overnight, outside of the cash open in Europe,
the stock indices not doing much … the DAX30, for the time being, has lost its
“MOJO” and trades more like corn spreads … hasn’t moved 15 points in over 3
hours, and it makes for a lousy trade scenario.
Markets are looking, feeling, and giving me the impression of hopelessness
… hopeless in the sense that they either can’t or won’t move until New York hits
the scene, cuz anything they do can be unwound or taken in the opposite
direction in a heartbeat, whether some “China trade deal” bullshit, a Trump tweet,
or some FED PIE HOLE says something … so why move? … this is most notable
in the DAX30 and gold, where Asia & Europe are basically dead until New York
comes around.
So far today, and it’s relatively early, gold has seen a new “mystery tick” low on
vapors [read scumbag LP bullion dealer stop hunt], followed by a run to a new
high, another new low, and another new high … have we really gone anywhere?
… emphatically NO … however, given the news flow today with China and the
clown car show in D.C., over the new, newer, newer-er, newer-er-er “something
gate” involving President Trump, it’s amazing anybody is even trading at all
… who wants part of any of this shit? … and then at some point yet
undetermined, somebody says something and markets literally explode … what
a bunch of shit, but this is what you get when everything is 100% POLS &
Here at mid morning, markets are absolutely paralyzed, hanging on every word in
front of Komrade Schiff’s Ministry of Truth hearing over the shifting goalposts of
finding any crime they can conceive against President Trump … as L. Beria once
quipped to Uncle Joe Stalin, “show me the man, and I’ll find a crime”! … of course
the whistleblower wants to remain anonymous, cuz if he/she/it revealed their true
identity, everybody would find out the partisan hack nature of who it was and
reverse engineer the process to find it’s all a political scam … that would take
about 24 hours … and as we all know, we can’t have that cuz it would unravel
faster than tinfoil on a Libtard’s head. So, at this point, markets are held hostage
to some degree based on political bullshit, and by default how the MSM spins it
against Trump … make a trade in this, and I guarantee whatever stop you have that
you think defines risk, won’t! … sorry, but this environment today has all the
earmarks of make a little, lose a lot written all over it, and no algorithm is gonna be
able to save you if you’re wrong. Meanwhile, has the DAX30 moved 25 points in
the last 8 hours? … umm, no it hasn’t … good grief what a bucket of slop that
market has turned into.
Noon in New York, and outside of the suicide, dealer led sell stop hunt that tried
and failed to get gold under 1500 and take out some more serious stops, gold has
been in a $5 range now for 16 hours … thank you POL drama and the “Flying
Wedge of Death” [FWD] after yesterday’s drubbing … some days you can’t make
this shit up and have anybody in the entire world believe you … there are algo buy
signals today, but given the restricted nature of the range so far, and the violent
explosion coming, they have all been short lived and very small in scope and
duration … really not worth the risk IMHO.
In my entire lifetime of trading, and this is no exaggeration, I have never seen
markets literally hang on every word coming out of the lying lips of various POLS
[Libtard] & Apparatchiks like we see today … I mean, this is unreal … spikes from
hell all over the place, and as fast as they wipe people out, they come back even
quicker and make you look like a complete idiot … and the only ones who profit
by it are the scumbag LP banks. This “shitshow circus” has got to stop, or we
aren’t gonna have markets anymore.
Into the PM in New York, and this clusterfark of a day can only be described as
bizarre … bullshit flying from every angle, from Kudlow to Schiff, every spike a
question mark of “WTF just happened now?”, along with wondering do we rocket
or crater now? … with Europe closed, it’s now in the hands of the criminal New
York banks … “oh yea, that makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside knowing the
CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE of JPM’s metals division is on duty and ready to serve
… only, they ain’t serving you”! … screw this, we’ll pick it up again tonight in late
Asia … I’m outta here early cuz I can’t take another second of this “nothing
burger” FWD that just chops inside very small ranges … until tomorrow mi
amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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