“Me yea … the world not so much!”
I posted in yesterday’s blog an article by Eric Sprott, and in it he touches on
the Ponzi scheme pricing used by the scumbag bullion dealer banks, as they
scam the world daily with precious metals price suppression … some day, this
bullshit ends, and hopefully sooner rather than later, but it begs the question
of, “what happens to gold’s price when the world wakes up to the lies of Pols &
Apparatchiks, crashing stock prices & real estate bubbles, and central banks
flooding the world with money, literally throwing it out the windows from
Cuz from where I’m sittin’, it looks to me like the train is about ready to leave
the station … that the Palladium train left long ago is certain, price almost
doubling since August … as Sprott points out in his article, “Comex paper”
versus actual physical metal for delivery is about 3:1 for silver, about 5:1 for
gold, and OVER 60:1 for palladium … and once investment demand picks
up, look the hell out on the upside … cuz we are entering a new era of “math”,
one where multiple trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, right along
with dingbat socialist policy proposals gaining support, equals price explosion
dead ahead … maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so … “you can’t cheat the
math Skippy”!
But, and this is a very BIG “but”, it isn’t gonna do you any good to prepare,
trade, and maybe invest in precious metals, if you’re doing it from the U.S.
… “as I’ve said before, the U.S. is ONE national election away from O.V.E.R.
… you see how after a single frickin’ month, the “D’s” in the House are
attempting a socialist takeover of the U.S.? … from gun confiscation to the
idiotic “Green New Deal” [it’s for the children don’tchaknow?], it’s time to wake
the fuck up and smell the coffee … cuz when it’s too late, there will be capital
controls, pension robbing, sky high taxes including “wealth” taxes, gold
confiscation, and who knows what the hell else they can dream up to pay for
their socialist utopia”! This is the bad news.
The good news is, we’ve got some solutions, and starting tomorrow I’ll
highlight some of these … over the coming weeks and months, there’s gonna
be some profound changes here, and tomorrow starts with the first step … I
said it yesterday and it bears repeating, “it’s better to be 10 years too early,
than one day too late” … don’’t believe me? … go ask people in Venezuela how
they feel? … or how about Turkey? … or even China and/or India, where
capital controls exist? … cuz the truth is, there is ZERO downside in having
money and/or wealth outside of either the U.S., Canada, Europe, U.K.,
Australia, or any other shithole country desperately trying to keep your wealth
within their reach, should someday they feel the need to confiscate it”.
We come out of Asia & Europe with a $10 range almost straight up in price
… “and now, the magic that is New York, where the scumbag bullion dealer
banks will find a way to make life uncomfortable for any long/short from
overnight, and where you’ll end up wondering what universe you just walked
into cuz it has nothing to do with what happened overnight … in a sane world
not filled with corruption, bribery, & graft, there’s no way you’d let New York
have anything to do with price … especially not these scumbag banks”.
And with a $10 range overnight, what’s left for the day except chop and
bullshit? … it’s early yet, and anything can happen, and I hope it does, but I
know from experience what New York brings to the table when range coming
in is $10+ … and that’s trouble for traders … a big basket of shit, courtesy of
the usual suspects … why should today be any different? “And, looking at the
early action lower, I continue to wonder why people buy in Asia & Europe,
instead of waiting for New York, where the crunch down in price is almost a
given … are you listening Mrs. Wantanabe”?! And here we sit $6 lower and in
no man’s land.
“Well, that escalated quickly didn’t it”? … let’s face it, the “fix” was in right
from the get go … first up, you get Asia & Europe suckered back into the
market by ripping a $10 rally off yesterday’s low, then secondly you bury
gold with a “Thelma & Louise” waterfall precipitated by a slightly higher
GDP number from the Department of Unicorns & Fairy Tales, which quite
frankly has never seen numbers they can’t manipulate into some kind of
growth pattern … the fact anybody takes these clowns and their “magical
fairy dust” numbers seriously, continues to amaze me.
And again, roll the rock up the hill and then let ‘er go … more than likely we
got some more of this in store for gold in the coming weeks … question is can
they take out 1300, and if so by how much, and then how quickly does it take
gold to mount another challenge higher? … we’ll know by Easter I’m sure.
Like yesterday, the trading action off the decline this morning leaves a lot to
be desired … generally sick and lackluster, and very little if any short
covering providing “buy fuel” for an advance … we’ll see what Asia & Europe
do overnight, but today’s sharp move lower should give them pause to go on
another “throw caution to the wind” buying program. “When are they ever
gonna learn, that whatever they do overnight, New York almost always
UNDOES it the following morning … as far as gold is concerned, New York is
kryptonite, and does nobody any favors when it comes to pricing … you’d think
they would have figured this out by now, but apparently not … OR, it’s the
ChiComs doing the “ChiCom Hustle”, and they simply don’t care”.
We don’t usually see gold put in price reversals of greater than $10+
… today a rarity, happening only about 2% - 3% of all trading days
… scumbag bullion dealers simply not willing to take their jackboots off the
market looking for lower price … what we need to see is steady to lower in
Asia & Europe, then a quiet rally in New York followed by a price explosion
to the upside, and of course this is exactly the opposite of what we got today.
No trades today, simply cuz there were no buy signals coming in the New
York session … if it ain’t there, you don’t do anything, simple as that. Onto
tomorrow … I’m outta here … until then mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!