“The debt ceiling “deal” must pass to save the children!!”
Took yesterday off cuz nothing was happening and markets in the U.S. were
closed … but as we all know, the “Uniparty” [Libtards & RINO’s] marches on with
their never ending thirst for more power & money … not to help you, but to enrich
themselves along with other world Elites currently in favor [see Ukraine for more
details, especially the guy in the workout sweatshirt.] … so here we are, and now
the real propaganda machine of the uniparty swamp can go to work with gusto
… grab the popcorn.
“Markets” [cough, bullshit, cough] eagerly await some kind of positive spin from
this, which there isn’t any in the real world, but that won’t stop anybody who
knows how manipulated markets work from bidding them higher … utter insanity
has gripped the NDX100, where somebody tell me how higher rates translates
into higher tech stocks? … AI the current “dot.com” bubble boom fad, with a
public that can’t get enough of worthless stock from companies that can’t turn a
profit but have plenty of hype … and if you’re older than about 2, you know how
this always ends … this time won’t be any different … meanwhile, gold rallies
$20+ off its lows overnight, natch, cuz late Asian session buying sparked the rally
… as I told you before, New York can play all the games it wants with the
“Comex Con Game”, but the ChiComs are and will continue to support gold &
other precious metals cuz their public is officially buying it … only the idiotic
FED Lounge Lizards are selling paper gold.
And great, as “Biden’s Gulag” [a/k/a New York] opens, gold has a $24 range
overnight … wonderful, what does history say about days like this when this
kind of shit happens? … it says “Ughhhhh!”, cuz there’s now a high probability
of nothing but bullshit, scumbag bullion dealer bank chop … not always, but
usually … and to add insult to injury, we start the day off with an offending
bullshit spread of 30 - 45 cents cuz they can … cuz when it doesn’t move, the
scumbag dealers have to make money from somewhere, and if you trade this
shit, you’re it! … a higher spread guarantees them money while at the same
time almost guarantees you losing … maybe things pick up and the spread goes
back to normal, but then again maybe it doesn’t … we’ll see … this has ALWAYS
been a big problem with gold … free market my ass, it’s as manipulated as
anything there is on the board thanks to the FED, but at least now the ChiComs
are supporting it … there will come a day when the world can get rid of the
LBMA and pricing can reflect a somewhat true market … we ain’t there yet.
Now that the criminal, money laundering NYSE open has come, if you want to call
this “trading”, go ahead and be my guest, it’s more like spins of a roulette wheel,
especially in “Stock Bellies”, where any and all semblance of reality is gone from
the equation … when does the NDX100 go to the “pink sheets” for trading?
I’m waiting for the NDX100 to go to Vancouver, right along with all of the other
penny stocks of note through the decades … a bigger joke I don’t think has been
seen since the “dot.com” bubble in 1999 when bio-techs were gonna take over
the world … now it’s “AI” … stupidity never goes out of style does it? … today’s
“Slots-A-Rama” goes full retard basket of kittens on meth over in the Clown
College, where the “fighting squirrels” wing of “Clown University” sees the
“rules committee” have a go on the now infamous Fuhrer Biden & RINO
McCarthy debt ceiling deal … all keno boards will stop in hushed anticipation to
see whether or not the bill goes to the floor … but of course it will, we just need
some drama in this Kabuki theater of the absurd … if you’re keeping score at
home, just remember Repubs ALWAYS CAVE, and you won’t be far off the final
score … B.I. Itching & complaining aside, Der Fuhrer can take his nap, have
some pudding, and get his diaper changed on time without worry.
We might as well rename today as “scumbag bank grab the spec money day”
… with the Clown College FUBAR-ing everything in sight, and in the process
making dictators across the world look good, there’s plenty of “scumbaggery &
fuckery” to go around the horn in what used to be called “markets” [cough,
bullshit, cough] … Hell, even Bitcoin is confused and sitting!
The only choices the PAMM has to trade anything is gold, and as a poor “plan B”,
somebody could make a case for USDJPY … gold today simply a joke, with
variable spread pricing all over the place at Coinexx, the official site of
“scumbaggery & fuckery” from thieving LP’s, ever since their merger with
Turnkey Forex … now we got the best of both worlds of piles of shit, where
ONLY gold and occasionally USDJPY offer any hope … I’m really reluctant to go
back into USDJPY, cuz while sometimes it behaves, Coinexx LP’s have a very
high tendency of sticking you with horrific slippage on fills, that can be many
PIPS off the market … ditto with gold, but with gold it happens everywhere
… USDJPY from what I’ve seen only at Coinexx, and before that Turnkey
… remember, Coinexx bought out Turnkey to get at its bank server platforms, not
for its customer base … and so, expect the same kind of problems with certain
markets … and when they stick you with shit fills in USDJPY, you got almost
ZERO chance of ever seeing daylight on a profitable trade … and when they do
it on both sides, it’s salt PLUS lemon juice!
