Count me in the group that says “Adios” to gold …”baby, we’re done”! … to
sum up, simply way too inconsistent in its VIX structure, right along with
horrific slippage from thieving LP’s … so “Plan B” is back to “Stock Bellies”
and the DOW30 … the SP500, for all its supposed desirableness by Turnkey,
is a complete “lemon” … “well, that “bait & switch” didn’t last long did it? … they
told me they wanted to be a “player” in the CFD … bwahahahaha! … sure, just
like the DAX40, where the spread has blown back out to about 2 index points
from 0.5 they hailed while it lasted for a month … what a frickin’ joke”!
And while I don’t shy away from “nasty markets”, the key here is nasty
markets that TRADE … frickin’ TRADE, not just go straight up or down,
and the viciousness of gold and the scumbag bullion dealers to not allow a
“two way market” is evident today in spades … one second VIX is off the charts,
and literally one M1 later it’s D.E.A.D. … sure, when it TRADES it acts like a
quasi-crypto pair, those 2 days a month … the rest of the time it’s a bag of
shit, and today’s thieving [cuz that’s what it is] brought to you by Spicoli, who
1) just found out inflation is here, and 2) tighten baby! Quick cuz inflation is
here! … and if you were long, it was way uglier than you ever thought,
without the chance to ever get the losses back anytime soon, cuz once it’s
over they flatten VIX into a pancake! … so gold is OUT!
Crypto at Turnkey is a joke, so there’s no point in looking there, but the
DOW30 continues like it always has, with a 2 point spread [OK, not
great, but acceptable], and for 3 months we get FREE COMMISSIONS FROM
TURNKEY … as I told ‘em, “what good does free commissions mean, when
one hand gives pennies and the other slips its way into your back pocket and
takes it back with interest via slippage”? … amazingly, they had no answer
for that!
With the apparatus of government in complete FUBAR mode now,
“Stock Bellies” should trade more … there is such instability, FUD over the
FED, FUD over COVID, and of course “Taliban Joe” hanging around and
providing entertainment as he destroys the U.S. economy, it’s hard for me
to see “Stonks” simply going straight up … that will provide good
trading opportunities, assuming the LP thieves Turnkey has in the DOW30
behave themselves … something in the past they have been known to not do
very well at … let’s be honest, they’re scumbags … they’ll steal what won’t
get them indicted.
VIX as of today in the DOW30 is excellent … but even without the new COVID
hysteria that’s gonna KILL EVERYBODY!, VIX has been consistently better
than gold, WITHOUT the extreme spikes gold sees too frequently … so, viewing
again these pairs as “quasi” crypto pairs is the way to go, cuz when VIX is
there, it trades like ETH & BTC rolled into one nice CFD … and since VIX in the
DOW30 is better than any of the other “Stock Bellies” markets, the algorithm
signals model VIX & price behavior very well.
I traded both gold & DOW30 today in the PAMM … overall, including both,
I quit gold before the damage started from Spicoli, and was very unhappy
with both entry & liquidation as slippage was atrocious … seriously bad … the
one gold trade I did left me with a very sour taste in my mouth, and that cost us
about 75% of the loss … in the DOW30, I got too cute by half by trying to
“average” a trade price by getting out of one and then immediately getting back
in with bigger volume … this way I only have one order, not 2 to worry about
… all OK, except when I went to liquidate and [once again] got hosed by
about 15 DOW30 points on a “mystery spike” lower bid price, that
immediately skyrocketed once I was filled … amazing coincidence, huh?, and
that cost us a few collective Happy Meals … on the whole, though, outside of the
blatant screw job and robbery on the one liquidation, the DOW30 modeled well
via the algorithm, so I’m relatively happy with the results … quite frankly, all we
need for consistently good profits is CONSISTENT VIX, and at least for now, the
DOW30 is providing that … and given the state of everything, I see good ranges
and VIX going forward … everything is getting worse, not better and inflation is
not going away anytime soon, and that creates FUD with the Lounge Lizards
which will provide plenty of good moves in “Stonks” … too bad gold sucks, but
I guess it’s the way the scumbag bullion dealer banks want it, so that’s that!
… unless I’m forced to sit on the sidelines cuz of ranges in the “thousands” with
the DOW30, and the spread goes “nutso”, we’ll be in good shape in the PAMM
going forward.
Over in crypto today, no trades cuz it went straight up, then straight down … not
a whole helluva lot in between … up on news that India says crypto is OK for its
citizens, down cuz Spicoli has discovered inflation … all one-way action, and no
thanks … back at ETH tomorrow.
… outta here … “The future’s so bright I need sunglasses!! 😎
… Onward & Upward!!