“Yes, the pain of POLS & Apparatchiks from government!”
Last week is what you eventually get in markets in the ‘’POLS & Apparatchiks
Trading Paradigm’’ we’ve been in since February 2016, and from which we will
never escape until there is literally blood in the streets … markets unable to
correct and find natural levels on their own, instead manipulated beyond belief
by unaccountable entities like the FED, who at first try and hide their intentions,
but increasingly become overt and more brazen, their hubris shining brightly for
policy purposes [of course] … it’s not easy doing God’s work here on Earth
Pick your manipulation scheme market, it doesn’t matter … they’re all affected
… from stock indices, gold, and FX … the moves come out of nowhere from
scumbag banks and HFT’s that scan every news headline in the world in
nanoseconds … all we see before we know anything is the spike up or spike down
in price, from which point it’s too late to do anything about it cuz the train has left
the station without you. I read with interest an article on ZH, from Saturday, the link
directly below.
If you missed it, it’s a must read cuz Sven Henrich of Northman Trader nails what
I’ve been saying for weeks & months about risk, reversals, and the impact of
politics and other developments on trading markets … here he is specifically
writing about the U.S. stock market, but it applicable to gold, FX, & oil as well.
Directly below, one of his 🙶money tweets🙷 from the article.
What he leaves off, and what I’ve been saying for a while now, and which the
financial MSM is 100% in the tank silent about, is the role of government, and
specifically the faculty lounge Twits at the FED, in being totally responsible for
these abhorrently volatile trading conditions cuz of their actions over these last
via the 🙶Plunge Protection Team🙷 [PPT] in the DOW30 & SP500, AND the
complete suppression of gold via the 🙶Rally Protection Team🙷 [RPT] … 🙶YOU OWN
IT assholes, but you won’t be held accountable by the MSM cuz that’s the way the
system works … well, the system sucks🙷! Their hubris knows no bounds, and to
look to them to fix the problem they themselves directly created, is the height of
Two things you can absolutely 🙶take to the bank🙷 are 1] they will never admit to
being wrong and will continue to make the same mistakes, and 2] their solution is
to manipulate MOAR, cuz obviously what’s been done wasn’t enough … so, don’t
look for conditions to settle down any … our future and that of markets in general
is for more chaos, more uncertainty, more manipulation via Apparatchiks, and it all
is going to go from bad to worse in the future … it spells tremendous opportunity
for the nimble, but it will be a total disaster for the average trader and investor
… and that’s not a bug, it’s a feature they love cuz it feeds the scumbag banks
from which all the graft, bribery, & corruption is financed and they all get their
Directly below, the 20 Day Range MA’s of our selected markets. As you can clearly
see, VIX in everything is moving higher.
click on any chart to enlarge
We don’t need perfect trading conditions for our proprietary algorithms to shine
and make excellent profits … however, like all mathematical systems, we can’t
cover ALL the probabilistic wave functions that are infinite in scope … we are
limited when 1] a market is completely dead and not moving, and 2] the opposite,
when conditions are beyond 🙶bat shit crazy🙷 and risk is off the charts and can’t
be determined … this amounts to less than 2% of the time, but as we saw last
week, it pretty much made up the entire week … gold was either waiting or then
reacting to market moving news, with very little if anything in between
… hopefully this changes this week, but don’t count on it, cuz I seriously doubt
whether Trump or the ChiComs backs off the rhetoric … on a bright note, the
Summer wasn’t boring was it? … one more week and we’re into September, and
who knows what level of VIX gets unleashed onto markets?
So, onto the week … I’ll be picking up gold trading at around the European open,
and watching VIX levels closely … if gold dies, I’ll switch gears and look at the
DOW30, which has been unreal in its ranges and VIX … Cable [GBPUSD] isn’t
quite at the level I want to see in terms of its VIX for me to trade it yet. We’ll see
what happens … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great rest of your weekend everybody!
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