Over at IQCENT, “The Syndicate” has much more flexibility in terms of what we
can trade successfully … yes, BTC has great pricing, but when it sits there and
doesn’t move [like today for instance], what good does that do us? … at IQCENT,
leverage available on their CFD’s is margined at much higher levels for max
… with no commissions and spreads comparable to Coinexx in terms of pricing,
the $64,000 question becomes one of slippage … so far, I haven’t experienced
any significant slippage like I have for the PAMM at Coinexx … so if BTC goes
“cold”, “The Syndicate” can quickly move to USDJPY AND/OR “STOCK
BELLIES”, or even gold.
Nothing pisses me off more than a “mystery tick” fill getting horrific slippage
from one of these scumbag LP’s … it’s different in crypto, but the fact remains,
places like Coinexx do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to mitigate slippage via their LP’s
… “you picked them, at least you could call them on the carpet over shit fills, BUT
YOU DON’T! … YOU DEFEND THEM WITH, “Duh, market conditions, DUH!” as
your only excuse!” … fact is, for the PAMM, I can’t do what I do for “The
Syndicate” cuz I can scalp successfully at IQCENT, but you can’t do that at
Coinexx cuz of their thieving LP’s … scalping is for them to do to you, not the
other way around, and they have the means to effectuate conditions in their favor
and against traders … quite frankly, I haven’t seen that at IQCENT, and so I can
easily scalp BTC when it’s moving, or any other CFD!
Well, it appears there are some Repubs that are a tad upset over the debt deal
… well maybe, and it’s just a thought, you shoulda thought about this when you
elected this piece of shit RINO Speaker to begin with back in January … you
bought the bullshit, now reap the whirlwind! … so far, talk is “tough, but do you
have the cajones to vote “NO”? … I’ve seen this rodeo before from you pukes, so
color me highly skeptical … “Stock Bellies” not liking this unsavory talk, gold is
waffling around 1958 and not really doing anything and hasn’t all frickin’ day, and
Bitcoin is on vacation … USDJPY has simply chopped around a 30-ish PIP yo-yo
from Hell for the last 8+ hours, so there’s Mr. Slim Pickens there as well … ALL
held hostage by the Kabuki theater over in the Clown College … Note to Member
Clowns: “make sure you get positioned how you want before lightning strikes in
your favorite mistress fund market, OK?”
Another Western Hemisphere bullshit day, filled with the antics, “scumbaggery &
fuckery”, thieving, money laundering, and the playful back & forth by POLS &
Apparatchiks to micromanage every frickin’ squiggle in propaganda markets
… not for your benefit, but their BFF the scumbag banks … banks pay “skim”,
you don’t pay shit!
It would be nice to see gold either 1) actually “trade” some in New York going
somewhere [Hint: up or down fellas], OR 2) not have to deal with exploded ranges
already in the books from overnight, thus guaranteeing a shit yo-yo day inside a
“Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] with tiny range … but no, can’t have that … got to
control VIX instead … and as far as “Plan B” goes, why should USDJPY move?
… might as well control that as well, which of course they do … given the news
flow, a 30-ish PIP range is an insult to the concept of a market … maybe tomorrow,
or when the Banana Republic actually defaults, which I dare say would rile things
up some, maybe then shit can actually move faster than a slow crawl.
No trades for the PAMM today, the day over before it began cuz of overnight
price action and movement that saw the 20 Day Range MA hit and/or exceeded
before New York even opened … what bullshit … and then we get the crumbs
from JPM and the other criminal banks as they rub their slimy hands in glee
… maybe tomorrow it can trade … over at IQCENT, “The Syndicate” UP
APPROXIMATELY 0.4% on some USDJPY trades … BTCUSDT dead in the water,
and trade conditions good in USDJPY … these are trades I just can’t do at
Coinexx cuz of their thieving LP’s, cuz they were scalps more than day trades
… all in all, even though it’s kinda tough to tell exactly, it appears the spread is
0.4 or 0.5 PIPS in USDJPY with no commissions, and we didn’t suffer any
slippage on fills … just followed the alternative algorithm on the MT4, and did the
trades on IQCENT’S platform with the m3 chart up for perspective … earlier I said
USDJPY had 500:1 leverage, but it’s 300:1 … sorry for the error, but that’s still
really good for margin purposes, although I wouldn’t go that high … we’ll see
what conditions are like tomorrow and whether or not we get hosed by Coinexx in
the PAMM … really, the market isn’t moving that fast, so there shouldn’t be a
problem … but I’ve been down this road before with these Asshats, so we’ll see
what gives … it would be nice to get some decent gold trading, but bullion LP’s
are doing their best to thwart decent trading conditions … so we’ll see
… onto tomorrow.
… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,
and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!